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Numerology for Your Address – Is Your Home Happy for You?

Numerology for Your Address – Is Your Home Happy for You?

House numerology can affect your well being. Since numbers are vibrations, your address sets the tone for your entire living space. You want to make sure that your house or apartment number is compatible with you and the others living there, as well as create an energy that is conducive to your lifestyle.

Although your street address, building address, and zip code certainly have an impact, the most influential number for your well being is your house or apartment number, since that is what is most personal to you.

Here is how to calculate the numerology for your house or apartment:

First, write down the full number of your house or apartment. Next, add all of the numbers together to find the sum. Reduce the sum to a single digit.

For instance, if you live in a house that is at 3608 Pine Terrace. Your house number is 3608. You then add: 3+6+0+8=17. Reduce 17 to a single digit: (1+7=8). If you live in a house 3608 Pine Terrace, you live in an 8 house.

Although your street name or number has an influence, you do not need to add your street name or number to find YOUR house number. You’re looking for what is personal to YOU. So, if you live on 324 7th Avenue,  you would use 324 to find your home numerology (3+2+4 = 9). 324 7th Avenue is a 9 home.

If you live in an apartment, your most influential number is your apartment number, not your building number. Let’s say you live at 3608 Pine Terrace, Apt #31. In that case, you calculate the numerology for your apartment number, which is 31.

You add the sum of the numbers 31 (3+1=4). Your apartment is a 4.
Letters have numeric value as well, if you lived in apartment 31C, you would take the numeric value of the letter C (you can find the numeric value of letters in the chart below) and add that to the apartment number.

For apartment 31C  –  add the sum of 31=4, plus the numeric value of C=3.  4+3=7. Apartment 31C is a 7 apartment number.

  1. = A, J, S
  2. = B, K, T
  3. = C, L, U
  4. = D, M, V
  5. = E, N, W
  6. = F, O, X
  7. = G, P, Y
  8. = H, Q, Z
  9. = I, R

If for any reason it is not the energy you desire, for instance, you want it to be more compatible with your life path number, or you want a different influence on your life, you can easily change the vibration by putting another number inside your door. Make sure you resonate with that number too. Both the number inside your door, and the total sum number it adds to your address can influence the home vibration. For instance, if you live in a 5 home and would prefer an 8 vibration, you can put a number 3 inside your door and voila! Now you live in an 8 home, with the social influence of 3! Have fun and live it up!

1 Home

Promotes independence, innovation, ingenuity, ambition, drive and leadership. This is a wonderful home to live in if you are self employed, especially if you work out of your home, or if there are people living together who wish to maintain their autonomy and freedom. Living here can strengthen your character, determination and self-confidence.

Challenges: If you would like to promote cooperation and harmony, the 1 can foster too much independence. If you want to find a partner, or are prone to loneliness, this home can have too much “self” energy and not as much partnering. Particularly if your home adds up to 19, which is considered a karmic debt number, you might find yourself feeling unsupported and having too much work. To balance this, you can add a number inside your door to change the vibration to one that is more suitable to you especially if it is an even number. Since even numbers are always divisible by 2, they promote sharing and cooperation.

2 Home

This home is sure to be a loving, cozy atmosphere, where others will always feel welcome, nurtured, and loved. The energy of 2 is sentimental and sensitive, so this is a lovely place for those who like having photographs of family and friends, and have people over for intimate gatherings, especially where feelings are expressed and affection is shared. It is a wonderful place for couples who love to do things together. It is particularly suited for couples, best friends, and young families.

Challenges: Since the 2 lends itself to strong feelings, sometimes people can feel overly sensitive here. You can feel overwhelmed with emotions and need to go outside or do more physical activities to ground you. You can find yourself taking things too personally or needing constant affection or validation. If you are living with someone else, you might find there is an imbalance of give and take. You can balance this energy by remembering to have healthy boundaries and express your feelings openly and directly as they come up.

3 Home

This home is sure to have a cheerful, upbeat energy. 3 is a fun, vivacious number, so this is a wonderful place to have lively social gatherings. It is a highly creative vibration, so if you are wanting to start a family or an artistic endeavor, this would be a great place! Feelings are openly expressed here, as well is unique innovative ideas. This is a wonderful home best suited for artists, singles, couples or families, or anyone who loves to live life to the fullest and express themselves with joy.

Challenges: This energy can lend itself to you being scattered, unfocused, or spending too much money. You need to make sure you stay grounded and take time to focus on practical things. 3 energy can also tend to have self-doubt, so make sure you are nurturing positive feelings about yourself at all times.

4 Home

This is a solid, secure, protected environment. 4 is the most grounded vibration of all, and relates to the earth, real estate and physical structures. This would be a great place for investments, whether it is related to properties, stocks, finances, or even your education. Discipline, structure, and responsibility are supported here, so if you are growing your business, finances or family, this is a great home for you. This is a wonderful place if you prefer stability to change, or at least want your home to be conventional, even if the rest of your life is adventurous!

Challenges: 4 is the slowest and most grounded of all the numbers, so if you like adventure, variety, excitement, or innovation, you won’t find it here. You might find yourself working too hard or getting too bogged down in your to-do list, particularly if you live in a 13 home, which is a karmic debt number. It’s important that you balance work with play, and practicality with emotions. Since 4 relates to structure, you want to make sure the physical frame and foundation of your home are in good shape, so don’t skimp on home repairs if you need them.

5 Home

If you love to socialize this is the place for you! 5 loves to party so there is never a dull moment. 5 is the most gregarious of all the numbers so this is a great place for people who love having people over and entertaining guests. There are always surprises with 5, so if you love excitement and adventure, you’ve found the right place. Perfect for those who love to travel, meet new people, try new things, and enjoy your freedom. If you want to break up your routine, get out of a rut, or just have fun, you’ve found the right home!

Challenges: If you’re looking for quiet, reflection, or stability, you won’t find it here. You might find this to be a temporary home rather than a permanent one. Because 5 promotes variety and change, you might find it difficult to make up your mind or focus on practical matters. You might find yourself over-indulging in food, sex, or alcohol, especially if your home ads up to 14, which is a karmic debt number.  A 5 home is best avoided if you are prone to addiction of any sort. If you maintain your discipline and stay focused on your personal goals, you will find the right balance.

6 Home

Perfect for families, couples, or artists, this home will inspire beauty, love and harmony. Your home is truly your sanctuary. People will feel immediately welcome when they walk into your home because of the balanced energy. It is best to have art and beauty around you, so you would want to decorate your home with pretty colors, comfortable furniture, and plants. You will feel the need to nurture and take care of others, so children and animals thrive here. Almost every type of person can feel happy in a 6 home. You are very lucky to live here!

Challenges: Since 6 promotes family responsibility you might find yourself spending too much time taking care of everyone else, and not enough time nurturing yourself. Make sure you are listening to your needs first before rushing and doing things for other people. You might find yourself liking being at home so much you never want to leave! This can be a good thing, but it’s great to get out and socialize as well.

7 Home

If you are a mystic, writer, researcher, or spiritual seeker of any sort, you will love living here. 7 is a private vibration, and can be somewhat secretive. It inspires deep thought, reflection, and powerful insight. If you love to come home and have quiet time to read, reflect and restore, you will thrive here! To promote tranquility, water is a lovely element to add to this home, if you don’t already live near a body of water. You can have some thrilling spiritual and intellectual insights here, so it is a wonderful home to promote dramatic shifts in your consciousness.

Challenges: If you like entertaining, or love to party, you can find yourself going a little stir-crazy. You might find it too isolating or lonely at times. It is important that you eliminate any clutter in your environment as well as your thoughts to harmonize with your home’s energy. You can change the vibration of the address by adding a number inside your door, but avoid adding a 1 since that would contribute to the solitary nature of your home). Make sure to take good care of your roof and make all necessary repairs, since 7 homes are prone to roof damage – particularly if it is an address that adds up to 16, which is a karmic debt number. Since 7s love to escape, you would want to avoid this address if you are prone to alcohol or drug addictions.

8 Home

If you are an entrepreneur or are career driven in any way, you’ve found the right place! If you are running your business from your home, even better! 8 is a number of prosperity and abundance, so any financial endeavor will be promoted here. 8 is also a number of passion, therefore you will be encouraged to engage with people  you feel strongly about, and activities that you love. Physical activities that require strength will be energized. If you are wanting to expand your status in the world, position in life,  financial wealth, or size of your family, this is a great home for you!

Challenges: 8 is a number that teaches you about money and abundance, so you can have big gains here as well as big losses. You will find the need to keep expanding, therefore no matter how large your home is, you will always want more – more furniture, more people, more upgrades, and more stuff in general. Make sure not to put too much money into your home, especially if your motivation is to impress other people, or your dream home can become a money pit. Be careful don’t focus too much on your career that you forget to spend time with the wonderful people in your life.

9 Home

Everyone is welcome in a 9 home! 9 is the number of universal love and compassion, therefore feelings of love and acceptance are promoted.  Your intuition will be at an all time high. You might find yourself receiving phone calls and visitors from people seeking your advice. People will be drawn to your home because of the loving energy there. 9 is an international number, so might feel the need to travel, or welcome visitors from other parts of the world. You will find yourself conjuring memories and emotions from the past so you can have healing and forgiveness. Feelings will need to be expressed, as well as creativity. Ultimately, you will learn a great deal about yourself and other people from living here and will find many emotional rewards.

Challenges: This address is particularly suited groups that promote the good of the whole such as dorms or schools, or individuals with an open heart and mind, but not as good for families who want a lot of alone time. 9 is an idealistic energy, and can be difficult if you are needing to make more money or become more ambitious. You can find yourself dwelling on the past or emotions too much, or fear abandonment or rejection. If you learn to love yourself without the need for approval from others, and listen to that strong intuition of yours, you will thrive!

11 Home

11 is the Master Number of Intuition and Illumination. The number 11 shaped like two pillars, representing a gateway of new growth for you. When you live in an 11 home, you will be inspired with new ideas, creativity, and innovation. You will find many rich and rewarding opportunities, especially those that promote leadership and creativity. Since this is a number of LIGHT, you will want to design your home with beautiful airy decor, keep it uncluttered, and decorate it with meaningful artifacts. 11 reduces to the number 2 (1+1 = 2) therefore this can promote harmony, provided that each person maintains their independence.

Challenges: Because 11 is a master number, there are spiritual tests that you must go through. 11 is a number of partnership and can promote harmony ONLY if both people are aligned with their truth and maintain a strong sense of self. If you are codependent in any way, or give your power away, you will find yourself getting into relationship struggles. This is to teach you to be interdependent in relationships, rather than co-dependent. Since you will be flooded with intuitive insights in this home, you want to make sure you EXPRESS your creativity, or else you might feel anxious or confused. You must act on your ideas, not just think about them.

22 Home

As the Master Number of the Master Builder, 22 is the number of STABILITY. This number governs all things related to the Earth, including finances, career, your physical body and family. This is a wonderful home if you have a close family, want to feel more grounded, or wish to connect with the natural world. This is a power spot if you are an entrepreneur or teacher. This home is best decorated with natural elements, and designed with access to the natural world.

Challenges: Because 22 is a master number, you will have some spiritual trials that will test your strength. You might feel a lot of pressure to provide for your family, or stress from work. If you shy away from your leadership or teaching role, you will face some authority issues, until you accept your responsibilities. You might find yourself working too hard or too focused on your career or family obligations. If you learn to delegate some of your tasks, and create a balance of work and play, you will find your key to happiness.

Remember, most of all, home is where the heart is!

If you live in near nature that nurtures your soul, close to the people you love, you will always feel at home.

My intention for you is that you stop​ playing small so you can dream big and live large. You can experience TRUE happiness. You can wake up every morning feeling excited because you are enjoying a life of freedom, sharing your God-given talents that only you can express.Yes, you can have an incredible life. I’d love to show you how. I can help you realize your dreams and live your soul’s purpose.

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