It may seem simple to think that shifting our perspective will suddenly change our interactions. For some, the world is obstructed from view because of dense, tree-lined forests. Others sit on top of the world viewing the expansive views of grandeur from an unobstructed ridgeline. Context dictates the way in which one sees the world even as a global media presents multiple and shifting perspectives in which one is asked to stand.
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Crystal Wind wisdom since 2008—Awaken Your Soul!
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Shifting Perspectives
Transform Your Life: Remove Prejudice, Find Peace
He who aspires to the bettering of himself and humanity should ceaselessly strive to arrive at the exercise of that blessed attitude of mind by which he is enabled to put himself, mentally and sympathetically in the place of others, and so, instead of... Read more
The Real Problems With Artificial Intelligence
a collage of some of my favourite Midjourney AI images, none of them my prompts; Click To Enlarge My thoughts on AI and on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are evolving as I use publicly-available AI apps more and more, and see how they are being... Read more
No Free Will, No Freedom
Ah, here we go again, down the “free will” rabbit hole. In a recent post, Caitlin Johnstone got to the heart of why we continue to tolerate the massive dysfunction, corruption and inequality of wealth and power that characterizes our political, economic and social systems.... Read more
Dysfunctional Parental Attachment: Becoming Emotionally Inde…
There is a deep unconscious belief that humans like animals, will grow, mature, and become independent of our parents; however, although one may move out and become economically independent, unlike animals we tend to still hold on to the invisible psychological chord that attach us... Read more
A Future With No Elections
Despite what you may have been led to believe, turnout in most western nations’ elections hasn’t actually changed significantly over the past fifty years. And while young people are less likely to vote, they say that’s about scheduling conflicts with school and work, not... Read more
Recuperation, Accommodation, and Resilience
Australian Peter Webb, at work in the Brasilian rainforest; photo from It’s Crow Time. Peter Webb, one of the ‘pioneers of permaculture’ (which would make a cool name for a rock band), mentioned to me, in a recent email exchange about the essential skills that will be... Read more
Our Unique Human Capacity for Hatred
My favourite Michael Leunig cartoon, and one of his darkest. Just about all living species, it seems, feel fear, rage, and grief. These biologically and culturally conditioned emotional responses serve important evolutionary purposes. They are all emotions of the moment — they don’t endure, and pass quickly... Read more
When To Disagree With Apparent Experts
My default position is to listen to and respect experts. I’m interested in substantiated theories, evidence, lived experience and other variations on a theme of people knowing what they are talking about. I am deeply uneasy at this ongoing thing in British politics and... Read more
Intellect or Blind Faith?: Understanding Illumination
When it comes to spirituality, faith or occultism, it seems the same rule applies: in order to know God, divinity or transcendental reality, it is necessary to put aside the mind and live the experience; only through a special state of consciousness it is... Read more
Do We Know Ourselves Only Through Our Relationships?
[Click image to enlarge] Aaron Williamson‘s Model of Identity and Community, 2013 Most of us define ourselves in terms of our relationships — who we work with, who we live with, and who we consider to be in our ‘circles’. When we write a bio, or... Read more
Amazing What People Get Used To
Prisoner-labourers in an African open pit mine (photo by Jean-Claude Coutausse/ CONTACT Press Images, for Amnesty USA). The title of this post is a quote from the narrator of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. One can live in a paradise, or in a hell-hole, and after... Read more
[Click image to enlarge] The cognitive bias codex from wikipedia; The model was developed by John Manoogian III and refined by Buster Benson; the online version includes links by TillmanR to the wikipedia articles explaining each bias. What is it that makes some people, and the... Read more
Quantum Physics’ Correlation to Mysticism & The “Occult”
Today I would like to write about a subject that in many ways fascinates me….Quantum Physics. Before I start this article, I would like to point out for sake of argument when reading this piece, that the word “Occult” simply means “hidden”. Read more
The Search For Reality or Truth…Is It “Truth” or Perception
What I will share with you in this article was shared with me by someone deeply special who no longer is in this plane of existence. Someone who taught me a lot about life and what real humanity, kindness, love and strength look like. Read more
The Occult Power In Individualism Vs The Group Mind
Reality is a series of concepts and ideas. To define it as such offers new meaning and new perceptions. A “concept” is defined as: Merriam Dictionary: something conceived in the mind (2): an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances Read more
Virginia Woolf: When Trauma Is Silenced
The night before last, I finished reading the biography of Virginia Woolf; one of my favorite writers. I enjoy reading about the lives of people whose work I feel not only that I resonate with but feel mesmerized by. Usually after learning about their... Read more
England Ending All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Rest…
Two stories on the ending of Covid restrictions in England. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, we may take a day out to congratulate ourselves and celebrate and then it’s back to the legal battle. Thanks to D. England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions Read more
CoVid-19 vs Humans: A Game of Chess
Drawing by Derek Evernden at New Year’s, a year ago. Oops! The outcome of this match was hard to predict at the outset. Humans have fared pretty well over the last century at dealing with viruses. But the problem is, if you don’t keep practicing, you lose... Read more
Accessing Metaphysical Aspects
The adept known as Siris King mentioned a while back that there are levels of intelligence that are aspects of oneself that are operating that cannot be understood through the conscious mind. For example, the physical body is exceedingly complex, yet a person's conscious... Read more
Letting Go of Masks: Understanding Perceptions
Our perceptions determine how we see the world and our response to events, people, etc. Our perceptions can change over time, depending on our circumstances or our own level of growth; are we healing ourselves or running away from anything that may feel too... Read more
Extremes Lead to Confusion Not Freedom
Most people when asked if they are free, they readily answer “yes”, if one then presses the subject with another question “but how do you know you are free?” the traditional response is this “because I can choose to do whatever I want”–Fair enough but what if I... Read more
Accepting And Healing Our Emotional Wounds…
Emotional wounds are the results of the painful experiences we have experienced throughout our lives. These wounds can be multiple and are known by many different names: humiliation, mistrust, betrayal, injustice, abandonment, etc. In order for us to properly heal we must become aware... Read more
Sacred Sexuality Part II: Objective And Cultivation
From ancient times and within every culture, sexuality was considered Sacred; that is, because of all the capacities we as human beings can develop, the only thing capable of creating life is sexuality. We can witness how Sacred Sexuality was to our ancients by studying... Read more
Covens: Myth or Reality?
Those who are familiar with magick as well as many who are not, are quite familiar with the “Malleus Maleficarum” or the “Witches Hammer” which was used to “haunt” down “witches” who were being accused of performing Covens–a coven usually refers to a group or gathering of witches. Read more
A Tired Society
The universe is always changing, that is its primordial nature and it reflects in our world, including its sociological and technological aspects. For centuries, such changes were slow, gradual, almost predictable, this of course made it easier for our minds to settle and take... Read more
Taming and Transcending the Lower Self
Following up on the ideas introduced in the recent article “The Difference Between the Higher Mind and the Lower Mind,” today we see how to use our Higher mind’s strengths to still the habits of our lower self and take command of our lives. A brief recap:... Read more
The Difference Between the Higher Mind and the Lower Mind
As I mentioned in the recent article about innocent ignorance, willful ignorance, free will and the choices we make in life, we have a Higher mind and a lower mind. Each of these has a strong pole and a weak pole. Knowing the four... Read more
Knowing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Given the federal election being held in Canada, Canadians with a need to know may wish to look again at the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I think the successful campaign against the cabal will come through the courts. Although there have been some corrupt... Read more
Willful Ignorance Pt. 2
Unconscious Behavior, Free Will, and Overcoming Abuse. In part 1 we explored the power we all have to choose our behavior, and why some people are deliberately ignorant when they abuse others. We looked at innocent ignorance and willful ignorance at work, and the part... Read more
Innocent Ignorance and Willful Ignorance Pt. 1
We Choose to be Clueless. I’ve noted that there’s a widespread tendency for people to divide into two groups; those who are ignorant but want to learn, and those who know better but stay willfully ignorant. As a human race, we’re naturally choosing to be... Read more
The History Behind Big Pharma
Lately there is so much controversy about Big Pharma; more and more each day, people are being divided over whether or not they should trust Big Pharma. It is saddening to me, the level of almost religious fanaticism which is taking place; placing all “faith” on... Read more
Let’s Get Real: The Benefits of Healthy Pessimism
We currently live overwhelmed by the literature of “Be positive” or “Focus on the positive”. It seems to the modern New Age Movement (which does not share the same foundation/ideals as the original New Age Movement) the solution to every problem in life is to “just look at... Read more
Changing Negative Life Patterns To Positive Ones - Pt. 2
Today we continue with our topic of using affirmations and focused speech to replace negative mental patterns with positive ones. We have the power to turn our magnetism from negative to positive simply by changing our thoughts, what we say, and what we expect. If... Read more
A Letter to the Vaccinated
Following their “Open Letter to the Unvaccinated”, an expanding group of Canadian scholars has now written a letter addressing “the vaccinated”. The writers expose the divisiveness of vaccination status and denounce the resulting rift in society. Giving up civil liberties in exchange for a false sense... Read more
A Letter to the Unvaccinated
OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt and several fellow Canadian academics penned an open letter to support those who have decided not to accept the COVID-19 vaccine. The group emphasizes the voluntary nature of this medical treatment as well as the need for informed consent and... Read more
Changing Negative Thoughts To Positive Ones - Pt. 1
How do we create a better reality for ourselves using affirmations to replace negative mental patterns with positive ones? We have far more power to turn negative thinking to positive intention than most believe, which in turn shapes our future in better ways than... Read more
Understanding Esotericism
What is esoterism? Esoteric is all that is hidden, that which is inside but has been forgotten– which generally refers to the spiritual veil. Esoterism involves the teachings of wisdoms, principles and divine laws difficult to understand or difficult to access by most people. In... Read more
Analyzing Narco-Culture
Many people are not familiar with the term Narco-culture and those who are may swiftly pass judgement on it; however, it is imperative we analyze the reasons why so many people would “like” to join such style of life. This article is not meant to defend Narco-Culture; specially... Read more
The Costs of “White Collar” Corruption and Crime
cartoon by Mort Gerberg ( in The New Yorker One of the problems — or “diseconomies” — of scale, is its increasing vulnerability to corruption and crime. In small, close-knit communities, criminals mostly know their victims, and the community gets to know its criminals. So... Read more
Who Should Be In Charge of Response to Public Health Emergen…
cartoon by Greg Perry in The Tyee Another little rant from Dave. If and when a country decides to go to war, whether internationally or with some of its own citizens, the strategies and tactics used to combat the deemed enemy are not debated by, voted on,... Read more
Learning Difficulties vs. Learning Disorders
Parents often confuse learning problems, even worst they may assume because their child is having difficulties, he or she is or will be considered a failure; endless periods of homework completion with seemingly insurmountable difficulties; until they realize the child may need an entirely different... Read more
The Homeless: Persistence of a Stereotype
We all know since Covid our world has changed drastically. Things we used to take for granted we now miss dearly; “Little Freedoms”. Depending on where you are in the world, your surroundings may have been impacted it more than others; for those of us... Read more
Soul-Sexual & Polyamory: The Truth Behind The Myth
In the past I have written a bit on topics such as Soul-Sexual and Polyamory in relations to subjects regarding sexuality and relationships, because of that I received many questions and comments regarding these topics. After reading the questions and comments over and over again, it became clear... Read more
Feminism vs Radical Feminism: Let’s Stop Promoting Hate
Not too long ago I wrote two articles (one on Abortion and one on Gender Ideology). Someone;on one of my female groups; wrote to me after reading those articles. Her lengthy and less than cordial comment made it clear how unhappy and disappointed she... Read more
Can We Change Our Conditioning?
Swayed in part by Melissa Holbrook Pierson’s book about how animals (including humans) are conditioned, I have been writing a lot lately about the fact we have no free will, choice, or control over what the creatures whose bodies we presume to inhabit actually do. Our... Read more
Why We Need To Take Celebrities Seriously
It’s easy to dismiss celebrity culture as trivial and irrelevant, the new opium of the masses and beneath anyone who is invested in being spiritual. However, I recommend taking them seriously because celebrities are symptoms of our culture and also inform it. If we... Read more
The Existential Crisis of Our Current Educational System
Today I would like to take a closer look at our current educational system. I often write promoting the education of our minds in order to better handle life and its rollercoasters. However, the type of education I am referring to is one based... Read more
Dare to Be Different: Invest in Yourself
This article was inspired after a talk with a 25 year old lady, who during one of our conversations expressed her frustration at how much pressure she felt from others, whom are constantly trying to mold her to fit the “status quo” for their age bracket.... Read more
Idealism: The Antidote To A Dilapidated Society
This article aims to talk about Idealism and its power. Far from being considered a dynamic, adaptive, useful tool, society has been taught to confuse its actual meaning, which has led to its contempt, mockery and the underestimating of its value as an antidote to the... Read more
Being Proactive: New Rules For a New Time
Let’s begin this article with a simple definition of our main term “Proactive.” Being proactive means that you make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen to you. Being active means “To do something.” The prefix pro-means “before.” So, if you are being proactive, you are going to... Read more
Plenitude vs. Happiness: Learning to listen to your inner vo…
As the new year starts, we often tend to find ourselves in the pursuit of new goals; hoping their achievement will bring satisfaction to our lives. There is nothing wrong with goals, however when the goal is only external and one becomes obsessed with... Read more
The Illusion of Democracy: A World Gone Mad Part 2
Voters in most so-called western democracies could not be blamed if they feel a bit like innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire of a gang war: Whew! We dodged the Trump bullet, but damn! now Biden’s taking aim! The problem with this metaphor is that... Read more
The Friction in our Lives Helps us Grow Spiritually
It is said that all spiritual progress is the result of “Fire By Friction.” While we all like our pleasant interactions, we also encounter friction, often arising from circumstances without us doing or saying anything. Why do certain encounters generate more friction than others? Read more
Salvaging Human Society
For many years, my writing about collapse centered around the “3 E’s” — economic, energy, and ecological collapse. They are of course connected. An economy cannot be maintained when severe weather events keep crashing the infrastructure everywhere, or when climate collapse produces 2 billion... Read more
What Price Freedom?
Image by kaaathi from Pixabay CC0 I have argued before that there is no such thing as an “inalienable right” — in a civilized society, rights and freedoms are granted to us in return for commensurate responsibilities, and balanced against other rights and freedoms with which... Read more
Healing The Politics of Fear
Why does anyone want to be a politician? Politicians have been around for a long, long time and there are some excellent reasons for becoming one. Here are several examples: Throughout history politicians have enjoyed many perks including notoriety, authority, power, influence, respect, insider... Read more
What’s the Matter with People?
New Yorker illustration by David Hornsby On September 1, I published an article called What If Trump Wins Again? Two months later, it seems timely. So I re-read it today, and think I called it just about right. If the results are a wake-up call, I don’t think either... Read more
Facing Collapse: Ten Important Questions for the 2020s
Image of Ken Ward in 2016 Valve-Turners action, from the film The Reluctant Radical. It has been a year of terrible news and terrible realizations. A year of justifiable outrage and bewildered astonishment. A year of dashed hopes, false expectations and growing alarm and despair. A humbling year. My... Read more
Election Analytics - What To Watch For On Election Night 202…
For many years, I’ve composed one sort of “prediction” based in analysis of various factors in presidential elections. While I used to predict on the basis of the candidates’ charts, I now tend to look at “real world” conditions, since they override any sentimentality. As... Read more
Election 2020 - Observations and Predictions
Hi everyone. I’m writing this short piece because I’ve been inundated with questions and more than a few people freaking out and having an extremely stressed time right now. Today we will address these things. First, an old piece of wisdom I realized many years... Read more
The Street Drug Poisoning Crisis
Matthew Schimpky, a volunteer in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Overdose Prevention Society, takes a break from work to look after a resident’s dog. Photo by Sarah Blyth, a founding member and frontline worker for the Society, part of an amazing photo collection in the Tyee. We have... Read more
What If We Got Rid of Offices?
cartoon by the late New Yorker cartoonist Robert Weber, one of the few cartoonists who worked mostly with charcoal One of the things that CoVid-19 has made clear is that “offices” for individual workers (and so-called “executives”), and even for groups of “white collar” workers, are in... Read more
Capitalism And The Virus
All the evidence at this point suggests that the environment in which you are most likely to catch the virus is as follows: It’s a crowded space with poor ventilation. In the UK we’ve seen hotspots around university accommodation. Amazon had a significant outbreak... Read more
The Nature of Corporate Abandonment
Indigenous peoples of the world agree that there are two fundamental fears that all human beings dread. The first fear is the fear of abandonment. The second fear is the terror of being limited, restricted, enslaved, or trapped. These fears are intertwined and interrelated... Read more
How Art Galleries Play A Vital Role In The Present Age
Museums or art galleries are the places where various forms of art are displayed for the audience to experience art. The various art forms presented here are sculptures, photographs, paintings, illustrations, handlooms, etc. However, the most common art form that holds a prominent place... Read more
Masks And Controlling Behaviour
I’ve seen a few people on the interwebs saying that being told to wear a mask is controlling. It’s not. It’s a clearly expressed instruction that has helpful consequences. Wearing masks reduces the spread of disease. It won’t stop it, it isn’t 100% guaranteed... Read more
In Order To Love Yourself, You’ve Got To Know Yourself First…
Today I would like to discuss the "Radical" idea of getting to know yourself. You may notice a bit of sarcasm when using the word "Radical" and that is because "getting to know yourself" is not something "new" or "modern". How scared or excited are... Read more
The Unequalness of Humanity And Countering Evil With Good
This came out of a conversation with a spiritual Sister on a social media site. She was unhappy with so much negativity in the political realm, and thought that negative comments by good people made them hypocrites for not showing more positivity and tolerance... Read more
The End of Ideas
I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am… I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. — from a remarkable and... Read more
A Humble Look at Systems Thinking and How Change Happens
Photo from a women’s march, source not cited As a student of history, I’m always a bit astonished to discover how much things have changed in a seemingly short period of time. Not always for the better, of course. But when you read stories about... Read more
Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet: Understanding Ancient Knowledge
If you were to come into my home, you would encounter various symbols/statues from many different cultures; Celtic, Sumerian, Egyptian, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Native Indian, German etc. Those of you who are familiar with my writings by now know I am a Spiritual/Omnist, “Active Nihilist” or... Read more
What Are Conspiracy Theories All About?
I have had a number of requests to address conspiracy theories as there is an epidemic of them these days and some of them are proving to be quite dangerous to the national well-being. First, let’s understand what a conspiracy is and then understand... Read more
Justice: Understanding Karmic Law
- From A Psychological and Physiological Perspective - This is a long article; I have tried to summarize things, regardless it can be hard to summarize such extent subject. Sometimes human beings tend to label as “bad” anything which may not adjust to our expectations; often... Read more
The “Progressive” Art Of Censorship
Censorship is a topic which these days has become a main concern for those of us who see where this may be headed. Many people agree with “Progressive Censorship” as a development in the way we as “civilized” people now handle conflict; they claim they rather have Censorship... Read more
Be Steady In Your Course - Women Are the Future of America
This is for all of you who are hanging in there despite the completely incomprehensible conditions happening in our world. Thank you for being courageous and persisting in doing what you must while being alert about how to consolidate those conditions which are currently... Read more
Systemic Oppression
Anyone from any demographic can be horrible to anyone from any demographic. However, it is easy to not realize that you are contributing to a problem that involves systematic oppression. What systematic oppression means is that there are social norms, legal structures, institutionalized ways... Read more
What If Trump Wins Again?
New Yorker illustration by David Hornsby “I remember a time when everybody knew their place. Time we got back to that.” — supporter of the incumbent American president the day after the 2016 election, cited in Caste Our universal propensity to think in the short term has a... Read more
The Importance Of Vacation Time!
It’s interesting when paying attention to our surroundings, how often one hears others say we currently live in better times than our predecessors; I would agree, however, let’s not blind ourselves to one of our biggest shortcomings–our inability to relax. In our modern society we... Read more
When the Aliens Come
When I was younger, I used to fantasize about our beleaguered planet being visited by aliens. Even as a child, I had a better-than-Hollywood imagination — my envisioned aliens never looked in any way humanoid, and were more often creatures of pure light or energy, who... Read more
What’s the Best Possible Outcome?
Click image to enlarge I’m a member of a Meetup group that is exploring various aspects of a non-hierarchical, self-organized approach to creating and operating business and other organizations, that is casually known as Teal, and is based on the book Reinventing Organizations. Read more
Feeling Sad? If We Feel, We Feel All That Is
If we feel at all, we are feeling the collective atmosphere. This is where it’s important to sort out what we’re feeling personally, what we’re picking up on others around us, and what we’re experiencing as part of a global sadness. I’ve been feeling sad... Read more
Is Consciousness a Mental Illness?
Perhaps my most annoying exploration of radical non-duality yet. Thanks to Richard for the lovely graphic. As I think more about the message of radical non-duality, I’ve started musing about the nature of consciousness. We humans of course think of consciousness as a good thing, as an evolutionary advantage, and... Read more
The Wonderful, Messy Process of Self-Organization
pedestal left after statue of slave trader was removed in Bristol, UK; image from NPRtaken by Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP We humans seem to like order, and there are several ways of achieving it. We are inclined to prefer simpler, easier-to-understand processes, such as the mechanical processes involved... Read more
A Canadian Sorry
drawing by Elliot Keeler Perhaps uniquely, Canadians say “sorry” almost automatically when something goes wrong; it does not (often) imply an admission of guilt, or of remorse. In fact, this is so Canadian that our lawyers had to craft (I am not making this up) the Apology Act, so... Read more
Changing Things That Don’t Make Sense
I coined Pollard’s Law of Complexity nearly 20 years ago, to try to sum up what I thought was the most important practical learning from my years of study of complexity theory. Here’s how I worded it: POLLARD’S LAW OF COMPLEXITY Things are the way they are... Read more
Collapse Happens Slowly...and Then Very Suddenly
David Ehrenfeld, in Beginning Again (1994), describes our civilization as a ragged flywheel, over-built, patched and rusty, spinning faster and faster and beginning to rattle and moan as it comes apart: There goes a chunk — the sick and aged along with the huge apparatus of doctors,... Read more
The Brain Of The Adolescent
For personal reasons the following article has taken quite a bit to put together but finally here it is!… Parents of adolescents often wonder if their teenagers are purposely being defiant or are purposely trying to drive them crazy just to prove a point; however,... Read more
Breaking Family Patterns of Abuse
At a FB astrology site, it was noted that the dysfunctional family temporarily desecrating the White House has a pattern of parental abuse being passed down generationally. What follows are some thoughts about how bound we are to the family matrix until we’re not. Read more
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Sun in Aries: Unleash Your Power!
Aries March 21 through April 20 An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for A... Read more
The Crystal Wind Oracle Card Deck
The Crystal Wind Oracle™ The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card D... Read more
Aries Mythology: Discover the Secrets
The Mythology of Aries When we dive into the mythology of Aries, we need to... Read more
The Time of No Time: Beltane!
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