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Changing Negative Life Patterns To Positive Ones - Pt. 2

Changing Negative Life Patterns To Positive Ones - Pt. 2

Today we continue with our topic of using affirmations and focused speech to replace negative mental patterns with positive ones. We have the power to turn our magnetism from negative to positive simply by changing our thoughts, what we say, and what we expect.

If “thoughts are things” and “words have power,” then by being clear and precise in our thinking and speaking we have the power to adjust the course of our lives by disciplining our thinking and speaking. Obviously this also affects our feelings. However, to be human is to feel, and as we become more aware we feel all there is to feel.

Our feelings often condition our thoughts and responses. Many feel badly when there is no reason to feel badly; this is a sure sign that a) you’re playing an old tape, or b) you’re picking up on something in the collective field. That why when we occasionally feel badly, there may be nothing wrong with us, since if it’s an old tape we get to antidote it on the spot and redirect the feelings, and if it’s something we’re picking up from the collective field, we can send out a positive “antidote” thought form through an affirmation which can affect the collective field, much like we can send a positive vibration to someone at a distance and they’ll register it.

We Are An Eternal Energy Field In Constant Flux

All our experiences, feelings, and ideas are impressed on our “holographic” subtle body, composed of who we are ethereally. All we do, feel, and think impresses vibratory thought-forms on our “auric egg,” as well as our astral (emotional) and mental shells. Experiences leading to Self-realization create productive tendencies and habit patterns in our subtle body that express as helpful actions, feelings, and thoughts, while experiences that create suffering for ourselves or others lead to distorted plates of images stored in our subconscious mind.

If we want to replace negative tapes with positive thoughts and affirmations, we begin by fearlessly confronting the negative images in our subconscious mind and enter into the dance of destroying those that are creating negative attitudes, expectations, and experiences in our life. How hard this is depends on how attached we are to those negative images. Just because we identify negative feelings, thoughts, and responses doesn’t mean we’ve antidote them. Just because we know something is a problem doesn’t mean we’ve taken care of it!

Remember that a tendency becomes a habit through repetition. Negative mental and emotional imagery and tapes grow stronger the more we indulge them, even when we know they are not making us feel better or resolving our problems. Again, this falls in the category of “misery loves company,” since most people are more comfortable with feeling badly than doing what it takes to feel good!

If we would replace negative tapes with positive ones, we have to be consistently mindful so that when we catch ourselves instinctively playing a negative tape we immediately stop that mental and emotional expression and redirect our mind to a more productive and positive view. This of course involves some degree of examining our feelings so we can discipline our emotional defaults and not go where we don’t need to go.

As we grow clearer and catch the tapes when they are playing, we can in that moment shift the focus in any direction we choose. We can get serious, goofy, deep, creative (or all of the above!) or we can get frustrated, gloomy, reckless and discouraged. We have the power to transmute every negative tape or emotional state (actually a mental state) through being aware of it and changing the pattern to a more helpful point of view. This is where our ability to kill out fear is very important in redirecting our focus, since if we do not fear changing unhelpful patterns, we will fully embrace our Self-realization process.

We have countless tapes of memories of perceptions of memories of perceptions of memories of perceptions that we play over and over and over until we become bored of them, or care enough about them to deal with them, whatever that entails. Sometimes we embrace them to see they are illusions; sometimes we walk away, knowing only suffering can result from those tapes. Sometimes we bar the door and forbid them entry into our mind, and sometimes we take the tape and throw it into the fire. Different ways work for different people at different times.

That’s the beauty of our human process. We may fall into error, but can just as easily move into a more helpful, altruistic pattern of doing our Being. If we refuse to indulge unhelpful feelings and ideas and discipline our rational mind into a more helpful focus, eventually the negative tapes lose their power to assert their presence. Some tapes will fade away and die through the habit being starved, while others will die through our choosing new habits to replace the old patterns.

Reprogramming Our Expectations

Every time we choose to blank out a negative tape and re-record a good, true, and useful tape over that psychic space we claim the power that is our Divine Heritage, i.e., the freedom to steer our personal Starship of Consciousness through infinity and eternity. Again, this journey requires that in the initial stages of “going boldly where we have not gone before,” we must learn to pay attention to what we’re thinking and affirming, and stop speaking words that could result in negative states of being.

An example is how often I’ve thought and heard a statement to the effect that “It’s always hard when I try to _________” This is a very unhelpful affirmation, as you’re asserting that it is ALWAYS HARD to whatever. Why affirm that it’s always hard? Why not affirm that you are learning how not to continue having those kinds of experiences? I have changed that phrase in my head to “It has been hard, but I am learning to do ________.” I figure if I’m affirming that I’m learning, then eventually I’ll learn enough not to go where I shouldn’t go, physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Think of what you’re saying, the words you’re choosing to express something, and whether you would really want that to come forth. If not, change your language, change your affirmation, and you change the pattern. Eventually the echoes of the old thought forms and tapes stop playing, and you’re left with what you affirmed in the meantime.

We have more power than we suspect to change our view, what we assert, what we believe to be true, and what we would like to see made manifest. Courage plus mindfulness equals power, love, and wisdom. By being mindful of what we’re thinking, feeling, and saying, we come to understand we do not need to remain trapped in the negative patterns we affirmed in the past.

Just remember that we have an individual and group destiny, and so don’t get discouraged if some affirmations don’t seem to come true. While we have unlimited power to change our patterns in the present which will change our future patterns of life, we have limited ability to change conditions if it involves others.

If something is true for us, it will eventually come true, even if we no longer want it. That’s why it’s important to consider what really would be our greatest good, greatest happiness, greatest consciousness, and greatest life. We have no need whatsoever for negative attitudes, negative interpretations, pessimism or unhelpful tapes playing our head, since if we just become aware of what we’re affirming and change that to mirror the Divine Will there will be no space for the negative tapes to play. And that’s a very good thing.

Part 1 here

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 


About the author:

Robert WilkinsonAn internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written permission from Robert Wilkinson.

© 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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