The Crystal Wind Oracle Card Deck
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The Crystal Wind Oracle™
The Crystal Wind Oracle
Myth & Magic Card Deck!
NOW available for sale here!
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What's New!
New card layouts and designs! All messages on cards have been re-channeled and re-written where applicable for greater clarification or added information.
58 cards to guide you on your earth walk journey!
We received thousands of 5 star reviews on our Mobile App about the accuracy and uncanny ability for these cards to zone in and provide answers. The drawn cards may not actually answer the question you ask. Your higher self may will show you a card or cards that you need that could be totally unrelated to your question.
Featuring the fantasy artwork of Lisa Iris, this full colour deck is absolutely stunning! The art is combined with Crystal Wind's inspired text and interpretations, composed through meditation and working with Spirit Guides.
The Crystal Wind Oracle™ is a means to observe your mind and reflect on your heart. Its messages and imagery encourages you to access your inner wisdom.' The Crystal Wind Oracle brings clarity and purpose to your journey by reaching into your soul and asking you to find the answers within. These cards will activate your intuitive capabilities, guiding you to feel, listen and live from your heart. As a tool for your journey, The Crystal Wind Oracle™ provides the signs and guideposts along the way. The insights will flow from you. These cards will activate your intuitive capabilities, guiding you to feel, listen and live from your heart.
What you think, you create! What you feel, you manifest!
When using The Crystal Wind Oracle™, seek a quiet place and take at least one minute to calm and clear your mind. Ask the question from your heart and select a card. Your card will provide an uncanny insight as to what needs your attention, even if it doesn't answer your question directly. Quiet your mind and your heart will follow. The Crystal Wind Oracle™ leads you to answers that will resonate from within.
All Lisa Iris artwork is protected by copyright. Crystal Wind™ & Antonio DeLiberato, holds the licensed exclusive worldwide rights to Lisa Iris artwork. Any reproduction or use of Lisa Iris artwork or the Crystal Wind Oracle™ for other purposes is expressly forbidden, without prior written approval from Crystal Wind™.
Copyright © 2012 - 2024 by Crystal Wind™ All rights reserved.
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Epidote Healing Ritual For Giving And Receiving Positive Energy
Epidote healing crystals can bring your intentions and desires into your life with ease. The emph…
Top 10 Healing Crystals From Judy Hall
From manifestation and letting go of past hurt, to finding love and your inner light – Judy Hall ex…
Everything You Need to Know About Crystal Clusters + How to Use Them
Normally, when something is described as a cluster, you expect a chaotic mess. A cluster of wires, a cluste…
The Abundance Stone aka the Magician's Stone
The "Abundance Stone" crystal is a beautiful multi-faceted star, creating a 4-fold symm…
Crystal Healing Questionnaire
This is a fun and quick questionnaire to try in for yourself. Take the time to meditate and feel …
Emotional Clearing Ritual with Crystals
This Valentine’s Day, be sure to take care of the relationship that matters the most–the one with yourself!…
Incorporating Crystals Into Your Spiritual Fashion
According to a survey published in Reuters, 55% of people said that the way that they dress is an important…
The Atlantis Stone - The Dolphin Stone Found exclusively in the Dominican Republic, larimar is associat…
Three Steps to Crystal Healing
There are three steps to effective crystal healing. While you are wearing your crystals as jewelry or in a po…
Super 7 Healing Stone: Unleash Your Spiritual Power
What if the key to unlocking higher consciousness lay hidden within a single stone forged by Earth’s oldest f…
Sacred Amber In Detail
I often discuss various crystals and gemstones and their applicability to healing, protection, and manifest…
The Inner Child Stone When you are drawn to Rhodochrosite it means that you are ready to le…
The Healing Power of Shungite
The power of the Shungite benefits lie in what makes it unique. Touted as the Miracle Stone of th…
Crystal Properties : Where Do They Come From?
Many of us use crystals to help us with a host of issues in our everyday lives. When intell…
Finding Past Lives Using Crystals and Stones
It is said that certain gems and crystals can create a doorway into other worlds. Below is a brief list, an…
365 Days of Crystals - Day 5: SeleniteEnergetic Healing
Selenite is great for opening the crown chakra due to its high vibration.
10 Healing Crystals To Use In Life’s Relationships
Looking for self-care? Tried everything from yoga to motivational videos, and can’t get that feeling of heali…
The Top 6 Crystals for Anxiety
Crystals can help us in so many different areas in our life. But how exactly do they work? Crystals help u…
Antibacterial Effect of Shungite
The researchers of Tartu University set an objective to specify the antibacterial effect of shungite water an…
The Mental Balancer Stone Lepidolite contains lithium and is helpful for stabilizing mood swings and bi-po…
Crystal Healing for Modern Times: Tools for Energy Alignment
Did you know 75% of Americans are now using alternative healing methods?
Black Tourmaline for Psychic Protection
Black Tourmaline … It’s Electric! Let’s face it… The world we live in today is absolutely beautiful, magic…
Legend of the Crystal Skulls (Video)
Crystal Skull Legend Native American Cherokee Medicine Man, Harley Swift-Deer Reagan is quo…
The Passion Stone, The Spirit Fire The physical heart and the heart chakra are the centres …
Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids
As the holiday season approaches, many of us start to watch our budgets and tighten our belts in …
10 Reasons Why Kyanite is an Essential Stone for Healing and Spiritual Growth
Do you ever wish you had a magic wand? Personally, I’d like one that can poof away unpleasant things, such as…
Starseed-Moldavite Transmission: Sending Angelic Light to Your Heart and Third Eye
“This light carries the remembrance of what you are here to do. You are here to awaken from the 3D sleepy…
New Year’s Resolution Stones
Most of us set goals for the New Year on some level of our lives: New job, Lose weight, Get healthy, new lo…
8 Year Old Boy Builds Crystal Grids To Clear Negative Energy And Explains How It Works
The children of today are rumored to be far more consciously adept than our previous generations.…
The Blood Energizer Stone The combined colours of bloodstone allow it to function at the levels of the bas…
Unlock Apatite's Healing & Metaphysical Powers Did you know that Apatite, a mesmerizing crystal with cap…
Learning about the Mysterious Merlinite's Metaphysical Effects and Healing Benefits. The very mystical stone…
The Path to Ascension: How Crystal Energy Can Enhance Your Spiritual Journey
In today's world, many seek peace and connection with their higher selves.
Crystal Healing – An Intro to Get You Started
Tania Marie The Earth is continually supporting humanity’s awakening to the rediscove…
6 Ways to Work with Selenite
by Crystal Healing Expert Adrienne Goff Selenite is a luminous, elevating stone that I like to call the fl…
Reference Guide To Crystals, Gems, And Stones
Crystals, gems, and stones have captivated humanity for centuries, revered for their beauty, energy, and heal…
10 Effective Crystals for Self-Care in The Time of Quarantine
The world pandemic took us by surprise and quarantine measures were taken quickly. To limit the virus sprea…
Top Crystals For Better Focus For Students
Natural stones fascinate and delight with their pure natural beauty. What’s more, each stone has its own ma…
Steamy, Sexy Stones: Crystal Grids for Love & Romance
With Valentine’s Day being just around the corner, love and romance seem to be on everyone…
Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing is the art of laying on stones in coordination with the body’s energy field, energy centers…
Rutilated Quartz
The Energy Buster Stone Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. …
Stones for Empaths (and highly sensitive people)
What is an Empath? Empaths are the most energy sensitive people on earth. Being an Empath is when…
Moonstone: The Stone of Emotional Balance
Moonstone represents the great Mother Goddess. Her strength lies in her gentleness, and her ability to expe…
Famous Crystal Skulls
This report examines the known history of crystal skulls, various viewpoints on where they might have came …
How Do I Choose A Crystal?
There will be times when you need to purchase a crystal, and given the great abundance of healing stones no…
Five Cosmic Crystals for Starseeds
Do you ever feel like the entire earth might as well be a foreign country to you? Perhaps your so…
Grading & Pricing Crystal
Concept by David Lebow written by Stuart Schmitt Sorting, grading and pricing natural quartz cr…
Moldavite: Emissary of The Stars
A Celestial Stone of Transformation; A Star-born Catalyst of Healing These beautiful and po…
Stone of The Month: Purpurite
Purpurite is named for its deep violet, shimmery purple colour, naturally present due to the elemental breakd…
The Self - Sufficiency Stone Sapphire has a calming and regulating effect on many systems of the body. Whe…
3 Crystals to Help You Through Mercury Retrograde
I was on a long distance road trip over the Easter holiday. I exited the highway about a mile from my …
Seraphinite: Healing Properties & Uses Seraphinite healing stones have been prized for their healing p…
Crystals for the Immune System
I have had so many people reach out to me this week, due to the coronavirus, to ask about which crystals I …
5 Ways to Work with Crystals and Stones Healing Properties
Once we understand how and why crystals work with our vibrational frequencies, we can clearly see that they c…
Top Nine Reasons to Work with Calcite in March–and Beyond!
I am somebody who always pays close attention to my dreams. I know that my soul and subconscious …
Gemstone and Crystal Healing Wands
Wands come in many different shapes and sizes, and also in many varieties of stone as well. Wands…
7 Ways to Use a Crystal Point
Crystal Points are one of the most versatile and beneficial healing crystals to have in your spac…
Time Link Crystals – The Past & Future Made Present
Tania Marie I’ve had Crystals on the mind a lot lately again – not that they ar…
How a Himalayan Salt Lamp Can Improve Your Mood
You may have heard of Himalayan salt lamps before or maybe you even own one. Either way…
Strange Artifacts - Crystal Skulls
Skulls are humanity's foremost symbol of death, and a powerful icon in the visual vocabularies of cultures …
Shungite: Ancient Healing Stone of Deep Secrets
Shungite... An Ancient Healing Stone for Today "Shungite cures,…
Iolite: The Vikings Compass
Iolite, known as the Vikings' compass, due to it's ability to determine the direction of the sun on overcas…
The Logic Stone Sodalite works well in unison with the throat and brow chakras. It is a clarifying stone t…
Crystals in the Home
The energy and essence of the stones you have in your home and surroundings will affect the energ…
Rose Quartz: Heart Peace Achieved
Finding Peace Through Heart Chakra Meditation: A Rose Quartz Journey
Crystal Singing Bowls
Experiencing crystal singing bowls on a regular basis offers the following benefits: R…
The 17 Crystals of Ascension
Crystals are generally used for healing and meditation purposes. While the benefits are several, some crystal…
The Grief And Loss Remedy Stone Since antiquity onyx has been used as a protection against black magic. On…
How To Clean Raw Mined Quartz
Cleaning quartz that has been recently mined is a three step process. First the clay must be washed off the…
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate (Stone of Truth)
The Star Ruby -The Ultimate Ascension Gem
Do you need some extra strength in this period of your life? Are you working on self-love? Are you focusing…
365 Days of Crystals - Day 4: Amethyst - Super Charge Your Immune System
Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer. It can also ward off psychic attacks.
3 Ascension Crystals for These Transformative Times
Buckle up, and open your heart! This entire year has felt like a lesson in energetic acceler…
The Heart Path Stone Jade has an overall balancing effect on the heart. It is a stabilizing gemstone, as i…
The Benefits Of Using Healing Crystals For The Heart
Data from the Public Health Service Publication state that 1 of 12 people over 20 years have a heart condit…
Crystals for Your Home
Turn It into a High-Vibe Crystal Heaven Dorothy said it best when she clicked her ruby red slippers togeth…
Gemstones For Your Light Being
YOU ARE A BEING OF LIGHT From your innermost essence to your physical body, you are made of…
Crystals for Navigating the Transformative September Energies
Multiple sources are all saying the same thing about September–hold on to your hats! An arr…
7 Ways to Work with Shungite!
There’s a lot of buzz about Shungite in the metaphysical community, and rightfully so. This uniqu…
The Magic Stone Labradorite allows complete polarity shifts to occur, just as different colours appear o…
5 Crystals To Maximize The Energy Of A Full Moon
When many people think of astrology, they usually think of their horoscope or their Sun Signs.
Guard Against Psychic Attacks with These Stones
If you work closely with the spiritual realm, you might sometimes encounter spirits that follow you home or n…
Citrine: Manifest Abundance and Positivity in Your Life
One in five small businesses worldwide use Citrine in their cash registers to attract financial success, trus…
Crystal Gridding
Crystal grids can be used for many purposes or manifestations. They can be small enough to fit on a table top…
Creating a Gemstone Elixir
Most Gem elixirs are made by placing the cleaned stone or stones chosen in a clear glass or crystal contain…
Crystal And Archangel Oracle Card Readings: The Perfect Match
Canada is home to a plethora of beautiful crystals and gemstones - including albite (with a pure …
The Love Commitment Stone Kunzite has a pronounced calming effect on the heart. Kunzite symbolizes straigh…
The Vogel® Crystal Healing Process
ORIENTATION It is assumed that some introduction, discussion, therapeutic intervention or other process of…
Crystals for Confidence + Self-Empowerment
We've all encountered moments in our life that bring us down and cause us to question our tru…
6 Crystals That Help Artist Creativity
Being creative and feeling inspired is the foundation of producing brilliant art, but sometimes it can be d…
Using Crystals For Support Throughout The Year Of The Monkey
The Year of the Monkey begins on February 8. Its energy is going to be intense and mischievous&nb…
Secret Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Pearls
Pearls have been known for their healing properties for centuries, particularly in traditional Asian medica…
7 Calming Gemstones for Headaches and Migraines
Many cultures from the beginning of human civilization used gemstones for various reasons. We know that not…
How to Clean, Cleanse, Charge, Activate and Program Your Crystals
Preparing Your Crystal For Healing To prepare your crystal for healing, first clean the crystal physically…
6 Of The Best Crystals For Better Memory
Want to improve your memory? Chances are, you may not think to look to crystals for better memory. The trut…
Satin Spar Selenite - ‘Prayer Heart’ Stones
Easter is not just a time of chocolate bunnies and hopping down the bunny trail it is time of moving thru s…
A Guide to Healing Stones for the Year of the Wood Dragon
As we enter the year of the Wood Dragon, an era in Chinese astrology known for its strength, vitality, and …
Cleansing Crystals With The Full Moon
All you want to know about cleansing and re-tuning your crystals with Full Moon energy.
Crystal Therapy: The Healing Properties of Quartz Crystals
Crystals are known to have special healing properties. Made from the earth, these special ‘rocks’ are not o…
The Cleansing Stone Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Calcite is one of the most abu…
Turquoise For Throat Chakra Activation
Turquoise my favourite crystal, we go waaayy back. Carry, wear, use as a talisman for inner calm, stre…
Rhodonite–Featured Stone (August 1st-14th)
Have you noticed that matters of the heart are up for us all to examine right now? In my he…
7 Ways to Use the Power of Amethyst
One of my favorites crystals is Amethyst. I think it's the color that attracted …
The Victory Stone Pyromorphite is a really pretty greenish mineral. It is a close cousin of apatite where …
Prosperity With Crystals
Have you tried using crystals to manifest prosperity? Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, …
The Stone of Birth - The Stone of Vision
The Creativity Stone As a healing stone, carnelian is gently activating and warming, and will encourage th…
Gem Elixir Properties
The list below provides some descriptions of the uses for many popular gem elixirs. These are gat…
Crystals and Children
Crystals have been part of my life for many years now, but when I first started working with them…
Best Healing Crystals for Concentration and Focus
It has long been known that crystals, in addition to their bewitching beauty, have powerful healing and eve…
Green Aventurine
The Emotional Balancer Stone Green Aventurine is perhaps the best balancing stone for the heart chakra. It…
Heliodor Guide: Unveil the Gem's Beauty & Power
Discover the Beauty and Power of Heliodor Gemstones! Unlock Heliodor's Beauty and Power!
Which Are the Best Crystals and Charms for Attracting Money and Luck?
As you grew up, you probably heard the saying ‘money does not grow on trees’ more than a dozen times from t…
The Secret Uses of Record-Keeper Crystals – Revealed!
Record-Keeper crystals have a very unique energy, matched only by their unusual appearance. …
Spirit Quartz
Spirit Quartz is one of the most enchanting crystals that I have worked with, especially the ones that are …
Keep Calm, and Carry These Four Crystals During the Eclipse/Equinox Window!
Energy experts are calling 2017 the year of the big reset. And right now we are in the middle of a cosmic w…
The Vibrant Body Stone The particular color of a garnet specimen will determine its exact effect, but garn…
14 Crystals and Healing Stones for Depression
This article will help explain and guide you about using crystals and healing stones to help with depr…
Crystals as Gateways to Higher Consciousness
The Sacred Dance of Crystal Frequencies In the grand tapestry of spiritual evolution, crystals emerge as anc…
7 Brilliant Ways to Work with Citrine
I have a confession to make. I have been having a love affair with Citrine for almost two decades…
The Stone of Perfect Expression The colour of amazonite aligns to the heart and throat chakras.
The Magic of Black: How to Harness the Power of Black in Your Every Day Life
In the movie, Star Wars, the “bad guy,” Darth Vader wore black. In The Revenge o…
Mood Stones As A Means Of Self-Expression
“Self-expression allows people to distinguish themselves from others, to reflect their own beliefs and need…
Lapis Lazuli Can Help You Achieve Spiritual Balance
In the esoteric world, the Lapis Lazuli is considered a powerful energy receiver, associated with spirit…
Generator Crystal
Scientific Generator Crystal: The Generator Crystal, also known as Projector Crystal, is a crystal that term…
Selenite: When Light Becomes Stone
The first time I held a piece of selenite, I almost dropped it. Not because it was heavy – quite the oppo…
The Abundance Stone Topaz is useful for directing and focusing energy; the stones parallel striations and …
Activating the Zeal Chakra with Eudialyte
I hope you have been thriving during the powerful waves of September. I have been noticing something am…
Revamp Your Energy with Crystal Maps - Heal & Transform Fast!
Crystal Energy Maps: Creating Personal Energy Layouts for Transformative Healing. In the realm of holistic w…
Crystals for Aquarius
If your birthday falls between January 20th and February 18th, Aquarius is your sun sign. (Note, the dates ca…
Selenite Crystals and the Angelic Realm
Properties of Selenite Crystals… Crystallized Light! I’ve always loved crys…
The Focus And Study Stone Fluorite helps to assimilate ideas and information from many different sources i…
Zebra Stone: The Yin/Yang Stone
Zebra Stone A Stone of the 'Two That Are One' The Yin-Yang Stone Half b…
Chevron Amethyst Healing Crystals
These beautiful and powerful Chevron Amethyst crystals come from Brazil. They hold the powerful p…
The Metaphysical Properties of Barite / Baryt
Barite is a quite popular mineral that belongs to the barium family. It is found naturally. Barium is the 56t…
Fundamental basics about quartz crystals discovered by Dr. Marcel Vogel
There are fundamental basics about quartz crystals discovered by Dr. Marcel Vogel in his years of research.…
Garnet - Stone of the Crusaders and Knights
The stone for a successful business Garnet crystals are some of the most prevalent gemstone…
Crystal Of The Day!
Your Crystal Guide For Today! A gentle push from the crystal kingdom to help you on your path for the day!
Crystal Therapy and How To Do It
For centuries, crystals have been used to heal, clear, and beautify their owners. Their mystical …
5 Healing Precious Stones That Keep Bad Energy At Bay
Over the years, people have been looking for items that are naturally occurring that can help them deal wit…
Using The Spirit Quartz Meaning To Find Your True Center
The spirit quartz meaning is to connect you with universal love and to remove all fears and block…
Angelite: Discover Its Power for Serenity
Welcome to our guide on angelite stones—a beautiful gem that holds the key to inner peace and tranquility.
Chrysocolla Crystal Ritual for New Beginnings
There is a fantasy we all have at some point or another, that imagines moving somewhere new, where nobody k…
Scientists Harness Hematite To Create Clean Energy Solution
Hematite, once regarded as a powerful tool by ancient shamans, and then disregarded as anything o…
Discover the Secret Powers of Your Birthstone and Unlock Its Magical Energy Today!
Crystals and gemstones are often cherished for their unique healing and spiritual attributes.
Crystals That Actually Work: Your Guide to Choosing and Using Them
Every crystal has a purpose waiting to be discovered. The internet is full of claims about crystals, like Ame…
Aquaprase: Gemstone of Earth and Sea
Crystal healers and rock hounds alike are giddy over the discovery of a new gemstone: aquaprase. It’s a lovel…
The Power Of Crystals In Colour Therapy
The latest study by the Fraser Institute found that 56% of Canadians surveyed in 2016 had utilized at least…
Crystals to Help Boost Your Immune System
As you get older, your immune system becomes less effective. This means that you can be more susceptible to…
Chrysocolla: The Peace Crystal
Chrysocolla is a very beautiful stone with much beneficial energy. Chrysocolla is a stone of peac…
How to Charge Your Gemstones
Formed by the evolution of the Earth over time, each crystal or gemstone carries its own metaphysical prope…
Blue Quartz The Meditation And Attunement Stone Quartz crystal has an organizing and harmonizing effect o…
Metaphysical, Spiritual, Healing Uses Of Crystals And Stones
Modern And Traditional Uses For positive uses or actions, the stones listed are said to enhance them. For …
Using Crystals for the Home and Interior Design
As crystals become more mainstream, home decor magazines, like Better Homes & Gardens, h…
Crystals and Astral Travel: Unraveling the Connection
We start a journey to uncover the universe's secrets. We find a link between crystals and astral travel.
Easy DIY Shungite Water - Rich in Antioxidants!
Shungite is the only mineral on Earth containing fullerenes. This is the type of molecular form o…
The Protection Stone As a stone that emerges with dramatic force from the depths of the earth, obsidian is…
Introducing Crystals To Benefit Every Stage Of Wedding Planning
Tying the knot is one of the most joyous life events, but it can be one of the most stressful, too. Accordi…
These Crystals Can Help Physically Heal Your Body
Using crystals as part of your meditation, or simply wearing them close to the body can help with the physi…
365 Days of Crystals - Day 10: Moldavite
Harness the Energies of the ET’s. Moldavite is highly connected to ET’s and when you use it you can harnes…
How To Cut Energy Cords With Crystals
Cutting the energy cords with the other people in our lives sounds like it might have a negative connotatio…
365 Days of Crystals - Day 13: Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is known for unconditional love and peace. It’s one of the best crystals for the heart chakra.
The Emotional Mastery Stone An absorbing stone, malachite is excellent for drawing out imbalances from t…
Moldavite: Stone of Transformation
Moldavite is a translucent green meteoric gem, found only in what is now the Czech Republic. Late…
Watermelon Tourmaline
Synonym: Rainbow Tourmaline The watermelon tourmaline is a rare variety that displays three different co…
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