Crystal Healing – An Intro to Get You Started
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- Written by AndEl

Tania Marie
The Earth is continually supporting humanity’s awakening to the rediscovery of who we really are and the ancient and forgotten healing arts such as the utilization of crystals. Reverence and use of crystals goes back to the dawning of civilization. They have been connected with specific parts of the body and its organs for thousands of years.
As members of the mineralogical kingdom, crystals are universal energies that allow one to contact and synthesize these individual energies for integrative healing. Each crystal contains their own “personality” and can be utilized in unique ways to facilitate this healing.
Crystals are nature’s gift to man are found in all shapes, sizes, colors, and composition. They each have a unique vibrational resonance due to their varying mineral contents, their inherent geometry, and the color frequency they emit, making them powerful healing tools.
They ARE Universal Life Force Energy within crystalline and mineral structures that embody codes of collective existence that are timeless. They are here to aid us in tuning our own vibrations to that frequency and supporting us to remember who and where we come from and to harmonize with the Earth and Cosmos. They can help support specific energies, act as healing guides, support inner growth, amplify things, bring things to light, help with clarity, strengthen, etc..but overall they help us to stay in tune, clear and balance all levels emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. They are representative of wholeness and can help us to remember our own.
Shamans believe that all of nature is alive and has a spirit. They have used crystals for ages in their healing and magickal practices. Crystals are beings that choose us as much as we choose them and are not to be forced or used in ill ways. They are conscious partners in the healing practices we embark upon and with the awakening of humanity into greater harmony with Earth and the Cosmos. They take great honor in their roles and are wonderful mirrors to reflect to us the importance of responsibility.
Crystal healing is a method where crystals or gemstones are placed on or around the body, on the Chakras (spiritual energy centers), are worn like jewelry, or are meditated with. They can be used as reflexology tools to stimulate points on the feet or can be placed in and around one’s home to enhance energy and support flow of chi. Energy grids can be created, or altars of crystals set up, that can have specific energetic intention or assist you in creating a sacred energetically supportive space for your daily practice.
There’s no end to how you might work with crystals, but its important to always do it with great honor and respect for these beings that are helping you.
They help to heal holistically on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, as they guide the flow of energy to a particular part of the body, restore balance, empower you more emotionally and mentally, support greater well being, and ultimately cleanse by releasing and clearing blocked energy.
Chakras are Sanskrit for wheels of rotating energy flows in the ethereal body. They are in related locations within the physical body along the spinal column starting from the base of the spine, up to the crown, or top of the head. We currently work with seven major Chakras within the body where the energy flows intersect. However, there are more than seven, which we are in process of activating.
The health of an area of the physical body and the condition of its associated Chakra are interdependent, so when the Chakras are blocked or cleared, the body’s state will mirror that.
Each Chakra corresponds with different states of consciousness, developmental stages of life, archetypal elements, body functions, colors, and sounds. Crystals are capable of interacting with these energy centers within the human body because they are electromagnetic conductors that work through resonance and vibrational sound. Each crystal and gemstone embodies certain energies, colors, and elements that mirror the qualities needed to facilitate clearing and raising Chakra vibrations. They have been used to realign subtle energies and dissolve disease by helping to get to the root of the issue.
Wearing crystals and gems used to be a royal or priestly experience, but is now something we can all receive benefit from, even by just having one in close proximity, inviting them in as healing tools, or practicing meditation with them.
There are so many varieties to choose from that help facilitate different functions and healing intents. Here are just some brief examples to get you started:
- Boost your energy with Orange Carnelian
- Attract wealth/prosperity and reenergize with Citrine
- Cleanse your space with Amber
- Enhance intuition with Apophyllite
- Boost confidence with Hematite
- Absorb negative energy and protect yourself with Black Tourmaline
- Ground and relieve stress with Smoky Quartz
- Alleviate debilitating effects of computer use and cleanse your aura with Fluorite clusters
- Access angelic energy, calm yourself, and support bone and back challenges with Selenite
- Diffuse anger, sharpen your mind and awareness, and release negative patterns with visionary Peridot
- Align with, cultivate, and attract more love in your life with Rose Quartz
- Access higher vibrational unconditional love that aligns with the Heart, Throat, and Third Eye Chakras with Kunzite
- Cool, calm, and alleviate migraines, create deep peace, and align with your inner truth and intuitional knowing with Lapis Lazuli
- Remove self-imposed blocks, radiate tranquility, guide yourself to your true path, and locate origin of dis-ease with the spiritual stone, Larimar
- Receive assistance with diabetes, cleanse, and detoxify with Serpentine
- Enhance mental clarity, aid liver detox, increase passion, cultivate success in business and love with Emerald
- Balance and stimulate the immune system, and support all levels of needs with the master healer Quartz
It is up to the individual to ultimately heal themselves, yet there are many catalytic tools, such as crystals, that can help facilitate the healing process and help one reconnect to wholeness.
Choosing a crystal to work with can be as simple as following your intuition as to which captures the essence of the energy you are drawn to, or you can reference crystal healing indexes to help you link symptoms with relevant crystals.

Tania Marie is a visionary artist, sacred tattoo designer, author & Reiki Master Teacher whose creations, workshops and retreats in the healing arts are inspiring people globally.
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