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Best 5 Crystals To Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

emr cell

We all love our smartphones and laptops, the always-on access to the internet. But could there be a problem hiding in plain sight?

There have always been Electromagnetic Fields around us, invisible to the human eye. The Earth has a magnetic field, always pointing north. Electric fields are produced when going from high to low voltage, such as when a lightning bolt strikes the ground.

Over the last 100 years, we have surrounded ourselves with new sources – anything which has an electric current flowing produces an EMR. As time goes on, we fill our lives with more electronic gadgets, closer to our bodies. These all radiate energy, so the question is how much do they affect our health and well-being?

Humans beings are bioelectrical systems so exposure to artificial EMR’s can interfere with our biological processes. A known effect is heating – this is why our gadgets have a SAR rating, which is the amount of heating deemed safe.

The amount of energy involved is proportional to the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation, and to the amount of power being used. Standing next to a high power transmitter can cause burns in the same way a microwave cooks food.

Other effects are not fully understood yet. We also do not know what the long-term effects could be, as mobile phones and ubiquitous wifi are recent innovations. There have been many calls for more research, though while we wait we are acting as guinea pigs.

Obviously, avoiding electromagnetic fields completely is an impossible task. It may be a good idea to develop strategies to reduce our exposure to EMR.

While not a complete list, the reported problems have included:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Decreased attention span
  • Memory loss
  • Insomnia
  • Cardiac palpations
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Anxiety

Possible strategies include:

  • Reducing the amount of time spent at the computer, give yourself a ‘budget’ of screen time per week, and don’t go over it!
  • Use your earphones! Don’t hold your phone close to your head. All radiation drops off quickly from its source, so moving away can drastically reduce EMR.
  • Turn off your WiFi at night.

When working with crystals in day to day life, it is only natural to be driven to explore which crystals would assist in reducing exposure to EMR and keep our energies as clean and balanced as possible.

These 5 crystals will help you combat EMR:

crystals for emf

5 Top Crystals for Combatting EMR

1. Amazonite

Amazonite has a vibration that can filter incoming energies, clearing away negativity or psychic attacks. Soothing Amazonite blocks electromagnetic smog and also geopathic stress. Keep Amazonite next to your monitor while you are working to cut down on the negative effects. Not surprisingly it’s a ‘feel better stone’ that is good for creativity and good for the heart and nervous system, helping stress and a troubled mind.

2. Hematite

Detoxifying Hematite is a helpful stone for cutting down on electromagnetic pollution. Highly protective, Hematite guards us against negative energies of all types. Can be placed near a computer, or worn on our person. Hematite is highly grounding and can pull in high vibrations from other realms down into the Root Chakra, enhancing one’s will and drive. Hematite also brings strength, courage and personal magnetism.

3. Sodalite

It is believed that by placing a piece of Sodalite next to your computer, you reduce the amount of electromagnetic pollution coming from the terminal. Sodalite is also great for ideas, perception, creative expression and endurance.

4. Unakite

Unakite can help to remove electromagnetic pollution via its powerful grounding energies. Unakite carries a unique vibration that is said to reverse the effects of electromagnetic pollution. Good for overcoming self-imposed blocks.

5. Black Tourmaline

A very popular stone in metaphysical circles. Black Tourmaline cleanses and repels negative energies, and is especially strong on electromagnetic smog. Black Tourmaline is very grounding as most stones used for this purpose tend to be. Also good for inspiration, connection, awareness and creativity.

You may be surprised – and contrary to popular belief – PLEASE DO NOT USE QUARTZ or any other silicate crystals!


Because Quartz easily resonates with electronics and microwave radiation, silicates are what are used in technology and our devices.

If you want to use Crystals in your personal life, check out: Top Crystal Books (Reference) and/or go here: 

Crystal HealingCrystal ToolsCrystals In-DepthCrystals and GemsCrystal Skulls

Love and Crystal Light

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