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Top Crystal Books (Reference)

Top Crystal Books (Reference)

The crystals and stones listed on Crystal Wind have so many properties,
we couldn't begin to list them all for each stone.

For more information, we highly recommend the following books:Love is in The Earth

'Love Is In The Earth'

by Melody

Book Description
Internationally acclaimed, this Best-Selling Metaphysical Mineralogical Encyclopedia describes over 1400 minerals and crystals illustrated with over 1400 color photographs. This final text in the Love Is in the Earth series and THE Last Testament has been prepared with love JUST FOR YOU by Melody.This encyclopedia is meant to take the reader on an intimate journey into the subtle realms of crystal energy, assisting one in developing a loving affinity with crystals. The minerals in the photographs have not been enhanced, reflecting them as they are naturally. Many of these minerals have been reported previously in the Love is in the Earth series; within this encyclopedia, all of the new and/or updated information for the old minerals, and all of the new information for the new minerals is reported.
About the Author
An internationally known best-selling author, Melody holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts degree in mathematics. A scientist residing in Colorado, her extensive understanding of the metaphysical and of the mineralogical aspects of the mineral kingdom has stimulated and has promoted world-wide interest. She has traveled extensively throughout the world, and is sponsored to conduct comprehensive crystal workshops, private consultations, and awareness seminars.

Laying on of Stones

'Love Is In The Earth - Laying On Of Stones'

by Melody

Book Description
A guidebook for laying-on-of-stones-including a mineralogical update, information addressing master numbers, and a cross-reference index of astrological signs and their associated minerals. Information is derived from "hands-on" experience by the author, historical research, and experimentation; any channeled information included was first validated via experimentation. "This book is meant to facilitate the continuance of ones intimate journey into the subtle realms of crystal energy, via the application of "laying-on-of-stones" in symbolic arrays from ancient times. The combinations bring one toward additional avant-garde adventures in the world of the mineral kingdom."- Melody

About the Author
Internationally known, best-selling author of the "Love is in the Earth" series, Melody was born in Cumberland, Maryland, and now resides in the Rocky Mountain region. She is a scientist and holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Art degrees in mathematics. She has been working with stones since she was a child, always evidencing an interest in the geological and mystical properties of these children of the Mother Earth. Due to the desire to share her research and knowledge with her brothers and sisters of the planet, and due to the need to make the information available at the onset of the "Age of Love", she has updated this popular book. In addition to her work within the United States, she has taught crystal workshops in Brazil, the Republic of South Africa, and Australia, and has held private consultations in India and Nepal.

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic

'Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic'

by Scott Cunningham

Book Description
Practice an ancient magic that is both natural and powerful—the elemental Earth magic of rock, stone, and metal. This comprehensive and clear guidebook by Scott Cunningham has introduced over 200,000 readers to the secrets of over 100 gems and metals.

Learn how to find and cleanse stones and use them in divinations, spells, and tarot readings. Discover how to determine the energies and stories contained within each stone, and the symbolic meanings of a stone's color and shape. Also included in this classic guide are:

  • Birthstone and jewelry magic lore
  • Tables listing both planetary and elementary rulers of stones, magical intentions, and magical substitutions

From the Publisher
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic, serves two purposes. First, it is a basic introduction to magic. It includes how magic works and how you can design spells that incorporate stones and metals. Author Scott Cunningham also describes how you can use stones for doing divinations, even using them as a type of Tarot.

But it is the second part where this book really shines. It reveals magical uses of over 100 crystals, gems, stones, and metals. Now, you may know what gold or quartz looks like, but do you know what peridot or staurolite look like? If not, don't worry. The book includes twenty-five full-color photos showing these and many other of the magical items described in this book so you can easily make select them for your magical purposes.

As a reference tool on the subject, there is nothing better. Pick a stone, gem, or metal and Scott shares planetary and elemental rulers along with magical powers and uses. Sun Bear, founder of the Bear Tribe, says that "Scott Cunningham's well-researched book, I feel, validates our feelings and thoughts about stones and minerals and their spiritual power." Anodea Judith, author of Wheels of Life, calls it "well-organized, well-researched and user-friendly." She also says that "this book is a splendid addition to the magical library."

These experts, and many more, agree that this book is a must. In fact, over 210,000 people have already made this book a part of their collections. So if you have ever wondered what secrets lie within the water-worn pebble lying on the beach or what energies pulse inside the stone on your finger or the gems around your neck, this is the book for you. You may discover that the very rocks you walk on could draw a new love into your life or help you financially.


'Healing With Crystals and Gemstones'

by Daya Sarai Chocron

Book Description
Healing with Crystals and Gemstones provides a unique approach to achieving wellness with crystals. It explains Daya Sarai Chocron's trademark methods for increasing vitality including pain-relief prisms, cranial crystals, and mandalstone patterns. From curing a headache and strengthening the heart and other organs to overcoming arthritis and similar bone-related issues, this remarkable book contains essential information for a healthier, happier life. Chocron explains how the stones interact electromagnetically with both the physical body and the etheric body - the subtle life force that sustains the physical body. The stones bring them into alignment and prevent or correct imbalances that can result in a domino effect of maladies - low energy, depression, stress-related diseases like shingles, ulcers, or migraines, and any number of other serious physical problems. By learning to work with crystals, gems, and the chakras, we can be proactive about keeping everything in proper alignment and stay healthy. Within this helpful resource, Chocron shares meditations, visualizations, exercises, and an extensive array of crystal-healing techniques, including information about many uncommon stones and methods discovered through years of hands-on healing practice.


'Michael's Gemstone Dictionary'

by Judithann H. David and JP Van Hulle

Book Description
J.P. Van Hulle is actually listed as the Channelor of Michael, a non-physical teacher who guides Earth-bound students from a higher plane perspective. Part of the teaching tells us that gemstones and minerals have been placed upon the planet for use in amplifying different healing energies and for other beneficial effects. This book provides an in depth look at these properties in hundreds of gemstones and minerals.


'The Complete Book of Rocks and Minerals'

by Chris and Helen Pellant (with photography by Harry Taylor)

Customer Reviews:
My wife is a rock-a-holic and a half and I thought about getting her a book about rocks for her birthday. While examining the various offerings that are out there, this one stood above the rest. A detailed description including photos was the biggest draw and you should have seen her scouring through the pages with her rock collection -- she was like a kid in a candy store! If you love collecting rocks, then you owe it to yourself to get this book.

If you don't know how to identify rocks and minerals, just look at this book.


'The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals'

by Judy Hall

Book Description
Beautifully illustrated, The Crystal Bible offers a comprehensive guide to crystals, their shapes, colors and applications. With informative descriptions and an easy-to-use format, it is an indispensable practical handbook for crystal lovers and users everywhere - both beginner and expert alike.

The book's directory format and beautiful, full-color photos ensure that the crystals are easily identifiable. Descriptions, which accompany each of the crystals, provide all the information on their appearance, worldwide distribution, attributes, actions and healing properties. All the major and less known stones currently available are contained inside, including those only recently discovered. A comprehensive index cross-referencing crystals to applications, aliments and conditions make this book a vital reference for all crystal users.

About the Author
Judy Hall has been using her extensive collection of crystals in her healing and divination work for almost thirty years. She has written 18 books, including the best-selling Illustrated Guide to Crystals, The Crystal User's Handbook, The Illustrated Guide to Astrology, The Zodiac Pack and The Art of Psychic Protection. She lives in Edmondsham, England.


'Healing Crystals and Gemstones: From Amethyst to Zircon'

by Flora Peschek-Bohmer

Book Description
Heal yourself with power of crystals and gemstones. Hundreds of vivid color photographs make it easy to identify and distinguish between different varieties. Listing for over 140 stones tell you which stones to use for particular illnesses, how to use them most effectively and how stones relate to the chakra system and the signs of the zodiac.



'The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones'

by Cassandra Eason

Book Description
Already a bestseller in its original form, this reduced-format volume is from one of the world’s most recognizable experts on the healing power of crystals. It offers details on the healing properties of 150 different crystals and gems, including how to combine them with oils, incense, meditation, and other crystals to provide relief from illness, improve decision-making, and cleanse both the body and the home. Discover rituals that help harness the natural energies of the earth and protect the user from harm. For each crystal, there is background information that covers their mythological, astrological, and historical context. Armed with this information, readers can help to heal and protect themselves and their loved ones.

About the Author
Cassandra Eason originally trained in teaching, taking an honours psychology degree, whilst bringing up her five children, with the intention of training as an Educational Psychologist. However, a prophetic experience experienced by her son led her to write her first book, The Physic Power of Children in 1991; since then she has had more than 45 books published in UK and rest of the world, and has been translated into thirteen languages. Cassandra is also an expert of folk lore, Celtic wisdom, Wicca, sacred sites, earth energies, divinations of all kinds and natural magic. She is also a practising Druidess, and a tutor on the Traditional Medicine Ways Diploma. Cassandra Eason lives on the Isle of Wight.


'The Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures'

by Philip Permutt

Book Description
Created by the natural energies of the planet, crystals are powerful tools for holistic healing. This indispensable guide shows how to harness the power of crystals and understand their restorative properties. Each crystal is grouped by color, so it is easy to identify, and comes with a full explanation of its origins and unique qualities. You will also discover crystals’ astrological associations, and spiritual and emotional connections. Practical tips and advice are included showing you how to work with your crystals, helping you to create your own special meditation space and balance your chakras. • Full descriptions and beautiful illustrations of more than 80 crystals, organized by their color. • How to heal with crystals and remedy common ailments. • How to choose the right crystal for you by dowsing and astrology.


'Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening and Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals and Gems'

by Robert Simmons

Book Description
Stones of the New Consciousness begins with a new approach to meditation with stones, and to the possibility of conscious relationship with the spiritual beings who express themselves in our world as crystals and minerals. This beautifully designed book examines the most important stones that help accelerate and enhance human evolution. Each entry is illustrated with color photos of exceptional examples. The stones include Moldavite, the extraterrestrial amorphous crystal; Nuummite, the oldest gemstone on Earth; and Circle Stones, the highly energetic Flint found in crop circle formations. Other featured rarities include Nirvana Quartz from the Himalayas and high-vibrational Natrolite from the emerald mines of Russia.

Author Robert Simmons includes historical and mythological references for each stone, positing that the fabled Stone of the Holy Grail and the Philosopher’s Stone of the alchemists may have physical counterparts among the materials discussed. Simmons presents practices for deepening one’s awareness of the stones’ gifts—from expanding one’s consciousness, to healing, to fulfilling one’s personal and collective destiny. While emphasizing direct contact with stones, the book also explores crystal energy tools, energy environments, and applications such as stone elixirs and essences that can aid anyone on a spiritual path.


'The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach'

by Robert Simmons

Book Description
The Book of Stones is a new edition of the best-selling guide to some of Earth’s most beautiful natural objects. Two introductory chapters detail the authors’ theories about how to work with crystals and stones—including the concept of crystal resonance and the scientific observation that living organisms (such as ourselves) are liquid crystalline structures. An illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, stone by stone, follows.

Each entry begins with the stone name and photo, plus its elemental and chakra correspondences, as well as keywords that indicate its properties. Next comes a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers an essay on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with summaries of the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone, and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. The book’s presentation is straightforward enough to make it an excellent introduction for beginners, yet the level of detail and the depth of research make it an invaluable resource for the most experienced stone practitioners.

All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner.

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