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Mood Stones As A Means Of Self-Expression

Mood Stones As A Means Of Self-Expression

“Self-expression allows people to distinguish themselves from others, to reflect their own beliefs and needs, and validate their own self-concepts,” report University of California academics in an article entitled Culture and Self-Expression. For thinkers like Thomas Emerson, meanwhile, self-expression was a fundamental right, deriving from the idea that one of the fundamental purposes of human beings is the realization of one’s character and potential as a human being. There are many means chosen by people on a day to day basis to express themselves - including social media images and text messages, journals, artistic creation, and music. Those who seek to express their inner emotions, meanwhile, sometimes turn to fashion, jewelry, and accessories - to boost self-awareness and to express their emotions to others.

Mood Stones And Self-Discovery

One type of ‘mood stone’ is that used in mood rings - a craze which was started in the 70s by two inventors from New York, who bonded liquid crystals and quartz stones and set their invention atop a silver or gold band. Mood stones allegedly change from red to yellow, black or green, depending on the wearer’s thoughts and feelings. The changes result from the reaction of the liquid crystals to body heat. Although the ring itself may not be a ‘mind reader’, body temperatures do change when exposed to emotions like stress or anger, so in a way, mood rings can communicate a little about mood and state. Stress and nerves, for instance, are said to bring the stone to a black tinge, while relaxation shows up as a blue-green hue. When one is feeling fully calm and in the mood for love, meanwhile, the ring shines in a deep royal blue colour.

Experiments On Mood Rings

If you wish to elicit the extent to which a mood ring can give you key information about your emotional or mental state, wear one for a few days, and jot down the colours that appear when you are undertaking different activities. Refinery writer Sara Coughlin gave one a try a few years back, finding that although her mood ring did not change too frequently, it did sport specific colours depending on the activity she was carrying out. For instance, when conducting a phone interview, the ring would turn magenta (indicating nerves), and when she was rushing at work, it turned orange (meaning unsettled). However, she also noted that when she was consciously feeling stressed, the ring did not seem to pick up this emotion. Essentially, mood rings are 100% accurate in reading temperature, but they may be incapable of detecting subtle emotional changes.

Mood rings are a fun accessory that come back into fashion every few seasons. Their liquid crystal component enables them to capture temperature changes, enabling them to enlighten wearers to some extent about emotions such as nervousness and calmness. Of course, the rings are no substitute for a psychologist, and ultimately can be seen as an accessory that can provide you with information about yourself. This can, at the very least, be intriguing.

Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.

This article is written exclusively for CrystalWind.ca.  © 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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