Bloodstone Crystal Therapy Is Perfect for Older Men and Women
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- Written by Sally Benson

Bloodstone crystal therapy includes meditation - which, according to the Journal of Health Psychology decreases stress hormone levels in the human body. For this reason, older Canadians who want the soothing benefits of mindful meditation should know that crystal therapy with Bloodstones will be very beneficial to them. The unique properties of Bloodstone are legendary. This is a powerful healing crystal that will strengthen the mind, body and spirit.
Discover the healing properties of Bloodstone
Bloodstone (also known as Heliotrope) is a type of quartz mineral that is classified as cryptocrystalline. These stones are green with touches of blood red. The color of each stone will vary based on its composition.
Renowned for centuries as healing stones, these crystals are beneficial for older people because they are believed to purify the blood and boost vigor. Seniors who want to stay healthy may utilize Bloodstone crystal therapy to enhance general health. In terms of mind and spirit, Bloodstone is believed to destroy negative energy and calm and comfort the spirit.
How to get started with Bloodstone crystal therapy
It is, fortunately, very simple to get started with Bloodstone crystal therapy. All that is needed is a natural Bloodstone. Natural Bloodstones are quite affordable, which is good news for older Canadians who are thinking about retiring and will no longer be earning a fixed income. Seniors who try this form of therapy will find that it doesn't interfere with building a nest egg for later life. Once a natural Bloodstone has been accessed, an older person should find a quiet spot in the home, with a comfy chair, and sit down, while holding the Bloodstone in the palm of one hand.
At this point, it will be time to meditate. Repeating a mantra (a thought or word, said aloud or thought to oneself) will boost the healing power of the stone, by clearing the mind and focusing it on the crystal’s power. One mantra to consider is, “OM”. This manta is just one word, but it’s such a powerful word. OM is considered the universe’s sound and the universe's initial vibration, which represents the circle of life.
As you can see, Bloodstone crystal therapy is a wonderful way to improve health, soothe the mind and comfort the spirit. When Bloodstone crystal therapy becomes part of a daily or nightly ritual, good results should quickly follow. Try it and see how it works for you. It may just become your anti-aging secret weapon.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
This article is written exclusively for © 2019 All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.
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