Incorporating Crystals Into Your Tarot Practice
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- Written by Sarah Roberts

Tarot is all about energy. During a Tarot reading, you tap into the energy of your intuition, the energy of your client, the energy surrounding a situation and the energy of the universe to understand a situation better. Understanding the directional force of the energy that surrounds a situation helps you to see the most likely future outcomes.
This kind of energy work is challenging as it can be difficult to separate all the different energies that we encounter. It can also be a little dangerous as energy sticks, and we can pick up energy that can linger with us.
Crystals absorb, store and transmit energy, and as such is an excellent tool for Tarot readers. They can be used to both enhance readings and shake off unwanted energy after readings.
Let’s have a look at how crystals can be used within Tarot, and some of the best crystals to incorporate into your practice.
Uses for Crystals within Tarot
Cleansing your Deck
As you use your tarot deck to draw on different energies, some of this energy can stick to your cards, making them difficult to use in later readings. When your cards pick up excess energy like this, you may find yourself not really knowing when to stop shuffling, and just feeling like your readings are unclear. You can use crystals to pull this excess energy out of your cards by merely storing your cards with the right crystals between uses. Smokey Quartz and Garnet are good choices for this.
Cut Cords with a Client
Sometimes after a particularly intense or negative reading, some of the client’s energy, or the reading’s energy, can stick to you, leaving you feeling just a bit off. You can use crystals to sever any energetic cords that you may have picked up as part of a reading. All you need to do is hold an appropriate crystal in your dominant hand and make cutting motions in front of your body while visualising the person you are trying to break within your mind. Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for this type of work.
Managing your Space
Since few of us have the luxury of a dedicated tarot space, we often have to do our readings within spaces that have other uses, and therefore different energies at play. We can use crystals to help us take control of the energy of our space, placing crystals to both dispel negative energies, and draw in the type of energy that we would like. All you need to do is place your selected crystals around the thresholds of your space, and they should do the rest. Citrine is great for keeping out negative energy, while Apatite will draw intuitive forces.
Focussing your Attention
Using a crystal as part of a reading itself can help focus the energy of the reading and draw the desired energy to the cards to make the reading clearer. There are many ways to include crystals in your readings. You can place them on the cards before and after shuffling them, and amid the cards that have been dealt. You can also just hold a crystal in your hand while you are doing a reading to help focus your energy. Lapis Lazuli is always a good choice as it helps to focus your intuitive abilities, while also helping you maintain a level of detachment so that you can see clearly without becoming overly involved in the challenges of the client.
Best Crystals for Tarot
Amethyst elevates energy and raises vibrational frequencies. This means that it can help you connect with other energies. It will help you to better pick up on the energy or your client, and the relevant energy surrounding a situation.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz helps to both magnify energy and clear distractions. It can help you focus your reading on your client, amplifying their energy, and dimming other things that may be pulling on your mind and intuition.
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz has strong protective powers and is good at dispelling negative energy and relieving energy blockages. It is useful when working with a client who is struggling to open up and to provide tranquillity and safety when delving into more challenging readings.
Garnet is perfect for clearing energy and protecting against picking up unwanted energy. It is useful for card cleansing and protection, or for dispelling negative energetic attachments you feel you may have picked up.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline protects against negative energy. It is perfect to use when conducting rituals to cut negative energetic ties, or when doing a reading that feels like it is drawing a lot of negative energy. It can help stop that energy from taking hold.
Citrine is unable to store negative energy and will transmute any negative energy that it encounters. It also helps to manifest abundance and will bring a feeling of joy and safety to your space.
Apatite can help open up your connection with your intuition, giving you a more unobstructed view of the world. This is always useful in a Tarot reading and can be called upon when you are struggling to see a particular situation clearly.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli assists in attuning with your intuition and any innate clairvoyant gifts that you might have. It also has the benefit of helping us stay detached from our clients and their challenges so that we can stay clear-minded and positive.
Selenite is connected to the rivers of the past and is useful when trying to unlock things about the past that are unclear. Bring it into a reading when a client is struggling to understand past events and how they are impacting them now.
Tiger Eye
Tiger’s Eye has grounding and calming qualities and can be very useful when doing a reading with a client who is agitated or distressed. It can help them find some of the calm then need to understand their situation.
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