Tiger's Eye
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- Written by CrystalWind.ca
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The Physical Mastery Stone
Because of its range of colours, tiger’s eye is an excellent stone to balance all three lower chakras; base, sacral and solar plexus.
With its fibrous striations, it is able to balance the flow of energy between these centres, thus encouraging confidence, practicality and an ability to feel at home in the world.
Energy: sociable, practical, group-orientated
Synonyms/Varieties: Cat’s Eye. Hawk's Eye. Falcon's Eye.
Tiger’s Eye has a positive, helpful energy bringing confidence and a practical ability to achieve a success.
Colours: light to dark brown with fibrous inclusions
Uses: Tiger's Eye is a variety of quartz stone used for balance, invisibility, strength, insight, and inner knowledge. Instills the confidence to accomplish your goals and recognize inner resources. Helpful for protection, mental focus, concentration, and shape-shifting
Star Sign: Capricorn
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Tips For Tiger’s Eye

Hold tiger’s eye when you are indecisive for that special “go for it” feeling
Put tiger’s eye in your coin purse or wallet and it will never be empty
Wear or carry tiger’s eye to improve your intuition
Place tiger’s eye around your home to protect it and your family from negativity and fear
Keep tiger’s eye near you to promote new beginnings and give you the courage to move forward in life
Strengthening tiger’s eye promotes the boldness associated with the tiger

It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money.
Tiger's eye brings a boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.
It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power.
This is a warm stone and promotes energy flow through the body.
This stone promotes protection, courage, and general energy.
Tiger's eye is a very protective stone especially during travel.
Tiger’s eye can help one see clearly without illusion.

This is a stone that helps us to be more active, mentally as well as physically, and its major work is within the lower chakras. It will stimulate the base chakra, sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra, where its energy has a very powerful effect.
The vibration of 'the will', which is the predominant energy of the solar plexus chakra, is strong within Tigers Eye Stone, and its energy here also aids the release of fear.

If you are an earthy person, and vibrate to the energy of the solar plexus, also known as the power chakra, you may find that this stone aids you to bring through a variety of psychic gifts.
It is as simple as keeping the stone within your aura, so it will be of benefit to you. It is the balance within the stone that is its most practical attribute.
It may aid you if you are earthy to develop your psychic powers when used at the third eye chakra, but it is not generally a third eye chakra stone.
It is an effective stone to assist you to accomplish goals. If you are prone to criticizing your own actions, you may be experiencing a lack of self worth. This stone may help you, as it will infuse you with confidence, brightness and optimism that may relieve these feelings of lack.

Red Tiger’s eye is a survival stone and helps with the correct use of power for survival in difficult times.
Red Tiger’s Eye enhances the integrity of the self.
It can help with self-sufficiency.
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