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The Humour Stone

Peridot stone makes the life of the wearer prosperous and happy. Peridot emits a warm and friendly energy.

Peridot, also known as olivine and chrysolite, is usually only found in small, friable pieces. Translucent stones and crystals as large as a fingernail are becoming increasingly rare. 

This amazing gem is one of the very few in the world characterized by a single colour. It does come in various shades of green which span from a deep bottle green to the most valuable lighter grass green.

Colours: clear pale green, olive green, bottle green, yellowish-green

Uses: For balancing energy, emotional tranquility, healing, insight, clairvoyance, personal empowerment, vision, clarity of purpose, and enlightenment. Also for fresh starts, releasing old patterns, growth, cleansing, patience. Enhances digestion, stimulates tissue regeneration, and boosts confidence. 

Peridot grows as a hexagon. In Sacred Geometry the hexagon represents balance, positivity and resolution.

Peridot is a 16th Anniversary gemstone.

Star Sign: Virgo
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Chakra: Heart
Birthstone: August
Numerical Vibration: 6
Angelic: Archangel Raphael
Herbs: Hyssop, Echinacea

Tree: Black Walnut

Tips For Peridot

Keep peridot near you to help you let go of pride

Put peridot under your pillow to release emotional blockages

Wear peridot to gain health and happiness from its energy

Meditate with peridot to move forward on the path to enlightenment

Carry peridot to help you detox on all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

Place peridot around your home to stimulate activity and ward off laziness


Cleansing peridot washes away the emotional grime of everyday living

Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color: an olive-green. The intensity and tint of the green, however, depends on the percentage of iron that is contained in the crystal structure, so the color of individual peridot gems can vary from yellow, to olive, to brownish-green.

August’s birthstone is Peridot, symbolizing lightness and beauty. It is known to bring good thoughts to the mind of the wearer. Peridot’s naturally occurring olive green colour is associated with springtime, and is often referred to as the evening emerald.  Peridot is considered as a gift from Mother Nature by ancient cultures. Peridot is said to bring good luck, fortune, and peace. It is also said to attract love, calm anger, and protect against negative emotions. Peridot brings protection, health, and peaceful sleep.

Peridot is the gem variety of the mineral olivine found in peridotite rock. Peridot is born of fire and brought to light, one of only two gems (Diamond is the other) formed not in the Earth’s crust, but in molten rock of the upper mantle and brought to the surface by the tremendous forces of earthquakes and volcanoes.

The ancient Egyptians mined peridot on the Red Sea island of Zabargad, the source for many large fine peridots in the world’s museums. Inhabitants of this island believed Peridot to be a gemstone of the gods, having the ability to glow at night while fighting off evil spirits. Originally mined only at night, when its colour was visible against the rock among snake-infested lands. The Egyptians called it the “gem of the sun.”  


It is said that Moses wore a peridot in his defensive armour as protection. 

The Romans called them the “evening emeralds” because of the way they caught and reflected lamplight. The Romans used Peridot to protect them from depression and deception. 

In the Middle Ages Peridot promoted eloquence and inspiration. Crusaders re-introduced Peridot to Europe.

Napoleon once offered a gift of Peridot to Josephine as a symbol of his undying love and admiration. 

peridot rings

Today Peridot symbolizes strength and refinement. It is still prized for its restful yellowish green hues and long history. Large strongly-colored, examples can be spectacular, and attractive smaller gems are available for jewelry at all price points.


For In-Depth information on Peridot:

Click Here - Peridot: The Healer's Stone 

All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner.



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