- Details
- Written by AndEl

The Mental Purger Stone
The dark brilliance of azurite speeds the vibration of all energies toward the spiritual realm. Blue stones tend to be quietin and calming, but azurite has a shifting, transformative quality. It is also known to stimulate deep levels of consciousness, and to increase subtle communication skills such as intuition, creativity, and inspiration.
Energy: healing, transformative, empathic
Colours: blue, blue-green (with malachite), copper flecks
Uses: Copper-based, called the "jewel of wisdom", azurite is beneficial for amplifying healing ability and energy, gaining insight, mental clarity and control, enhancing meditation, and prenatal strength.
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Chakra: Throat

Tips for Azurite:
Keep azurite with you when you are in need of divine guidance - it is known as the "stone of heaven"
Hold azurite to boost your clairvoyant abilities
Position azurite near you if you are a healer to benefit from the empathy it brings
Carry or wear azurite to ease aching bones
Hold azurite to assist you when you need to express your deepest thoughts or feelings
Place azurite in your work place to help stimulate creativity
Azurite helps you to see into life's mysteries and increase spiritual attunement

Azurite, also known as Chessylite after the type locality at the Chessy-les-Mines near Lyon, France, is a soft, deep blue copper mineral produced by weathering of copper ore deposits. Azurite is unstable in open air, and is destroyed by heat, losing carbon dioxide and water to form black, powdery copper(II) oxide. Azurite's color is azure, a rich deep blue but specimens tend to lighten in color over time due to surface weathering thus turning into what is known as Malachite. Azurite specimens are typically massive to nodular, and are often stalactitic in form.

For centuries, Azurite was used as a blue pigment. Depending on the degree of fineness to which it was ground, it gave a wide range of blues. When mixed with oil it turns slightly green. When mixed with egg yolk it turns green-grey. Older examples of azurite pigment show a more greenish tint due to weathering into malachite. As chemical analysis of paintings from the Middle Ages improves, azurite is being recognized as a major source of the blues used by medieval painters, a common mineral in Europe at the time.
Spiritual Uses
Azurite is a gemstone of "Letting Go". It allows us to let go of old patterns, thoughts, behaviors and attitudes.
Opens the Heart Chakra.
Will help you connect with your psychic abilities.
Increases prophetic dreams.
Activates brow and throat Chakras.
Aids in decision making.
Helps to calm emotions from traumatic stress disorder, or grief loss of a loved one.
Reduces depression.
Enhances meditation.
Aids students who are studying for exams.
Stimulates creativity.
Aids in contacting your Spirit Guides.
Helps communication skills for those who are shy or timid.
Helps reduce vanity and excessive feelings of self importance
Brings forth inspiration.

Healing Uses
Assist in helping broken bones heal faster.
Azurite is a great stone for an expectant mother to wear as they help the fetus to be healthier and stronger.
Eases arthritis.
Promotes healthy liver.
Aids detoxification.
Stimulates brain and nerve activity.
Encourages growth by stimulating the activity of the thyroid gland.
As an elixir, Azurite sooths skin problems.

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