- Details
- Written by AndEl

The Stone for Clearing and Change
Ametrine is one of the rarest and most valuable gemstones. Ametrine is made up of two powerful gemstones: amethyst and citrine. It has a very soothing effect on the soul and brings inner harmony and equilibrium to the wearer. It carries the energy of both of these stones, and is a harmonious blend of their energies.
The amethyst energy that the Ametrine contains makes it powerful in pacifying pain and negativity while the properties of Citrine makes this stone helpful in maintaining the well-being and focus of the person. Ametrine is also known to make a person feel encouraged by having a control over his life, and stimulating creativity. It is believed that Ametrine is good while taking decisions for your business and career.
Stone Qualities: Mental and spiritual clarity
Numerical Vibration: Number 4
Colours: violet, golden, translucent
Uses: ametrine strengthens the nerves, promotes the supply of oxygen to the body and encourages the healing process after serious illness.
Ametrine is the stone of Thursday, "Thor's Stone".
Star Sign: Libra
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Chakra: Crown

Tips For Ametrine
Place ametrine around your workplace to bring inspiration and creativity
Carry ametrine to help you overcome obstructions, prejudice, and ignorance
Leave ametrine where you meditate to speed the process of stilling the mind
Lie down and place ametrine on your solar plexus to help remove emotional blockages
Hold ametrine when you need to release tension
Place ametrine around your home to bring peace and tranquility
Calming ametrine promotes spiritual understanding

Use Ametrine to enhance compatibility.
Ametrine disperses negativity from the aura.
Ametrine jewelry should be worn with gold or silver.
Amethyst stimulates intellect, and enhances creativity.
It assists in reaching higher states of awareness in meditation.
Promotes maturity and encourages a more confident attitude towards life.
Ametrine balances male/female energy; it creates inner harmony with the wearer.

Ametrine enhances equilibrium and provides a connection between the physical and the non-physical, however it should be used with caution during meditation; if used for too long it can lead to inner imbalances.
Like Amethyst crystals, it is useful if you have addictions. It will to help you in letting go of the compulsions associated with them.
It will clear stress and tension from the head, and will bring excess energy down into the physical for use or release.
Its Citrine energy will enhance your will, and the Amethyst vibration helps you to break self-defeating habits, that may be holding you back.
Their energy is also said to alleviate depression, anxiety and stress.
The Citrine Crystal vibration helps you to boost your creativity, and its connection with the crown, the highest chakra in the body may assist psychic artists in their work.

Legend has it that ametrine was first introduced to Europe by a conquistador's gifts to the Spanish Queen, after he received a mine in Bolivia as a dowrywhen he married a princess from the native Ayoreos tribe.
Relatively new to the metaphysical and healing disciplines, and because it is only found in one place in the world, there is not any reliable folklore to relate with this one. The world's only source of this bicolored natural quartz is the Anahi Mine located in the jungles of Bolivia.

Ametrine is a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts. If you paint, draw, sculpt, write, or create in any way, keep a nice ametrine crystal or crystal cluster in the area to focus and amplify the creative elements of the Universal Life Force. Ametrine is also a well known healer that has profound effects in balancing the crown chakra. If you are feeling out of sorts, blocked, and mentally clumsy, try a short session with an ametrine, you will likely find yourself refreshed, alert, and back in control.

Keep this crystal on you all day, as it will aid you overall in your life helping you make spiritual connections. This may help you to enhance both your mental and spiritual clarity.

All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner.
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