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The Clearing Stone
Citrine’s wide range of colours enables it to help balance many different areas of the physical and subtle bodies. The deep orange-brown varieties help to energize the base chakra, and have a gentle grounding effect. Orange-yellow stones work well at the sacral chakra, helping the body to release stress and tension and enjoy life more.
Most effective is yellow citrine, which acts at the solar plexus, balancing the digestive and nervous systems and bringing clarity and focus to the mind. It is gently expansive, relaxing, and comforting, increasing self-confidence and personal power. The golden tones within the crystal also relate to the spiritual energies above the crown of the head, bringing higher levels of wisdom and knowledge. As a grounding stone, citrine helps integrate these levels of intuition into everyday life.
Colours: gold, brown-gold, pale to dark golden-yellow
Uses: Citrine enhances mindfulness, intellectual reasoning, mental quickness, clarity. Relieves headaches, increases motivation, dispels negativity. Citrine is beneficial for manifesting goals and ideas, insight and personal empowerment.
Star Sign: Gemini
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Chakra: Solar Plexus

Tips For Citrine
Put a piece of citrine in your coin purse or wallet to bring you abundance and wealth - it is known as the “money stone”
Keep citrine at work to boost your creativity
Wear citrine when you are low to make you feel brighter
Citrine in your bedroom enhances your relationships
Hold citrine to prevent nausea and stomache ache
Place citrine in every room to speed up the sale of a house

Uplifting citrine brightens your life with positive energy
Citrine is a stone that brings happiness and cheerfulness to those who carry or wear it.
Citrine is useful for meditation as well as dream recall and dream work.
Citrine clears the aura of negative energies and influences.
Citrine increases creativity and promotes honesty.
Sensuality and sexuality can also be heightened by citrine.
Citrine enhances mental clarity, confidence, and will power.
Citrine can help one overcome emotional traumas and grief.

Citrine does not absorb any negative energies from its surroundings so it never needs energetic clearing. Citrine dissipates negative energy – it can be used to clear unwanted energies from the environment.
Citrine is known as the "success stone" because it promotes success, prosperity, and abundance. It promotes success in business, earning it another nickname, "merchant's stone", and is said to bring business if put in the cashbox/cash register of a shop or if carried. A piece near or on the telephone can help with telephone sales and incoming sales leads. Citrine may bring good fortune in unexpected ways.
Along with prosperity and good fortune, citrine imparts generosity, helping one to share the wealth, so to speak.
Citrine reduces self-destructive tendencies. Citrine is also good for removing toxins, and overcoming addictions. Emotionally, citrine relieves depression, self-doubt, anger, and irrational mood swings. Citrine helps eliminate fears. It is suitable for raising social consciousness.

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