Rutilated Quartz
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The Energy Buster Stone
Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energises the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. If Rutilated Quartz has made an appearance in your life, remember that it chose you, not the other way around. Set aside your self-doubt and fears and listen to its guidance from the other side.
Rutilated quartz is a combination of rock crystal inter-grown with crystals of titanium dioxide called rutile. Rutilated quartz was once known as “the hair of Venus”. It is said to contain the light of the sun and is helpful in lifting depression and alleviate coughing.
Energy: consolidating, able to work with others
Synonyms: Venus Hair, Fleches d’Amour
Colours: clear to pale yellow with needle-like rutile inclusions
Star Sign: Gemini, Taurus, Leo
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire & Air
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration: #4 & #6
Colors: Clear with golden brown, reddish, or black strands of rutile
Candle Color: Gold
Flowers & Plants: Aster and Heather
Herbs - Incenses - Oils: Basil, frankincense, garlic and orange

Uses: For healing, directing energy, balance, insight, sustaining good health, and creating positive life patterns. Boosts the immune system, elevates energy, and enhances sexuality and self-esteem.
Rutilated quartz is employed as a mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of an ailment. Rutilated quartz can be of great benefit to damaged tissue. The interwoven and crossed patterns of rutile within the quartz stimulate the repair of wounds by encouraging a multilevel flow of energy. Rutilated quartz is said to treat respiratory illness, assist the assimilation of nutrition, and slow the advancement of aging.
It stimulates the wearer’s self-healing powers and removes mental blocks. If he indulges in negative thoughts, it will help him discover the truth. Rutilated quartz is most effective on the navel and throat chakras. Rutilated quartz enhances mental and physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas.
It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and issues with decision-making.

Golden rutilated quartz integrates energy at many levels. It heightens the energy of other quartz stones and is an important healing stone.

Illuminates the soul
Cleanses and energizes
Removes barriers to spiritual growth
Filters negative energy
Rutilated Quartz Crystal is helpful for therapists and counselors as it filters negative energy from a client and at the same time supports their energy field during emotional release and confrontation with the darker psyche. Rutilated Quartz crystal is very helpful in past-life healing as it may provide insight into past events that affect present circumstances.
Rutilated Quartz Crystal is an effective integrator of energy at any level. Rutile intensifies the energetic impulse of Quartz Crystal and is a very efficient vibrational healer. Rutilated Quartz Crystal is said to have a perfect balance of cosmic light and to be a tool for enlightening the soul, promoting spiritual growth and creative power.
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