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Everything About Writing Interesting Crystal Description

Everything About Writing Interesting Crystal Description

Since ancient times, people have associated their lives with stones and minerals. Our ancestors believed that natural stones have both healing and magical properties. The owners of the stones treated them as real talismans that could change their lives.

Today, the attitude to natural stones hadn’t changed much. Someone chooses them as a talisman, someone uses them in esotericism, and someone chooses crystals as a tool for meditation. Each stone still has its unique properties but how to create an interesting description of such crystals? Below you will find practical tips with which you can create a high-quality and interesting description.

Why Do You Need to Describe Crystals?

As already mentioned, each person chooses crystals for different purposes. What’s more, each crystal is unique, both externally and in its miraculous properties.

So, it is necessary to prepare a high-quality description for each crystal so that every potential buyer can find the desired stone. A description like “Pink crystal of medium size” is not the best option. When creating the descriptions for your crystals, you are better to write like the Best Writers Online from the writing services review platform, highlighting the unique properties of stones and their magical potential.

Top Tips on How to Write an Interesting Description for Crystals

How to make an engaging description and help the buyers find the stone that suits them best? Below, you will find simple and effective tips.

Define Your Target Audience

To write a high-quality description for crystals, you should define your audience. Perhaps you sell crystals for jewelry or vice versa for those who are interested in esotericism, yoga, and astrology. Understanding your audience will allow you to prepare a description that will allow the consumer to find the right crystal for their needs.

For example, jewelry creators will be interested in information on the properties of a crystal, its strength, color change under certain lighting, and so on. If we talk about the audience that is interested in crystals as talismans, then it is necessary to focus on the magical properties of the crystal and its healing features.

Research the Relevant Keywords

To create an effective description, you will need to make it attractive to search engine algorithms. Your description should be well indexed to get high ratings in the search results.

To find the right keywords, use modern online tools. For instance, you can use Google Search Console or Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. With the help of these tools, you can search for keywords that users use to find the product they need.

Highlight the History of the Stone

As already noted, each crystal is unique and has special properties. Therefore, it is a great trigger to immediately grab the attention of users. Just a couple of sentences are enough to mention how the ancestors treated this crystal or to note an interesting myth. For example:

  • Garnet was a talisman that protected the crusaders from injury.
  • In Persia, the Garnet was considered a stone that gave power and the ability to control people.

A few lines and interesting historical facts will work regardless of your audience. This will add a special charm and majesty to each crystal. Accordingly, this will attract the attention of your consumers.

Match Crystals With the Sign of the Zodiac

Most people choose crystals as their talisman. This is not surprising, since humanity has long attributed special properties to natural stones. Each crystal can interact well with certain zodiac signs. Therefore, it is significant to add to your description which zodiac sign this crystal is compatible with and which one is contraindicated. For example:

  • The Moonstone is a good talisman for Virgo women, as it can foster family happiness. While for Capricorns, this crystal can cause laziness.

Matching your crystals with the signs of the zodiac is another way to highlight their properties and internal abilities. In addition to making the description interesting, it can be decisive for making a purchase too.

Describe the Unique Properties of the Crystal

Almost every crystal has unique healing properties. For example, a crystal-like Amethyst can balance the emotional state. Lapis Lazuli can reduce inflammation in the body. And Turquoise can help get rid of insomnia and nightmares.

Adding such properties to the description can convince a potential consumer of the need for a purchase. Everyone wants to get not only a beautiful crystal but also wants to get a little magic. Do not deprive consumers of this opportunity and be sure to add such characteristics in the description.

Focus on Quality of the Description

Despite all the magical properties of crystals and their incredible beauty, you still need to create quality text. Both search algorithms and users want an engaging and easy-to-read text.

If you doubt the quality of your text, then seek help from professional writers on the Writing Judge custom writing reviews platform. Get inspired by a professionally written description to create texts of the same level in the future. Also, you can use Hemingway Editor and Grammarly to create quality descriptions.

Follow One Style and Template

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the description for each crystal should be written in the same style. If in the description of Garnet you noted the signs of the zodiac for which the crystal is suitable, then do it for all subsequent crystals. Perhaps your consumer is looking for a collection of stones that will fit their zodiac. So it is vital to make a description in the same style and use the same templates for each crystal.

Wrapping Up

Describing crystals is an engaging process. But in addition to the creative aspect, it is worth focusing on the writing skills and basic rules for SEO promotion. Use the tips we have shared above to make your description work and attract prospective leads to your website and store.

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Frank Hamilton

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

This article is written exclusively for CrystalWind.ca.  © 2020 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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