Guard Against Psychic Attacks with These Stones
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- Written by Sandie La Nae
- Views: 2060

If you work closely with the spiritual realm, you might sometimes encounter spirits that follow you home or negative energies from toxic people.
These energies can cause confusion or conflict. The stones listed below will help protect you before, during, and after your spiritual sessions, shielding you from those who use psychic attacks.

Aegirine, known for its black or green needle-like crystals, is excellent for blocking emotional, mental, and physical negative energy. It's particularly helpful in maintaining focus and positivity during healing sessions. When placed in your workspace, it harmonizes the environment for both you and your clients, and it's great for energy regeneration.

Betafite's octahedral crystal structure ranges in color from green to black. This stone is great for diagnostic work and shielding against psychic attacks. It can also be used during astral travel to protect the traveler from negative energy.

Black Tourmaline
A popular protection stone, Black Tourmaline deflects ill intentions and shields against negativity, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic stress. It's highly effective for grounding and protection in any environment.

Carrollite, a steel-grey mineral from Maryland, USA, grounds and protects the chakras from psychic attacks. It aids in quick recovery from emotional, mental, or physical trauma and prevents negativity from interfering with healing.

Chlorite, part of a group of green minerals, is known for removing unwanted energy implants and psychic attacks. Often called a "Cure-All," it's excellent for healers, promoting positive energy and harmony in any space.

Limonite, a mixture of iron oxide minerals, enhances intuitive abilities while shielding against psychic attacks. It's especially helpful in protecting your inner child and keeping negative energies at bay, fostering a youthful and protected mindset.

Ruby, a corundum mineral in shades of red and pink, amplifies energy and stimulates mental focus. While it opens the mind to psychic awareness, it also serves as a powerful shield, safeguarding against attacks. Ideal for students or researchers needing deep concentration.

Selenite, a variety of gypsum, is a soft, calming stone that clears anxiety and emotional distress caused by negative energy. It draws in positive spiritual energy, offering protection and peace to the user.
These stones provide powerful protection against psychic attacks and negative energy, making them invaluable tools for anyone working in spiritual or healing practices.
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