Metaphysical, Spiritual, Healing Uses Of Crystals And Stones
- Details
- Written by AndEl

Modern And Traditional Uses
For positive uses or actions, the stones listed are said to enhance them. For negative uses or actions, the crystals listed are said to decrease them. For dis-ease or health issues listed, the stones listed have been used in traditional folk healing and crystal healing lore to assist with their healing.
Many stones have multiple uses or purposes. There are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and general life issues in this list.
- Abandonment issues: garnet, thulite
- Abundance/prosperity: aventurine, aqua aura, bloodstone, citrine, diamond, epidote, grossular garnet, jade, malachite, moonstone, moss agate, orange moss agate, peridot, topaz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tree agate, tsavorite, turquoise Also see Prosperity below.
- Abuse issues/trauma: carnelian, emerald, iolite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, orange calcite, orange millennium, peridot, rhodocrosite, rose quartz, ruby in zoisite, shiva lingam, thulite, tourmaline
- Acting, dramatic: carnelian
- Acceptance: dumortierite (blue quartz)
- Acid reflux (G.E.R.D.): Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Grossular (Green) Garnet, Jasper, Kunzite, Malachite, Moldavite, Turquoise, Zoisite (green)
- Acupuncture: magnetite (lodestone), Sichuan quartz
- Addictions /alcoholism / compulsiveness: amethyst (esp reduces withdrawal symptoms), ametrine, astrophyllite, barite, botswana agate, coral, chevron amethyst, chrysacolla with cuprite, citrine, dendritic agate, dravite, dumortierite, galena, green calcite, herkimer diamond, iolite, malachite-azurite, moki marbles, moss agate, nebula stone, obsidian, peridot, petrified wood, phenacite, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, sugilite (esp immune system problems from substance abuse), thulite (esp those caused by abuse/neglect), zircon
- ADD/ADHD: cerussite, dravite, lepidolite, petalite, stilbite
- Adrenal glands: ametrine, aventurine (green), black obsidian, black tourmaline (schorl), bloodstone, carnelian, cuprite, emerald, epidote, fire agate, garnet, jade, Kansas pop rocks, kyanite, malachite, nephrite jade, peach aventurine, rose quartz, ruby, smoky quartz, sugilite, sulfur
- AIDS and Other Immune Disorders: andalusite, Buddha quartz crystal, carved (naturally) quartz, dicinite, dolomite, halite, Petoskey stone, petrified wood, red catlinite, rutilated quartz, scheelite, Tibetan quartz crystal, tourmalinated quartz
- Aligning the physical & astral bodies: amazonite
- Allergies: apatite, aventurine, brecciated jasper (animals), carnelian, clay, dolomite, garnet, moldovite, white coral
- Amplifies energy: calcite, quartz, ruby
- Ancient wisdom: celestite, quartz crystal
- Anemia: bloodstone, garnet, hematite
- Angels, communication: angelite, amethyst flowers, aquamarine, blue lace agate, celestite, danburite, moonstone, morganite, muscovite, selenite, tanzan aura
- Anger: angelite, aquamarine, aragonite, blue phantom quartz, bronzite, citrine, colemanite, gold, howlite, jet, lepidolite, lithium quartz, king cobra jasper, kunzite, kyanite, magnetite, peridot, rhodonite, sea shells, smoky quartz, sodalite, sugilite, thunder egg, turquoise
- Anxiety: azurite-malachite, berlinite, bloodstone, blue phantom quartz, botroydal hematite, cerrusite, covellite, diopside, dolomite, fluorite, friedelite, graveyard plume agate, growth interference calcite, hematite, kambaba jasper, labradorite, lepidolite, nuumite, picasso stone, plume agate, puddingstone, rhodonite, richterite, snowball included crystals, strontianite, tanalite
- Architects/construction: ammonite
- Arthritis/bones/joints: abalone, amber, amethyst, apatite, azurite, black tourmaline, blue lace agate, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), botswana agate, carnelian, chalcosiderite, chrysocolla, copper, dolomite, fluorite, fuchsite, grossular garnet, gold, green calcite, howlite (bones), kyanite (bone breaks), lapis lazuli, lodestone (magnetite), malachite, petrified wood, quartz, rhodonite, ruby, sulphur, topaz
- Artistic expression (also see "creativity" below): botswana agate, cobalticalcite, eliat stone, howlite, phantom quartz, rainbow boji stone (Kansas pop rocks), rainbow quartz, rutilated quartz, watermelon tourmaline
- Asthma: amethyst, azurite-malachite, chrysocolla, clevelandite, foshagite, malachite, morganite, natrojarasite, obsidian, rutilated quartz, tiger's eye, vanadinite
- Astral projection/travel: ametrine, apophyllite, azurite-malachite, calcite, fluorite, honey calcite, iolite, moldavite, quartz, sapphire, spirit quartz
- Astrology: angelite
- Attracting a good mate: carnelian, rhodonite, rhodocrosite
- Attunement: herkimer diamond
- Attuning to the earth: chrysocolla
- Aura (balancing, cleansing): ametrine, citrine, dravite, epidote (emotional body aura), iolite, labradorite, nuumite (clearing), quartz, rutilated quartz
- Awareness: howlite, lapis lazuli, picture jasper

- Back pain or problems: Boji Stones, calcite, carnelian, fluorite, garnet, Kansas pop rocks, lodestone, obsidian, phlogopite, wonder stone
- Balance (mental/emotional): ametrine, bloodstone, blue topaz, carnalian, celestite, chiastolite, chrysoprase, fluorite, hematite, kunzite, lepidolite, lodestone, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, sodalite, tektite, tigers eye, tourmaline, tree agate, unakite
- Balance, yin/yang: chrysoprase, lodestone, tigers eye, rhodocrosite
- Beauty: herkimer diamond, jasper, tigers eye
- Bipolar disorder (manic depressive): ametrine, bloodstone, blue topaz, carnalian, celestite, charoite, chiastolite, chrysoprase, diopside, fluorite, hematite, kunzite, larimar, lepidolite, lithium quartz, lodestone, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, sodalite, tektite, tigers eye, tourmaline, tree agate, turquoise, unakite
- Bladder: amber, bloodstone, blue chalcedony, coral, green calcite, hessonite, Morrisonite jasper, orange kyanite, orange moss agate,
- Blockages (energy): atacamite, bloodstone, danburite
- Blood pressure (balance, or high): bloodstone, blue calcite, chrysocolla, sodalite
- Blood pressure (balance, or low): bloodstone, halite (salt)
- Blood sugar (low): aventurine, serpentine
- Blood vessels/blood/circulatory system: amber, amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, bronzite, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysocolla, copper, coral, dalmation jasper (purify blood) , fire agate, fluorite, garnet, hematite, howlite, kunzite, kyanite, malachite, moss agate, pyrite, red jasper, ruby, rutilated quartz, salt, sapphire, tiger iron, topaz
- Body aches: diopside
- Body odor: leopardskin jasper, magnesite
- Body temperature: emerald and other green stones (to lower); ruby and other red stones (to raise)
- Bones: blue lace agate, dolomite, fluorite, howlite, malachite, petrified wood
- Brain (physical ability to function, brain chemical balance): albite, amber, aragonite, cerrusite, chalcopyrite, clear quartz, elestial crystals (esp. from drug/alcohol use), garnet, gehlenite, hematite, heubnerite, rhodizite, seraphinite (serafina), strombolite, tanzan aura
- Broken heart: chrysoprase, rhodonite, salt
- Bronchitis: gold, lodestone, rutilated quartz
- Burns: agate, amethyst, chrysoprase, gem silica, quartz, rose quartz, sodalite
- Business partnerships: African jade
- Calcium balance/deficiency: amazonite, garnet, howlite
- Calming/soothing: abalone, amber, amazonite, amethyst, andalusite, angelite, aragonite, barite (especially desert rose type), bloodstone, blue lace agate, blue peru opal, blue chalcedony, calcite (especially blue), celestite, chrysocolla, diopside (especially black star), dioptase, dravite, fluorite, fossilized dinosaur bone, galena, garnet, goldstone, hematite, hiddenite, howlite, infinite stone, jet, pearl, larimar, lepidolite, lepidolite with rubellite, lithium quartz, moonstone, orange millennium, petalite, petrified wood, picasso stone, pietersite, pink manganocalcite, rainbow moonstone, rhodonite, richterite, rubellite, scapolite, septarian, shattuckite, smoky quartz, snow quartz, sodalite, spinel, stichtite, variscite, white fairy quartz, yttrian (yttrium, lavender) fluorite
- Calms pets: diopside
- Cancer: azurite-malachite, fluorite, gold, hematite, lapis, lepidolite, moonstone, red jasper, rhodocrosite, rose chalcedony, sapphire, sodalite (lymphatic) spinel, sugilite, tourmaline
- Cardiovascular: bloodstone, hematite
- Centering/grounding: bloodstone, calcite, herkimer diamond, hematite, kunzite, onyx Also see Grounding below.
- Changes (handling)/adaptability: bloodstone, botswana agate, chiastolite, honey calcite, opal, yellow turquoise
- Channeling: apophyllite, blue calcite, copper, moldavite, meteorites, kyanite, quartz, yellow calcite
- Charity: dolomite
- Childbirth & pregnancy: amazonite, amethyst (preventmiscarriage), ammonite, chrysocolla (especially for preventing miscarriage), geodes, hematite, lepidolite, malachite, rose quartz
- Childhood issues & abuse: bridge (inner child) crystal, black diopside, dioptase, lithio-laser crystal, petalite, rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline
- Choices/alternatives: rhodonite
- Crohn's disease: carnelian, diopside, thulite
- Chronic fatigue: amethyst, aquamarine, aragonite, boji stones (kansas pop rocks), orange calcite, quartz, rhodocrosite, ruby, zincite
- Clairaudience: diamond, herkimer diamond, fire opal
- Clairvoyance: ametrine, azurite-malachite, charoite, diamond, emerald, green jasper, halite (salt), hematite, herkimer diamond, kyanite
- Clarity: amber, danburite, diamond, dumortierite (blue quartz), halite (salt crystal), tiger eye
- Claustrophobia: chrysoprase
- Cleansing: amber, emerald, kyanite, tigers eye
- Clearing (energetically): black tourmaline, lodestone, kyanite, meteorites, quartz, tektites
- Cold sores / fever blisters: fluorite
- Colds, common: bloodstone, carnelian, sodalite
- Colic: amazonite, blue lace agate
- Comfort: agate, botswana agate, jasper, morrisonite jasper
- Commitment: garnet
- Communication: amazonite, apatite, blue lace agate, blue onyx, blue tigers eye, blue topaz, copper, emerald, euclase, kunzite, labradorite, quartz, turquoise, yellow turquoise, ulexite
- Compassion: green jasper, green tourmaline, jade, kunzite, moonstone, kunzite, rose quartz, red jasper
- Compatibility: green moss agate
- Completion of tasks: mugglestone, red jasper
- Concentration: carnelian, eisenkiesel quartz, flourite, jade, lapis, obsidian, quartz crystals, malachite, flourite, hematite, ruby
- Confidence: chrysocolla, grossular garnet, jade, moonstone, rhodonite jade, moonstone,
- Confusion: bloodstone, lodestone, fluorite
- Confusion (mental, disorders): amethyst, azurite, carnelian, (orange/red), lapis lazuli, opal, rhodochrosite, sapphire, selenite
- Connective tissue: tanzan aura
- Contentment: red jasper
- Counselors & therapists stone: king cobra jasper
- Courage/ inner strength: agate, amethyst, aquamarine, aventurine, bloodstone, blue tigers eye, carnelian, charoite, chevron amethyst, chrysoprase, fire agate, garnet, hematite, herkimer diamond, katanganite, jade, plancheite, prasiolite, red calcite, richterite, ruby, rutile, sodalite, smoky quartz, tigers eye, tiger iron (mugglestone), variscite
- Courteously: bronzite
- Creativity: agate, aventurine, botswana agate, calcite, carnelian, citrine, cobaltite, dolomite, double terminated crystals, euclase, garnet, herkimer diamonds, obsidian, orange moss agate (creative thining), peach aventurine, picasso stone, pyrite
- Cross stone: chiastolite
- Death or transition (assisting the process): amazonite, apache tears, aqua aura, jet, black quartz, botswana agate, fossils, hematite, malachite, obsidian, rose quartz, rainbow moonstone, tiger iron
- Decision making: bronzite, charoite, crazy lace agate, diamond, emerald, falcon's eye (blue tiger eye), fluorite, jade, lepidolite, nephrite, tiger's eye, verdelite tourmaline
- Dehydration: brecciated jasper
- Denial / avoidance: rhodochrosite
- Depression: Botswana agate, carnelian, chrysoprase, citrine, eilat stone, kunzite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, lapis, jet, moonstone, orange moss agate, peridot, platinum, quartz (blue, clear, rose and smoky), schorl (black tourmaline), spinel, topaz
- Destiny (finding): charoite, labradorite, moonstone
- Dexterity: thulite
- Diabetes: amethyst, atlantisite, bloodstone, citrine, emerald, girasol, psilomelane (crown of silver), quartz, red jasper, serpentine (new jade), shattuckite, silver, sodalite
- Diarrhea: brecciated jasper, salt
- Digestion: blue lace agate, chrysacolla, citrine, epidote, peridot, obsidian, tigers eye, topaz
- Diplomacy: lepidolite
- Disillusionment: dalmatian jasper
- Disorientation: black tourmaline, hematite
- Divination: charoite, hematite, moonstone, tiger's eye
- DNA/rna corrections: ametrine, garnet
- Domestic bliss: emerald
- Down's syndrome: ametrine, garnet, fluorite, needle crystals, rose quartz
- Dowsing: brecciated jasper
- Dreams (recall or dream work): amethyst, Herkimer "diamond" quartz, citrine, clear quartz, jade, kyanite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, nebula stone, opal, prehnite, red jasper, marble, pyrite, rose quartz, smokey quartz, ruby, sugilite, tektites
- Ears/hearing: amber, celestite, rhodonite
- Eating disorders (anorexia, bulemia, others): picasso marble (jasper), thulite
- Eczema: amazonite, aventurine, blue lace agate
- Electrolytes: mother of pearl, sea shells
- Emotional disturbances/trauma: amazonite, aqua aura, bloodstone, chrysocolla, citrine, crocoite, diamond, dioptase, emerald, chrysoprase, jasper, labradorite, larimar, lepidolite, moonstone, peridot, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, smithsonite, thulite
- Employment/job/work (find, stabilize): aventurine (green), citrine, garnet (green), jade, malachite, mookaite, moonstone, ocho geodes, peridot, sapphire (black), ruby, siderite, tourmaline (yellow)
- Endocrine system: alexandrite, amber, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, green calcite, chrysoberyl, citrine, howlite, magnetite, green obsidian, rhodochrosite, sodalite
- Endurance: brecciated jasper
- Energy (increase, high energy): amber, agate, apophyllite, aragonite (magick & charms particularly), bloodstone, blue calcite, blue goldstone, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), carnelian, clear quartz, danburite, eisenkiesel quartz, garnet, green jasper, honey calcite, katanganite, plancheite, prehnite, red calcite, red coral, rhodochrosite, ruby, rutilated quartz, septarian nodule, spinel, sulphur, yellow calcite
- Energy leaks: dolomite
- Enhance emotions: garnet, ruby
- Enhance energy of other crystals: apatite, chrysoberyl, dolomite (by balancing mineral energies), danburite, diamond, herkimer diamonds, quartz, selenite
- Envy: agate
- Epilepsy (and seizures): amethyst, black onyx, coral, emerald, jade, jasper, lapis lazuli, malachite, moldavite, sapphire, selenite, sugilite, topaz, tourmaline
- ESP: peridot
- Exploring the unknown: botswana agate
- Eyes/eyesight: aquamarine, celestite, charoite, holey stones (eyesight in particular), labradorite, opal, rutilated quartz

- Facing the cause of disorders: picture jasper
- Faith: emerald
- Family issues: citrine, family clusters of crystals
- Fear (dispel): ammonite, aquamarine, carnelian, chrysacolla, chrysoprase, citrine, orange calcite, red calcite, saginite, smoky quartz, sodalite
- Feet: onyx
- Feminine reproductive-related issues: chrysoprase (endometriosis), lapis, rose quartz
- Fertility: carnelian, garnet, rose quartz
- Fevers: aventurine, diopside, peridot, pyrite, tree agate, sapphire, sodalite
- Fibromyalgia: amber, amethyst, citrine, clear quartz, emerald, hematite, lapis, labradorite, morganite, obsidian, rose quartz, tiger eye
- Fidelity: jade, opal
- Finances, stabalizing: jet, ruby
- Finding lost objects, people: Peridot, Snakeskin Agate, Golden Topaz, Green Moss Agate (lost treasure or money)
- Flu: bloodstone
- Fluid retention: aquamarine
- Focus: apatite, fluorite
- Fortune, good: bloodstone, lodestone (magnetite), moonstone, tree agate
- Friendship: aventurine, green moss agate
- Gallbladder: amber, carnelian, chalcedony, citrine, danburite, gaspeite, jade, jasper, and red jasper
- Gambling luck: aventurine
- Gardening & agriculture: herkimer diamond, green moss agate, jasper, orange moss agate, lepidolite
- Generosity: citrine, dolomite
- Grace: blue lace agate, rhodonite
- Grief: amethyst, apache tear, aqua aura, bloodstone, botswana agate, chrysocolla, carnelian, citrine, chrysoprase, galena, isis crystals, jasper, jet, lapis lazuli, onyx, pyrite, rainbow crystals, rose quartz, smoky quartz, watermelon tourmaline, and pink stones in general
- Gossip: ammonite, beryl, fire agate, garnet
- Grounding: agate, apache tears, bloodstone, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), brecciated jasper, candle quartz, carnelian, cuprite, dalmatian jasper, fluorite, garnet, hematite, obsidian, salt, smoky quartz, sulphur, tiger iron (mugglestone), topaz, unakite, root chakra stones
- Growth: blue lace agate
- Guilt: copper, rose quartz, ruby, sodalite
- Hair loss: aragonite, chalcopyrite, franklinite, galena
- Hallucinations: green jasper, jet, jasper, leopardskin jasper, picture jasper, rhodochrosite, coral
- Happiness: amethyst, amazonite, aventurine, blue lace agate, blue quartz, carnelian, chrysoprase, euclase ("the happiness stone"), herkimer diamond, moonstone, pyrite, rainbow crystals, rose quartz, smokey quartz
- Harmonious environment: amber, amethyst, eliat stone, petrified wood, rose quartz, tigers eye
- Harmony: agate, amethyst, apatite, carnelian, chiastolite, clear quartz, eisenkiesel quartz, emerald, jade, peridot, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, selenite, spirit quartz, multi-colored tourmaline, tree agate
- Headache, general: amber, amethyst, angelite, Arizona lizard stone jasper, aquamarine, black jade, blende, bloodstone, blue agate, blue aventurine, blue lace agate, optical calcite, cavansite, celestite, charoite, cherry opal, chevron amethyst, chrysacolla, common opal, diamond, dioptase, emerald, fire agate, green aventurine, green tourmaline, holly blue chalcedony, iolite, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, moss agate, blue obsidian, pearl, phenacite (phenakite), purple fluorite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, silicon, sodalite, sugilite, sulphur, stilbite, tiger eye, trilobite, turquoise Also see migraine headache and tension headache.
- Healing and health (general): agate, amber, amethyst, amazonite, aventurine, azurite, celestite, calcite, citrine, charoite, chlorite, chrysacolla, chrysoprase, coral, danburite, epidote, garnet, green calcite, green moss agate, green tourmaline, holey stones, infinite, jet, labradorite, lepidolite, moonstone, peridot, petrified wood, phantom quartz, pink tourmaline, quartz crystals, jasper, malachite, rhodochrosite, rutilated quartz, self-healed quartz, smoky quartz, spectrolite, spinel (whole body), watermelon tourmaline
- Heart (physical): amazonite, amber, beryl, garnet, hematite, lapis lazuli, green obsidian, onyx, peach aventurine, rhodonite, ruby, salt, heart chakra stones
- Honesty: amazonite, celestite, chrysocolla, citrine, emerald, flourite (purple), garnet, jet, kyanite, lapis lazuli, pearl, ruby, selenite, sodalite, tiger's eye
- Housekeeping: ammonite, mother of pearl
- Hunger (control): apatite, muscovite
- Imagination: aventurine
- Immortality: gold, spinel
- Immune system: aegerine, amethyst, aqua aura, black tourmaline, blue lace agate, botswana agate, chrysoprase, citrine, dravite, emerald, epidote, fulgurites, garnet, green millennium, jade, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, lithium quartz, lodestone, malachite, moki marbles, moldavite, mookaite, moss agate, obsidian, pearl, picture jasper, quantum-quattro silica, quartz, rhodocrosite, rhodonite, rubellite, rutilated quartz, smithsonite, snow quartz, sulphur, topaz
- Incest recovery: thulite
- Incontinence: petrified wood
- Individuality: carnelian
- Infection: pearl, pyrite, quartz
- Inferiority complex: chrysoprase
- Infertility: carnelian, garnet, grossular garnet, quartz scepter, realgar, rose quartz, shiva lingam
- Inflammation: pyrite
- Inhibitions: opal
- Inner awareness: apache tears, rose quartz, shattuckite
- Inner child: amber, bridge crystals, cobalticalcite, imperial topaz, morganite, rainbow boji stone (Kansas pop rocks), rainbow quartz, quartz crystal with another crystal inside
- Inner growth: rhodonite
- Inner peace: amethyst, apatite, aquamarine, aventurine, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, calcite, celestite, chrysocolla, blue fluorite, hawk's eye (blue tigers eye), herkimer diamond, jade, jasper, kunzite, lepidolite, malachite, opal, rose quartz, selenite, sugilite
- Insect bites: moonstone
- Insomnia: amethyst, aventurine, celestite, cerrusite, danburite, emerald, fluorite, hematite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, peridot, pink dolomite, sapphire, smoky quartz, sodalite, tiger iron, zircon
- Intellect: aquamarine, agate, amazonite, amber, ametrine, apatite, aquamarine, aventurine, azurite, bloodstone, celestite, chalcedony, coral, chrysocolla, crocoite, diopside, emerald, galena, honey calcite, malachite, obsidian, pyrite, rose quartz, sodalite, spinel, tektite, topaz, turquoise
- Intestinal / digestive: amber, aquamarine, barite, celestine, chrysocolla, citrine, clear quartz, pyrite, jasper, labradorite, laguna agate, moss agate, obsidian, onyx, peridot, smokey quartz, thulite
- Interaction / participation: epidote
- Irritable bowel syndrome: orange calcite
- Intuitive awareness: amazonite, amethyst, azurite, chrysolite, emerald, euclase, lapis, onyx, sodalite, tanzan aura, yellow calcite, yellow turquoise (See also: Psychic/Intuition)
- Jealousy: peridot
- Joy: emerald
- Karma (bring in good): morganite, quartz crystals
- Karma (release bad, protect from bad): charoite, dravite (brown tourmaline), garnet, hessonite (hessionite) garnet
- Kidney / bladder: anhydrite (angelite), amber, bloodstone, green calcite, carnelian, chrysoberyl, coral, cuprite, jade, jasper, orange calcite, rhodochrosite, smokey quartz
- Kindness: azurite, celestite, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla, jasper, kunzite, morganite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, sugilite, pink tourmaline, turquoise
- Kundalini: garnet, jet, kundalini quartz, spinel (especially red spinel)
- Laughter: crazy lace agate
- Law enforcement: fuchsite
- Leadership/management: fossils, trilobite
- Learning: cowrie shell, sugilite
- Legal issues: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet (lawsuits), hematite, lodestone (magnetite)
- Life purpose (discover/live destiny): charoite, garnet, glendonite
- Liver: carnelian, jasper
- Logic: fluorite, sodalite
- Loneliness: dolomite
- Longevity: diamond, fossils, jasper, tree agate
- Love : Bamber, coral, emerald, kunzite, jade, pink calcite, pink tourmaline, rose quartz, rhodocrosite, ruby, selenite, heart chakra stones
- Loyalty: dalmatian jasper
- Luck (good): agate, aquamarine, aventurine, copper, jade, malachite, obsidian, orange moss agate, pyrite, snow quartz, smoky quartz, tigers eye, tiger iron (mugglestone), tree agate
- Lungs: peach aventurine, pyrite, rutilated quartz
- Lupus: bloodstone
- Magic: labradorite
- Manifestation: carnelian, emerald green calcite, citrine, dolomite, euclase, garden quartz, grossular garnet, labradorite, lapis, moldavite, obsidian, oregon opal, quartz crystals, topaz, tsavorite, volcanic black salt (lava salt)
- Marriage: pearl, peridot
- Mastery: onyx
- Mathematics/analytical pursuits: angelite, diopside, hematite, sodalite
- Meditation: amethyst, ametrine, apatite, aqua aura, aquamarine, azurite, celestite, chrysoprase, clear quartz, chrysocolla, dumortierite (blue quartz), flourite, iolite, kunzite, kyanite, labradorite, lapis, prehnite, sea shells, selenite, snow quartz, sugilite, topaz, tsavorite, yellow calcite
- Memory: blue calcite, carnelian, emerald, honey calcite, onyx, pyrite, quartz crystals, rhodochrosite, spinel
- Menopause: amethyst, moonstone, pietersite
- Menstrual cramps: jet
- Mental clarity: amber, aquamarine, aventurine, blue quartz, citrine, clear quartz, herkimer diamond, sodalite, tiger eye, topaz
- Merchants stone: citrine
- Migraine headache: amethyst, green aventurine, jet (natural), phenacite (phenakite), purple fluorite, rose quartz Also see Headache, General.
- Miracles: blue lace agate, ammolite, chalcedony, infinite stone, rainbow moonstone
- Mood swings: citrine, lepidolite
- Muscles / muscular: abalone, amazonite, apatite, chrysocolla, emerald
- Muscle cramps (including premenstrual cramps): amazonite, bloodstone, orange moss agate
- Nail problems: apatite
- Narrow-mindedness: epidote
- Negative energy (dispel, transmute): black tourmaline, black obsidian, quartz
- Negativity: carnelian, citrine, jade, malachite, obsidian, rutilated quartz, salt, selenite
- Nervous system: alexandrite, amazonite, aquamarine, apatite, botswana agate, fire agate, emerald, galena, lapis lazuli, morganite, peridot, sugilite, tourmaline
- New beginnings: chrysoprase, moonstone
- Nightmares: agate, amethyst, chrysoprase, citrine, dalmatian jasper, danburite, hematite, holey stones, lepidolite, pink manganocalcite, rhodocrosite, rhodonite, smoky quartz
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): amethyst, chrysoprase
- Old hurts: rhodonite
- Order out of chaos: fluorite (especially cleavage fluorite), garnet, king cobra jasper, lepidolite
- Organization: bloodstone, brecciated jasper, dumortierite (blue quartz), fluorite, king cobra jasper, lepidolite, mugglestone, red jasper
- Osteoporosis: amazonite, howlite
- Pain relief: amber, amethyst, dolomite, fuchsite (esp musculoskeletal pain), green calcite, hematite, howlite, infinite stone, kyanite, lapis, mugglestone (tiger iron)
- Pancreas: carnelian, moonstone, tigers eye
- Panic attacks: epidote, lepidolite
- Paralysis: petrified wood
- Parkinson’s disease: opal
- Passion: emerald, garnet, ruby
- Past life: amber, amethyst, aquamarine, carnelian, obsidian, phantom crystals, petrified wood
- Patience: amber, amethyst, azurite, chrysoprase, tsavorite,
- Peace: amethyst, apatite, aquamarine, blue quartz, chevron amethyst, chrysocolla, flourite, malachite, rose quartz, spirit quartz, sugilite
- Perception: danburite, epidote
- Personal power: amber, andalusite, aragonite, yellow calcite, carnelian, chrysoberyl, citrine, golden tiger eye, honey calcite, rutilated quartz, yellow sapphire, yellow-brown scapolite, sphalerite, sphene, golden-yellow spinel, sulphur, sunstone, topaz, yellow jasper, yellow turquoise, yellow zincite, solar plexus chakra crystals and colors
- Phobias: aquamarine, carnelian, chrysoprase, spirit quartz
- Physical energy: calcite, carnelian, herkimer diamond, garnet, quartz, spinel, tigers eye
- Physical strength: bloodstone, garnet, herkimer diamond, quartz
- Physical trauma: bloodstone, grossular garnet
- Pilot’s stone: malachite
- Pituitary gland: moonstone, rhodonite
- Plant growth: boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), brecciated jasper, quartz
- PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome): amethyst, dolomite, lapis, magnesite, rose quartz, pietersite
- Poet’s stone: emerald, sodalite, tourmaline
- Positive attitude: aventurine, hematite, obsidian
- Post-surgical: bloodstone, coal, jet
- Power: aquamarine, charoite, epidote (personal), katanginite, plancheite, red jasper, rutilated quartz, quartz, tiger eye
- Prophesy: prehnite, Nebula Stone, prasiolite
- Positive energy: citrine, yellow turquoise
- Prosperity / abundance / money (attract): aventurine, amethyst, aqua aura, bloodstone, calcite, citrine, green moss agate, grossular garnet, herkimer diamond, jade, jasper, malachite, orange moss agate, peridot, salt, spinel, tiger's eye, tsavorite, turquoise
- Protection from negativity (negative energies): black kyanite, black obsidian, black onyx, black tourmaline (transmutes to positive energy), bornite, celestite, citrine, elestial crystals, jet (aborbs and purifies), katanganite, kunzite, peacock ore, plancheite, quartz, smoky quartz (especially in healing)
- Protection (children): agate (especially blue lace agate and green moss agate), jade, malachite (especially from evil eye and evil spirits), mother of pearl (newborn infants in particular), ruby (all family, including children)
- Protection (general): agate, alum, amber (used extensively by Ancient Romans), apache tears, aventurine, banded agate, beryl, black agate, black kyanite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, calcite, carnelian, cat's eye, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, chiastolite, coral, dravite, eisenkiesel quartz, emerald, fire agate, flint, fluorite, fossils, gold, golden topaz, halite (rock salt crystal), heliodor (golden beryl), hematite, herkimer diamond, holey stones, honey calcite, imperial topaz, jade, jasper, jet, labradorite, lapis (lapis lazuli), lava, lepidolite, magnesite (lodestone), mahogany obsidian, malachite, marble, mookaite, moonstone, nuumite, ocean jasper, olivine, pearl, peridot, petrified wood, prehnite, pumice, pyrite, quartz, quartz crystal clusters, red jasper, ruby, rutilated quartz, salt, sapphire, sard, sardonyx, selenite, serpentine, shark teeth, shungite, snowflake obsidian, staurolite, sulphur, sunstone, tigers eye, topaz, tourmaline (red and black especially), tree agate, turitella agate, turquoise, yellow agate, yellow jasper, zircon (clear and red), root chakra stones
- Protection (angelic): angelite, selenite, seraphanite
- Protection (astral travel): brecciated jasper, kyanite, red jasper, yellow jasper
- Protection (aura, personal energy field): fire agate, black tourmaline, labradorite, sunstone, tiger eye
- Protection (from crime and/or violence): jet, sardonyx
- Protection (disease/illness): chalcopyrite, jade, jet, cavansite, zircon
- Protection (from evil): agate (especially Eye Agate), beryl, black tourmaline, blue chalcedony (especially evil magick), coral, garnet, herkimer diamond, jet, malachite, pyrite, quartz, salt, sapphire, snowflake obsidian, tiger iron / mugglestone (mirrors evil & evil spells back to the sender), turquoise
- Protection (evil eye): agate (especially eye agate), cat's eye, carnelian (envious eye, evil eye), jet, malachite, topaz
- Protection (home, other buildings): dravite, halite, holey stones, salt, riverstone, quartz, ruby, witches fingers
- Protection (possessions): ruby, sardonyx, zircon (robbery)
- Protection (pregnancy and childbirth): ammonite, chrysocolla (especially for preventing miscarriage), geodes, hematite, lepidolite, malachite, moonstone, picture jasper (during childbirth especially), rose quartz
- Protection (physical): carnelian, agate, fluorite, peridot, sard, smoky quartz, zircon, turquoise (injury)
- Protection (poison): diamond, serpentine (particularly snake venom)
- Protection (psychic): amber (psychic shielding), amethyst (from negative psychic energy of all kinds), angelite (channeling), black obsidian, DT crystals, elestial crystals (esp psychic attacks), fluorite, jade (especially vs psychic attack), jet (especially vs psychic attacks), labradorite, lapis lazuli, Lemurian seed crystal, moqui marbles / moki balls (esp during shamanic work), nuumite, petalite (channeling), prehnite, pyrite, ruby, seraphinite (serafina, chlinochlore), sugilite, tiger iron / mugglestone (especialy during shamanic work)
- Protection (radiation): amber, rutilated quartz, star sapphire
- Protection (spiritual): black sapphire (esp. undead), chalcedony (esp. undead), silkstone (esp. spirits), silver (esp. undead, from spirits)
- Protection (travel): amethyst, aquamarine (travel upon water), chalcedony, garnet, herkimer diamond, jet, malachite (esp when flying), moonstone (travel at sea), mother of pearl (on water), pearl (on water) rainbow moonstone, tigers eye, petalite, yellow jasper
- Psychic awareness/ abilities / intuition: amazonite, amethyst, apatite, azurite, botswana agate, cavansite, celestite, emerald, fire agate, garnet, green calcite, herkimer diamonds, holey stones, kyanite, labradorite, lapis, meteorites, moonstone, opal, orange calcite, quartz, selenite, super seven, tanzanite, tanzan aura, tektite, turquoise
- Psychic shield / protection: see protection (psychic)
- PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder): lepidolite, richterite
- Public speaking: celestite, azurite , blue lace agate
- Purification: calcite, fluorite, chrysocolla, halite, salt

- Radiation exposure, EMF: black tourmaline
- Rape recovery: calcite (orange), chrysocolla, lapis, schorl (black tourmaline)
- Reconciliation: calcite, herkimer diamond, kunzite, rose quartz, rhodocrosite
- Relationships: dalmatian jasper (long term), diamond (esp. long term), flourite, scolecite
- Relaxation: bronzite, chevron amethyst, dalmatian jasper, jasper, king cobra jasper, red jasper, richterite
- Releasing blockages: ametrine, bloodstone, flourite, malachite, obisdian
- Reliability: garnet, hematite
- Relieving burdens: lodestone
- Removing obstacles: kunzite
- Repressed issues: botswana agate, epidote, unakite
- Reproductive system: garnet, orange calcite, red calcite, garnet, ruby
- Responsibility: leopardskin jasper
- Restless leg syndrome (RLS): chrysoprase, lapis lazuli
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): bloodstone, garnet, halite, quartz
- Romance: almandine garnets, amber, bixbyite, diamonds, emerald, pyrope garnets, red coral, red garnet, red tourmaline, rose quartz, ruby, sardonyx
- Schizophrenia: elestial quartz, kunzite, larimar, lepidolite
- scrying: obsidian, quartz, seer quartz, window quartz
- Self s awareness/self s discovery: chevron amethyst
- Self-confidence: agate, aragonite, citrine, dolomite, garnet, labradorite, malachite, moss agate, rhodonite, ruby, sodalite, tigers eye, tiger iron, tourmaline, torquoise, , solar plexus chakra crystals
- Self-discipline (self-control): black obsidian, dumortierite (blue quartz), onyx, sardonyx, sodalite, tiger iron, topaz, , solar plexus chakra colors and crystals
- Self-esteem: amazonite, carnelian, copper, kunzite, rhodochrosite, green moss agate
- Self-expression: chysoprase, howlite
- Self-love: aquamarine, danburite, feldspar, kunzite, lepidolite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, ruby, sodalite
- Self-realization: aventurine
- Self-reliance: dumortierite, jade, jet, prasiolite, rutilated quartz, striped flint, variscite
- Selfishness: howlite
- Sensuality/sexuality: amber, botswana agate, carnelian, citrine, jade, mexican fire opal, red calcite, ruby, rutilated quartz
- Serenity: aquamarine, blue quartz (dumortierite), blue tourmaline (indicolite), bronzite, chrysocolla, emerald, hawk's eye (blue tigers eye), jade, jasper, kunzite, kyanite, smoky quartz, tsavorite, turquoise,
- Service activities: grossular garnet, leopardskin jasper, tsavorite
- Sexual issues: orange moss agate (also sensuality/sexuality stones)
- Shamanic work: iolite, moqui marbles/moki balls, obsidian, yellow calcite
- Shielding: amber, black tourmaline, boji stones, hematite, labradorite, pietersite, smoky quartz
- Sinusitis: aventurine, lapis lazuli, rhodochrosite, smithsonite
- Skin / skin disorders: apophyllite, amethyst, aventurine, azurite / malachite, blue lace agate, Botswana agate, carnelian, chrysotile, corumdum (sapphire, ruby), crazy lace agate, dumortierite, fancy jasper, garnet (skin protection vs disease, especially), green jasper, moonstone, moss agate, epidote, mother of pearl, picture jasper, rainforest jasper (rhyolite), spinel, turquenite, turquoise
- Sleep disorders (also see "insomnia" above): amethyst, aventurine, hematite, peridot, moonstone
- Sorrow: apache tears, dolomite
- Spirit contact: jade, prehnite, tsavorite
- Spiritual development: amethyst, citrine, epidote, quartz, selenite, topaz
- Spirituality: amethyst, calcite, citrine, clear quartz, hematite, heliodor, herkimer diamond, iolite, lepidolite, meteorites, pearl, rhodocrosite, selnite, silver topaz, sugilite, turquoise
- Spleen: fluorite, hematite, lapis, tigers eye
- Spirit guides (contacting, working with): amethyst, angelite, apophyllite, celestite, herkimer diamonds, moldavite, purpurite, prehnite (green), quartz, selenite, tanzan aura
- Stability: celestite, chrysoprase, citrine, garnet, hematite, obsidian, petrified wood, smoky quartz, tiger iron (mugglestone), root chakra stones
- Stamina: crazy lace agate, dolomite (for dealing with hyperactive people), sodalite, spinel, tiger iron
- Static electricity: amber, quartz
- Stomach problems: botswana agate, citrine, peridot, jasper, obsidian, prasiolite
- Strength: agate, carnelian, citrine, hematite, herkimer diamonds, katanginite, plancheite, prasiolite, richterite, tigers eye, tiger iron (mugglestone), rutilated quartz
- Stress: aragonite, azurite-malachite, bloodstone, brecciated jasper, calcite, chevron amethyst, dioptase, dolomite, fluorite, gold, hematite, howlite, kunzite, labradorite, lepidolite, moonstone, peridot, picasso marble, richterite, rose quartz, smoky quartz, spinel, staurolite, sunstone, turquoise
- Success (general): aventurine, aqua aura, brecciated jasper, citrine, green moss agate, gaspeite, green tourmaline, kundalini quartz, orange moss agate, scapolite, scolecite, tanzanite
- Success (business/career): aventurine, bloodstone, brecciated jasper, citrine, chrysoprase, garnet, lepidolite, leopard skin jasper, malachite, petrified wood
- Teaching: glendonite, lapis, kyanite, sodalite
- Teeth/gums: agate, amazonite, aquamarine, calcite, dolomite, fluorite, howlite, malachite, spinel
- Tension headache: amethyst, blue lace agate, cat's eye (natural, chrysoberyl), chrysacolla, lapis nevada Also see Headache, General.
- Thinking: dolomite, fluorite, hematite
- Throat / bronchial / lung: amber, ammonite, angelite, beryl, bloodstone (throat infections), blue calcite, blue topaz, chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, galena, larimar, malachite, morganite, opal, tigers eye, throat chakra stones
- Tissue regeneration: carnelian, citrine, garnet, malachite, turquoise
- Thyroid: blue calcite, orange moss agate, rhodonite
- Tolerance: dravite
- Toxins: amber, amethyst, botswana agate, citrine, coal, heliodor (golden beryl), leopard skin jasper, prasiolite, tree agate, rutilated quartz
- Tranquility: blue lace agate
- Transformation: bronzite, charoite, lepidolite, malachite, obsidian, moqui marbles
- Trauma (healing): diopside, garnet
- Travel by water: aquamarine
- Travel: amethyst, aquamarine, chalcedony, garnet, herkimer diamond, jet, malachite, tigers eye
- Truth: amazonite, apophyllite, celestite, citrine, emerald, flourite, garnet, kyanite, lapis, selenite, sodalite, tiger's eye
- Tumors: prasiolite
- Ulcers: chrysocolla , peridot, prasiolite
- Unconditional love: kunzite, rhodocrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz
- Vertigo: cuprite, chrysacolla, malachite, sapphire, herkimer diamond, rose quartz, candle quartz (pine apple quartz), angel aura (opal aura), aqua aura, lapis lazuli, morganite, obsidian (clear), quartz (clear), red jasper
- Victimization: calcite, Orange, charoite, chrysoprase, garnet, green calcite, hematite, jade, leopard skin jasper, malachite, orange millennium™, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, schorl (black tourmaline), self-healed quartz crystals, thulite
- Vigor / virility: tiger iron (mugglestone)
- Visualization: iolite, green tourmaline, holey stones
- Weight loss: apatite, blue Peruvian opal, green tourmaline, heulandite, moonstone, picasso marble (jasper), rose quartz, spinel (healthy weight), sulphur, unakite (ideal weight)
- Weight gain: unakite (ideal weight)
- Will power: alexandrite, blue tigers eye (hawk's eye), garnet, hematite, red jasper, prasiolite, sapphire, tigers eye, tiger iron (mugglestone)
- Wisdom: amber,apatite, calcite, clear quartz, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, petrified wood, smoky quartz, snowflake obsidian, sodalite, tree agate
- Wishes: moonstone, smoky quartz, unakite
- Worries: petrified wood
- Writing: agate, amazonite, barite, blue topaz, diopside, fire agate, graphite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, variscite, zincite
All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner.
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