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Crystals to Help Boost Your Immune System

Crystals to Help Boost Your Immune System

As you get older, your immune system becomes less effective. This means that you can be more susceptible to viruses and illness. Your T-Cells also respond less quickly to foreign antigens, which makes you more likely to develop an autoimmune issue. The antibodies that you produce to attack antigens become less effective as you age, this is why older people are more susceptible to illnesses like influenza and pneumonia. You can boost your immune system through good diet and exercise. You can also use crystals to help support your immune system, by simply wearing them or using them for meditation. 

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the ultimate master healer which is great for boosting your immune system. The crystal absorbs, regulates and stores energy, releasing it when you need it the most. Clear crystals are often used to help stimulate the immune system, especially if you are feeling weak or run down. If you want to focus on a certain part of the body, for instance the stomach if you are prone to issues with the digestive system, then you can pair clear a quartz crystal with another stone such as Obsidian. Clear quartz is all about restoring balance so that the immune system functions well, helping to protect your body against illness. 

Antibiotic Amber

Amber is a powerful, natural antibiotic which is good for the immune system. It is particularly effective if you are trying to fight a fever or an infection. The stone absorbs negative energy and purifies the body, absorbing pain and boosting vitality. When you are using an amber crystal in meditation, place the stone on your solar plexus, the base of your neck or the inside of your wrist to help channel the energy straight to your immune system. Amber can not only be used as a crystal, but is also available as an elixir that you can apply in drops, targeting a certain part of your body. Using the elixir along with wearing a crystal as a pendant can give you double the protection. 

Powerful Amethyst

Amethyst is often used for detoxing and cleansing the body, making it the perfect crystal for boosting your immune system and ridding the body of viruses, harmful bacteria and germs. It is also particularly good for digestive system issues. If you are using amethyst in your meditation, then lie flat on your back and place a crystal on your chest and on your throat to channel the energy. To get the constant benefit from amethyst, keep a crystal under your pillow or place a crystal on each of the four corners of your bed. Amethyst is also beautiful worn as a ring, pendant or bracelet. 

As you get older, it is important to protect your immune system in any way that you can. Using crystals in your meditation or wearing them everyday can help to boost your immune system so that you are less susceptible to illness. 

Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.

This article is written exclusively for CrystalWind.ca.  © 2020 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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