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Eco-Friendly Future
How Industrial Automation is Shaping the Economy

Imagine a world where machines work tirelessly around the clock, making few errors and requiring no breaks. This is not a glimpse into a futuristic science fiction novel. It is the reality of today's industries, thanks to industrial automation. Read more
What It's Like to Live Off the Grid

What is “off-grid” living really like? There’s a reason that I enclose that term in quotation marks, and we’ll address it toward the end of the article. Additionally, I have to balance a fine line between transparency on the subject and my own privacy.... Read more
How To Avoid Water Damage To Your Property

Water is a common cause of damage to homeowners’ properties. It’s an essential resource in our homes, but it can cause quite a bit of damage if an appliance or pipe starts malfunctioning. Knowing how to deal with leaks and problems with water drainage... Read more
Seven Ways to Improve Mental Health in Cities

Urban design can affect the depression, anxiety, stress, and well-being of city dwellers. Much of the world lives in urban settings, with North America housing 82% of its population in cities. But while cities can be attractive places to live, providing work and recreational opportunities for people,... Read more
Eco-Friendly Home Building Materials You Can Repurpose

Before you get rid of building materials or look for recycled ones for home renovation, you have to know which components are appropriate to reuse. Usually, all the waste would go to landfill sites, but that is not the best option if you want... Read more
Eco-Friendly Home Building Materials You Can Repurpose (2)

Before you get rid of building materials or look for recycled ones for home renovation, you have to know which components are appropriate to reuse. Usually, all the waste would go to landfill sites, but that is not the best option if you want... Read more
Eco-friendly Ways To Get Rid Of Pests And Have Peace In Your…

Australia’s most common pests are spiders, fleas, possums, bees, rats, mice, cockroaches, and snakes. All of these can be pretty dangerous and they’re always troublesome. Even though some of the insects are harmless, we still don’t like having these creatures crawl around the house.... Read more
Why Are Natural Materials Important In Home Design?

Natural products are not only good for the environment, they can significantly save your financial budget by creating a gorgeous and elegant style. You've probably already heard about the benefits of decorating a home using natural building materials such as marble, wood, metal and clay. Chances... Read more
How To Clean in an Environmentally Friendly Way

There's nothing more calming than freshening up your home with a good thorough cleaning. What isn't calming, however, is the thought of millions of people using harsh and toxic cleaning products every single day. It's hard to argue against using them, as these chemicals... Read more
World's First Urban AirPort For 'Flying Cars' Will Open In U…

The first 'pop-up' mobile airport in the world for flying cars and air taxis is expected to open later this year in Coventry. Air taxis and autonomous delivery drones that will one day be used to move people and goods around the country will be... Read more
Top 10 Tips For Creating An Eco-Friendly Patio

There are some really great tips for eco-friendly outdoor living space. You might think that it's just about being green, but there's so much more than just that to it. It all starts with your choice of materials. When you are creating a patio,... Read more
8 Low-Effort Ways to be More Eco-Friendly While at Universit…

Helping the environment and protecting resources may be very important to you and what you do at university can make a difference. Every little action adds up over time and helps to reduce your carbon footprint, whether it’s saving water or using a reusable... Read more
Turn Your Garden Into Healthy Organic Food Space

If you know all about organic food, then you can guess that it is usually expensive. But this is optional. It's actually quite easy to grow your own eco-friendly garden at a reasonable cost, even if you have limited space. Step one: define a goal Before... Read more
How Technology Can Help You Create an Eco-Friendly Home

There’s no doubt about it, the world is on the brink of an environmental disaster that is proving exceptionally hard to mitigate. Global warming, the unimpeded use of single-use plastics, and many, many other factors are creating a situation that is spiraling out of... Read more
Green Energy and How It Can Help to Bring Us to a Sustainabl…

Even though this might be hard to admit, the balance in the world has obviously been ruined in the past couple of decades. This is why the number of natural disasters happening all around the world is getting larger and larger – and this... Read more
The Tesla Home: Tesla’s Next Frontier

On the Tesla earnings call last Wednesday, July 22, Elon mentioned the renewable energy stack for the home. Tesla was focused on the big three: collection (solar), storage (Li-on batteries), and consumption (transport). These are indeed three defining parts of the renewable energy cycle for private... Read more
Why Is Important To Adopt an Eco-Friendly Business Mindset

For years now, raising awareness on environment protection has been a trend. Given the rate at which our planet is being destroyed, it has become an absolute necessity. The major contributors to pollution are conglomerates and corporations. Now more than ever, businesses have to... Read more
Microwave Heating & Stapled Peptide Synthesis: An Overvi…

Stapling peptides is a viable way to stabilize α-helices, which are the cornerstone of proper peptide and protein biological activity determination. Utilizing peptides for studying protein-to-protein relations and monitoring their biological pathways is a logical way to study those, as mentioned earlier. That is why... Read more
New Device Will Generate Electricity Out Of Thin Air

Power generation requires large plants, that generally tend to be non-renewable and have high levels of carbon emission. But, scientists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed such a clean-energy device that generates electricity ‘out of thin air’. Specifically, the air-generator device is able to convert... Read more
A ‘Levitating’ Train That Travels At A Faster Speed Than An …

Going via airplane is always the first choice when traveling to far off distances. It’s faster, more convenient, and saves people time. But what if there is a train that would go even faster than an airplane? The China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation has recently... Read more
What Would Net Zero Emissions by 2025 Look Like?

graph by Our World in Data The latest IPCC report says that in order to prevent catastrophic climate change global net CO2 emissions will have to reach net zero by 2050, from their current levels of 33-38B tons rising by nearly 2%/year. The IPCC’s past reports... Read more
5 Essential Rules Of Ethical Shopping You Should Follow

We live in a world where millions of people, including underaged children, are being exploited on a daily basis to make fashion more affordable to the consumer. Yet, what happens to these people is rarely the main concern of the media, or the consumers... Read more
Windowless Planes Will Give Passengers A Panoramic View Of T…

Tired of fighting for the window seat every time you travel by plane? Well then when you read about and see the latest idea for plane travel you may wonder–what took so long?! A British Technology research firm known as The Center for Process... Read more
New Research Brings Us Closer to Cheap, Transparent, Organic…

The age of fossil fuels is coming to an end, and the age of renewable energy has dawned—or, it will be dawning soon. In 2014 the World Bank estimated that over 80 percent of the world’s energy came from fossil fuels. That figure is set to... Read more
Delorean Aerospace Is Working On A Flying Car With A Range O…

IN BRIEFPaul DeLorean, nephew of the maker of the iconic car from the Back to the Future series, is developing a flying car through his company DeLorean Aerospace. The EV would boast one of the longest ranges of any proposed VTOL vehicle: 120 miles... Read more
Homes Built With Cannabis Concrete Are the Wave of the Futur…

In addition to its many other delightful uses, cannabis can also make for a reliable building material. In Ein Hod, Israel, architectural firm Tav Group has created an "ecological house" using all earth-based materials, including one of the dankest substances around: hemp. The building's walls are made... Read more
Reviewers of Tesla’s Newest Vehicle Are Unanimous: “The Mode…

The first reviews of Tesla’s Model 3 are in — and they are resoundingly positive beyond expectations, even for those anticipating the world from the new model. Yes, the reviews are filled with hyperbole — and they’re absolutely heartfelt, with the detail to back them... Read more
Researchers Have Invented A Way To Produce Food Using Only E…

Researchers from Finland have created a way to make synthetic food using electricity that is safe to eat in place of traditional meals. The nutrition that can be served for dinner is made up of a batch of single-cell protein which is created using... Read more
The World Is on the Brink of an Electric Car Revolution

Robots at the Tesla factory in Fremont, Calif. put together electric cars.Credit: Tesla Motors The internal combustion engine had a good run. It has helped propel cars — and thus humanity — forward for more than 100 years. But a sea change is afoot that is forecast... Read more
Using Moss to Clean Air in Urban Areas - Mobile “CityTree” I…

A German company has an innovative solution to the air pollution problem plaguing many of the world's cities today. Instead of planting trees, which take time to grow, they developed a mobile installation that can absorb air particles and CO2. Read more
The Eco-Friendly Tweaks I'm Taking Home From Journeys Abroad

Uganda's terrain varies wildly, from Bwindi Impenetrable Forest's dense, jade-colored rain forests to Kidepo Valley's fat acacia trees and dry, tawny plains. A recent visit to these remote national parks and their surrounding communities gave me a glimpse into how Mother Earth could serve as inspiration for our... Read more
New Zealand River Is The First To Be Granted HUMAN RIGHTS!

After 140 years of negotiation, Māori tribe wins recognition for Whanganui river, meaning it must be treated as a living entity. In a world-first a New Zealand river has been granted the same legal rights as a human being. The local Māori tribe of Whanganui in the North... Read more
Portugal Runs For Four Straight Days On Nothing But Renewabl…

Going green has never been more popular and Portugal is leading the way with its renewable energy efforts. After running for an impressive 107 hours without using even a single bit of fossil fuel, Portugal hit a major milestone in its goal to become... Read more
Kenyan Boy Protects Livestock From Lions With This Solar-Pow…

If your friends, neighbors and loved ones were all experiencing some sort of problem, you’d do your best to fix it right? Many of us might not ever get the chance to do something great for our community, but I’d like to think that,... Read more
First Successful Interaction With Human-to-Dolphin Translato…

It is a well-known and widely-documented fact that dolphins possess a superior intellectrelative to most other species, in a similar fashion that humans do. They’re incredibly smart and social creatures. They regularly build social hierarchies, are capable of using tools, and have some sense of... Read more
Scientists Have Developed A Quartz Coin That Can Store 360 T…

This is amazing! A new breakthrough for science and technology as given us the next evolutionary step in data storage. The quartz crystals can hold hundreds of terra bytes of information and with stand crazy amounts of damage, it is a stone after all.... Read more
Is this the Breakthrough that Finally Ends ‘Big Oil’ and Bri…

The days of bulky, expensive solar panels that were heavy and required harsh chemicals to produce and a lot of labor to install may be coming to an end. Scientists in Australia have been able to produce the largest ever printed solar cells using... Read more
A Giant Basket That Uses Condensation to Gather Drinking Wat…

Around the world, 768 million people don’t have access to safe water, and every day 1,400 children under the age of five die from water-based diseases. Designer Arturo Vittori believes the solution to this catastrophe lies not in high technology, but in sculptures that... Read more
9 Tons Of Vegetables Produced On One Third Of An Acre In The…

There are 40 million acres of lawns in North America. In their current form, these unproductive expanses of grass represent a significant financial and environmental cost. However, viewed through a different lens, they can also be seen as a tremendous source of opportunity. Access to... Read more
French Architect Envisions a Futuristic Sustainable Floating…

Lately, we have seen lots of impressive designs for futuristic underwater and floating ocean cities. In most of the cases, the idea to live in the ocean derives from the fact that one day the humanity may have no land left for new constructions... Read more
Gigafactory to be biggest building on Earth? Tesla buys addi…

Tesla Gigafactory construction April 2015 Screen capture Youtube More batteries needed for home and utility storage? Tesla's Gigafactory, which is currently under construction in Nevada, is truly deserving of its giga prefix. The goal is to make as much battery pack capacity in that single factory... Read more
Meet the Woman Building Stunning Sustainable Homes from Bamb…

Elora Hardy and her team of designers, artisans, and builders at Ibuku are reimagining sustainable building, using one of nature's strongest and most versatile materials. Bamboo has the compressive strength of concrete, the same strength-to-weight ratio of steel, and can regenerate itself in just a... Read more
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Is Finally Getting Built To Go (potent…

Space Exploration Technologies more commonly known as SpaceX is preparing to build a prototype of Elon Musk’s theorized fantastical, futuristic transport tube capable of moving people and freight at speeds of 760 miles per hour. More than the speed of an average jet plane. Read more
How an Eco-city was built out of a Facebook group in Brazil…

“You never change things by fighting the existent reality. To change something, you must build a new model that makes the existing one obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller This is the success story of Equilibrium eco-city.project in Brazil that started off from a Facebook page, written by... Read more
Tesla to unveil a battery on April 30 that will slash your h…

It’s finally official, almost. Two months ago Tesla told the world they had developed a battery to could power your entire house, and just a couple of weeks ago Elon Musk teased that the company would unveil a new non-automotive product at their April 30 event. Now, in... Read more
Tesla batteries to power entire homes out soon - Elon Musk

Tesla Motors says its ambitious plan to produce battery packs strong enough to power houses will be reality within six months. The promise comes as the company revealed lower-than-expected sales figures for Model S vehicles. “We are going to unveil the Tesla home battery, the... Read more
Plant Power: Dutch Company Harvests Electricity From Living …

In Hembrug, Netherlands, a crowd stood in a park and looked up into the evening sky, waiting for lights to shine. This month more than 300 LED lights were illuminated by the Dutch company Plant-e in a new energy project called “Starry Sky.” Although... Read more
Panasonic’s new technology purifies water with sunlight and …

Drinking clean water is something that many people in the world can't take for granted, as they rely on polluted sources and often have no access to purification systems. In response to that problem, Panasonic is developing a new technology that looks to the... Read more
‘Personal roller coaster’: Tesla Motors unveils electric Mod…

New all-wheel-drive versions of the Tesla Model S car are lined up for test drives in Hawthorne, California October 9, 2014. (Reuters/Lucy Nicholson) Elon Musk unveiled the new zero-emission Tesla Model S sedan that can drive on “autopilot”. The car has a dual motor, the... Read more
Plane with hybrid-electric engine takes to skies in test fli…

Still from youtube video (Cambridge University) While for decades aeronautics researchers have been working on ways to make flying safer, they're now also trying to make air travel cleaner. A test flight of a hybrid-electric aircraft has been successfully completed in Britain. The step forward –... Read more
Turning plastic into food? Incubator with hungry fungi can d…

Two Austrian designers have teamed up with Utrecht University to develop an incubator dubbed the 'Fungi Mutarium.' It cultivates plastic-digesting fungi, which is edible. Researchers at Yale University in 2012 discovered a rare variety of mushroom that could break down polyurethane, a type of plastic.... Read more
Chasing the Sun in the Navajo Nation + Video

Country's oldest ethnicity receives a new form of power. The oldest ethnic group in the United States is also the least connected. In the Navajo Nation — the country’s largest Indian Reservation that sprawls across parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah — about 38 percent... Read more
Cycling on sunshine: World’s first solar bike lane opens in …

The Dutch now have a wholly solar-paneled cycle path connecting two suburbs in Amsterdam – the first of its kind in the world. The SolaRoad will convert the sun’s energy into electricity for the grid. The project has been in the making since 2009 and... Read more
Cigarette Plant Will Be Turned Into A Factory For Solar And …

Deep in tobacco country, the once booming Phillip Morris cigarette plant in Concord, North Carolina has been reborn into a facility that churns out batteries for solar and wind farms. Swiss startup battery manufacturer Alevo plans to open up the 3.5 million square-foot plant Tuesday,... Read more
Peru’s Innovative Air-Purifying Billboard

UTEC Air-Purifying Billboard A recent report suggests that 90 percent of the world’s urban population is breathing air that fails to meet WHO safety guidelines. Among the world’s worst air pollution offenders is Lima, Peru’s capital city. While air pollution has declined over the... Read more
A Floating Grass Billboard That Can Suck Pollution out of Fi…

How does one clean the Pasig River? A group of creative people found an unlikely solution: they put up a floating billboard. The billboard is the first of its kind in the Philippines. It is made of Vetiver, a perennial, non-invasive grass often used to... Read more
These Skyscrapers Will Clean Pollution from The Surrounding …
July 3, 2014 | by Stephen Luntz Photo credit: Artists impression of the worlds proposed tallest towers at sunset Two towers almost a kilometer high have been announced for Wuhan, China. But they won't just be special because of their height - the towers will actually... Read more
Open letter to The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of th…

Dear Minister Aglukkaq, Qanuippit? I am sure that you are as concerned about the effects of climate change as I am. After all, it is your constituents, your people, who are feeling the effects of the rapid loss of sea ice and permafrost, far more... Read more
First Hemp House in Atlantic Canada Under Construction

By Sherry Martell TRURO DAILY NEWS THE FALLS – A popular European construction technique is taking root here with the first hempcrete building currently underway in the Atlantic region. Dorje Denma Ling, a Shambhala program and group retreat centre in The Falls, is spearheading the project with... Read more
Garden Update: Trellises, Flowers and Stacking Functions

Busy days here at Faery-Hof! This week focused on various trellising projects and acquiring an “instant” garden through my friend Kimber’s thinnings and castoffs. Yesterday, I got out some zip ties and quickly put together what I want to call a wabi sabi trellis... Read more
IBM Solar Collector Magnifies Sun By 2000X – These Could Pro…

A team at IBM recently developed what they call a High Concentration Photo Voltaic Thermal (HCPVT) system that is capable of concentrating the power of 2,000 suns, they are even claiming to be able to concentrate energy safely up to 5,000X, that’s huge. The process... Read more
Ron Finley: A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA

Originally Published on Mar 6, 2013 Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus... Read more
Start a Worm Farm

A worm farm is a fantastic way to minimize food waste by turning your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants and soils. Worms eat organic waste and turn it into liquid fertilizer and worm castings (the organic material that has been digested... Read more
4 Step Guide to Building a Herb Spiral

Want to make your own vertical herb spiral garden? This compact space saving design can be made with just a few basic steps. Construction materials and methods vary so after deciding on the best position and gathering your materials, you can have one built the... Read more
This Hotel in Singapore has the Coolest Sky Gardens Ever

PARKROYAL ON PICKERING HOTEL, SINGAPORE Design by WOHA Architects | Photograph by Patrick Bingham-Hall Designed by WOHA Architects, the PARKROYAL on Pickering Hotel in Singapore features six incredible sky gardens that are cantilevered at every fourth level between the blocks of guest rooms. PARKROYAL on Pickering is... Read more
Hemp, Lime and Local Timber at Scots Eco-Village

31 Aug 2013 Two houses are nearing completion at a small newbuild eco village in the northwest of Scotland. Achabeag Township has planning permission for 20 houses, which will be clustered together on sloping land overlooking the Sound of Mull. Of these 6 are designated... Read more
The World's First Commercial Vertical Farm Opens in Singapor…

Lori Zimmer The dense metropolis of Singapore is now home to the world’s first commercial vertical farm! Built by Sky Greens Farms, the rising steel structure will help the city grow more food locally, reducing dependence on imported produce. The new farm is able to... Read more
Aquaponics: Aquaculture and Hydroponics

Aquaponics is essentially the combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Both aquaculture and hydroponics have some down sides, hydroponics requires expensive nutrients to feed the plants, and also requires periodic flushing of the systems which can lead to waste disposal issues. Re-circulating aquaculture needs to... Read more
Germany Breaks Its Own Record For Solar Power Generation

By Kiley Kroh August 22, 2013 Germany just broke its monthly solar power generation record once again. In July, the grey-skied country logged 5.1 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity from solar power, slightly better than the 5 TWh of electricity generated by wind turbines it produced... Read more
19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7…

by Timon Singh, 03/26/13 19-year-old Boyan Slat has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched... Read more
Town in England Transforms Landscape into Giant Food-Produci…

Christina Sarich Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, the FDA, and CDC never asked us if we wanted to eat genetically modified foods, I think it is high time we take the advice of this incredible town who didn’t even wait to be told ‘no.’ One forward-thinking... Read more
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Featured This Month
Dandelion: The Surprising Power of this Medi…
Reminds you of the abundance life holds. Gender: Masculine Planet: Jupiter E... Read more
Birth Totem Falcon: Are You a Natural Leader…
Birth Totem Falcon Birth dates: March 21 – April 19 Birth Totem is: Falcon... Read more
Aries Mythology: Discover the Secrets
The Mythology of Aries When we dive into the mythology of Aries, we need to... Read more
Eudialyte: Your Aries Power Stone Revealed!
Eudialyte Birthstone: Aries Planet: Mars Element: Fire Chakra: Heart Eud... Read more
The Time of No Time: Beltane!
Around the medicine wheel of life we go, from season to season (solstice to ... Read more
Green Aventurine
The Emotional Balancer Stone Green Aventurine is perhaps the best balancing... Read more
Sun in Aries: Unleash Your Power!
Aries March 21 through April 20 An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for A... Read more
The Crystal Wind Oracle Card Deck
The Crystal Wind Oracle™ The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card D... Read more
Budding Trees Moon: Medicine Wheel Insights!
Red Hawk - Fire Opal - Dandelion - Yellow March 21 – April 19 The Budding Tr... Read more
Bright Beltane Blessings!
The wheel turns to Beltane, also known as Mayday, marking the beginning of S... Read more