The Law of Attraction
You Radiate A Signal And Law Of Attraction Answers Your Sign…
The law of attraction states that we attract what we put out into the universe. This means that our thoughts, emotions, and actions all send out a signal to the universe. This signal will then be answered by the universe in the form of... Read more
8 Ways to Program your Water for Manifestation
Why Programming Water Works for Manifestation Did you know that the Earth is 70% water? Our bodies are also 70% water! Have you ever wondered if there was a connection or reason for this? Water is the element of emotion, intuition, spiritual connections, flow, feminine energy, and... Read more
Why Money Manifestation Does Not Work Until You Do This
Have you ever come across Law of Attraction posts on money manifestation that ask you to type in a “yes” or “claim it” in the comments in order to receive $1mil or $10mil into your bank account within 24 hours? You see….I did these a... Read more
7 Proven Ways To Make Your Wishes Come True!
It would be difficult to find a person on Earth who does not dream of anything at all. Each of us has at least one secret dream that seems like unbelievable and unattainable to us today. It is quite difficult to believe that its fulfillment is... Read more
Redefining the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is a collaboration, not a form of control. It is a co-creative dance merging the power of your will with alignments to various timelines of potential that allow the advancement of consciousness, or transformation, to occur. There are many people... Read more
Synchronicity Meaning: Message from the Universe
After encountering a series of events while on a solo trip in London a week ago, I believe I’ve understood the meaning of synchronicity and what it means to hear from the Universe… “When you commit to making the decision to level up, the entire... Read more
Letting Go of Attachments (Step-by-Step!)
Letting go of attachments is one of the most valuable LOA skills out there. So today, I’ll share with you a simple step-by-step process I use regularly. Remember, practice makes perfect. Repeat this process whenever you feel yourself “clinging” to outcomes. With repetition, this will become... Read more
Can You Manifest Without Action?
I recently received another phenomenal viewer question: “Can you manifest without action?” The short answer is, absolutely YES! That being said, it’s really important that we understand the dynamic of non-action manifestation. This plays a big role in whether or not action is required. Read more
Law of Attraction Abundance Technique
Today, I’d like to share with you a counterintuitive Law of Attraction abundance technique. Please be advised, this advice flies in the face of what a lot of people believe about money. However, most people don’t have as much money as they would like to... Read more
Forgive and FORGET?
Do you forgive and forget? It’s quite common for me to hear people saying something along the lines of “I’ll forgive, but I’ll never forget.” However, forgetting is actually a HIGHLY advantageous strategy when it comes to the Law of Attraction. So in today’s quick Law... Read more
What Is Your Habit of Thought? (LOA)
If you’ve ever followed Abraham Hicks’ teachings before, you’ve probably heard them discuss “habit of thought.” So, what is YOUR habit of thought? There are lots of different thoughts you may be in the habit of thinking, however there is a simple way to figure... Read more
Money and the Law of Attraction: Good or Evil?
Recently I got an interesting viewer question on money and the Law of Attraction: is money good or evil? And, will attracting more of it automatically make you more selfish and greedy? I absolutely LOVE this question, because it strikes right to the heart of... Read more
Positive Affirmations: 4 Ways on Water Programming
One of the best techniques I have learnt is about how to do water programming with positive affirmations. The use of water for healing is nothing new. For instance, in churches, for centuries, blessings of water have often done for the purpose of baptism or... Read more
Your Ultimate Guide to Intention Setting versus Goal Setting
Do you know what the difference is: intention setting versus goal setting? While both ideas are often used these days, knowing the difference can be helpful. If anything, intention or goal setting exercises tend to leave most people confused, uninspired or disempowered either way. And... Read more
What Is the Vibration of Receiving? The Law of Attraction
The vibration of receiving is quite different from the vibration of asking, and this is a super important distinction to understand about the Law of Attraction! And here’s why this distinction is important: With the Law of Attraction you will attract whatever vibration you put off.... Read more
Can You Really Trust Other People? - The Law of Attraction
One of the themes I started exploring early with the Law of Attraction was trust. With the Law of Attraction trust is important-but could I really trust other people? Look around today, and you’ll see all kinds of evidence of the distrust mankind has for itself. After... Read more
30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Louise Hay
“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete, and yet life is ever changing. There is no beginning and no end, only a constant cycling, and recycling of substance and experiences. Every moment of life is a new... Read more
Is The Law of Attraction Scientifically Valid?
The word “manifestation” triggers different responses for different people. For some, it’s a “woo woo” concept based in fantasy. For others, it’s a belief that drives a way of living. I was introduced to the concept of manifestation as a child, told by my parents... Read more
Why Laws Of Attraction May Make You Lose Friends
One of the frequently asked questions in the Law of Attraction community is related to lost relationships where many people wonder why they lose friends and experience strained relationships with their closed ones as they learn how to raise their vibrations? When you raise your... Read more
How To Take Control Of Your Life - Law Of Attraction
Ever wondered what is your own role and contribution in reflecting the realities of your life? A deep rooted reality of human life is the law of attraction that works on the simple rule—you get what you attract. This clearly implies that your thoughts manifest... Read more
Are You Goal-Oriented or Flow-Oriented?
In working with students of the Law of Attraction, I have met a lot of “goal-oriented” individuals. Are you goal-oriented? Now, truth be told, it’s perfectly fine to be goal-oriented! After all, we are expanding beings, constantly in a state of choosing new preferences and... Read more
Daily Affirmations for Peace of Mind
With every day that passes by, I am starting to realize more and more how valuable peace of mind really is, and how important it is to our happiness, health, and wellbeing. When you have peace of mind, you can welcome whatever experiences life sends your way with an... Read more
How To Manifest Your Dream Life - The Complete Law of Attrac…
When you hear someone talk about their success with the Law of Attraction (LoA) or The Secret, you’ve likely witnessed a passionate, excited person describe what seems like impossible magic. Read on to get answers to all your questions about the Law Of Attraction, the machinations... Read more
Why I Urge You to Stop Arguing for Your Limitations RIGHT NO…
Do you ever find yourself arguing for you limitations? Probably. We all do sometimes! That being said, I would urge you to give up this behavior as much as you possibly can. What do I mean by arguing for your limitations? I mean making excuses for... Read more
Authentic Goals - Do Your Goals Represent Your TRUE Self?
Are your goals for the future truly authentic goals? Do they represent who you really are? Since I teach people about the Law of Attraction, I hear from many people who are attempting to manifest all different kinds of things. There are lots of things out... Read more
Gratitude and Manifesting
One of the biggest things you hear about manifesting is that you need to be in a state of gratitude in order to manifest, and more importantly to receive, what you are asking for. What is quite frequently left out of the literature, however, and is rarely said,... Read more
The Secret to an Accelerated Conscious Awakening
Are you in the midst of a conscious awakening? Contrary to often popular opinion, although many people can reference the “start” of their awakening, an awakening is an ongoing process. Being consciously “awake” isn’t an ending. Rather awakening is a never-ending process of becoming more consciously awake... Read more
How to Set Goals (& Actually Achieve Them!)
Do you know how to set goals in a way that actually allows you to achieve them? People often miss the importance of positive focus, specificity and repetition in their goal-setting. The more specific we are about we want and the more we repeat our vision... Read more
10 Affirmations to Attract Greater Abundance
Would you like to attract greater abundance? Who wouldn’t! With that being said, wealth attraction all depends on your mindset. If you spend most of your time thinking about not having enough money or resources, this will be your reality. After all, the Law of Attraction brings you exactly... Read more
Affirmations for a Healthy Relationship
If you want to have a happy, loving and healthy relationship with your partner, you have to commit to making that happen. You have to make sure that with your thoughts, words, actions and behaviors, you are contributing to building the strong, loving and healthy... Read more
Manifestation Practice Not Getting Results? This Is The Secr…
Manifest the year of your dreams by going inward. Renew You 2017 is a month of mindfulness during which we’ll share content that guides you to create a deeply rooted intention for the new year. We’ll help you navigate inevitable obstacles with the latest science on... Read more
Negative Spirituality vs. Positive Spirituality: Which Side …
Spirituality is a BIG idea, but not all spirituality is cut from the same cloth. By my observation, spirituality can largely be split into two separate camps: “positive spirituality” and “negative spirituality.” Maybe you’ve noticed this too. The longer I’ve worked in the field of the Law... Read more
Keeping Your Goals a Secret May Help You to Achieve Them
We’ve all done it at least once, come up with that great idea or plan and exuberantly have told everyone we know about it. I’m going to write a book, get fit at the gym for that marathon, start a new inspired school for the town! No... Read more
Quick Law of Attraction Tip: Remember to Mind Your Business!
Do you remember to mind your business throughout your busy days? This is SO important to the process of conscious creation. It cannot be understated! Each of us is only capable of creating in our own reality. I cannot create for you, and you cannot create for... Read more
Quick Law of Attraction Tip: Consider the BIG Picture
Today’s extra tip is a bit of a public service announcement to my friends in the Law of Attraction community- remember to always consider the BIG picture! So frequently, students of the Law of Attraction get very hung up on the specifics of one. individual. dream. Perhaps he wants... Read more
Why do we exist? Better yet, why does anything exist?
Have you ever thought about the question “why do we exist?” If you are interested in this question like me, I’d like to share my perspective with you. Take my perspective for what it is, which is simply the answer I have received on my path. This... Read more
Pain Is Resistance, Nothing More
Lately, I’ve been thinking about pain and what it represents to us. Ultimately, I’ve found that pain is resistance, and nothing more. Sure, we equate pain to sources like illness, injury and disease. If we are dealing with emotional pain, we often can identify triggers... Read more
The Law of Attraction Is a LAW (Like it or Not!)
At this point in time, many people are learning about the Law of Attraction. Yet, there is a common distinction I’ve noticed many are missing: The Law of Attraction is a LAW. Now, if you believe that the LOA isn’t a real phenomenon, then the rest of what I... Read more
Impartiality: Living Without The Weight Of Opinions
It is generally the case that when someone is without a strong opinion it is somehow considered a knock on that person’s character and personal integrity, when in reality quite the opposite is the case. True objectivism, impartiality, neutrality, is really the essence of integrity, for it... Read more
Confidence: Key To Manifesting
One of the biggest keys to successful manifesting is KNOWING that you have the ability to make your desires a reality. That knowing only comes with confidence in your own ability to create. Having the confidence in yourself that you can create what you want and... Read more
An Ungrateful Thanksgiving
An Ungrateful Thanksgiving was written primarily for my American friends, but I invite my international friends to celebrate gratitude with us as well! An ungrateful Thanksgiving is a sad, sad experience. Usually, you can spot an ungrateful Thanksgiving in advance. Initially, we bemoan all of the work we must... Read more
What You Believe, You Can Achieve
Believe you can, and you will. Believe you can’t, and you won’t. That’s how powerful your beliefs are. The thoughts you think, the words you speak and the beliefs you hold, they all have the power to shape you, to mold you, and to help you become all that... Read more
Positive Affirmations For Manifesting Your Dreams
Dreams are necessary to keep us vibrant and alive. Without them, life will not be worth living. And these positive affirmations for manifesting your dreams will give you the courage and confidence to make your dreams a reality, and create a life that’s both meaningful and inspiring. Because just as Henry David Thoreau said it so... Read more
Proof That What Goes Around, Comes Around
What goes around, comes around, there;s no doubt about it. Maybe not immediately, but eventually it will. And if you give love, kindness and compassion, you will receive love, kindness and compassion.But if you give something else, that’s exactly what you will receive. Because... Read more
Are You Playing the “My Life Is Harder Than Yours” Game?
I’ve been banging around on this planet for 36 years now, and over time I’ve noticed that as humans we often like to play the “my life is harder than yours” game.’ You know the one. It’s the game of complaining to your friends how busy... Read more
26 Daily Affirmations for a Better Life
What a wonderful thing it is to start each day with daily affirmations that are meant to fill your heart with love and compassion, making you aware of the beauty, wisdom and power that lies within you. What a wonderful thing it is to think thoughts that are... Read more
5 Ways to Develop Laser-Sharp Focus on Your Dream
Do you have laser-sharp focus on your dream, or do you often find yourself feeling insecure about where you are headed? For many students of the Law of Attraction, developing the right focus is a challenge, particularly on the “big” dreams. When we decide we are going... Read more
If You Want to Attract Money, Stop Acting Broke!
Are you acting broke without even knowing it? You very well might be, if money is something you are worried about today. Sorry if this comes across as harsh, but acting broke is something I see people struggle with time and again when it comes... Read more
STOP STRUGGLING: It’s a Waste of Your Time and You Know It!
Are you ready to stop struggling? Or are you still putting up a fight in life? We live in a world where many people embrace, and even idolize the struggle. To stop struggling, for many, would mean to adopt a radically different way of life. Listen... Read more
Positive Affirmations for Happiness and Wellbeing
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” ~ Denis Waitley The thoughts you think and the words you speak, determine how happy, confident and worthy you may perceive yourself to be. And if you... Read more
EASY Law of Attraction Strategy: The “Wish List”
Today’s Law of Attraction strategy is a technique you can use to attract more of the material things that you want. I call it the “wish list” strategy. For this technique, sit down once a week to write down a wish list. Identify 5-10 items that you’d like to “attract” with the Law... Read more
Every Crisis Holds a Priceless Gift for You Inside
I don’t know about you, but I would do just about anything to avoid a crisis if I could. Fortunately, since learning about the Law of Attraction, I’ve experienced fewer and fewer crises in my life. Focusing on the positive and becoming more consciously aware has allowed me to... Read more
Are Your Desires Really Your Desires?
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been experiencing a wave of new understandings about the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious creation. The latest? The understanding that a lot of what we “think” we want, is not really what we want at all! I’m... Read more
8 Limiting Beliefs That Plague the Spiritual Community
Would you consider yourself a part of the spiritual community? If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you are probably well-aware that I am a proponent of the Law of Attraction. I know that many of my readers are spiritually-minded, kind and insightful... Read more
Get Over Your Spending Guilt & Manifest More Money
Would you like to manifest more money with the Law of Attraction? My guess is yes, because in my experience, money is the #1 thing people try to manifest more of when they first learn about conscious creation. There is, however, something that can interfere with... Read more
Fearless Friday: Choose to Share Love!
Lately I’ve found myself vibrating at a lower frequency as I’ve been dealing with the discomforts that come with transition. Honestly, I was even having some trouble writing my article this week because I wasn’t feeling very happy. I decided to share with you a... Read more
Fearless Friday: Are You Afraid of Darkness?
It’s Fearless Friday! Are you afraid of darkness? We spend half of our time in the outside world surrounded by darkness and all have at least one dark secret hidden deep within, yet most of us fear the night and our own inner demons. In the physical sense... Read more
Fearless Friday: The Fear of Letting Go
A couple weeks ago the planets aligned and I had the amazing opportunity to attend a Law of Attraction workshop workshop hosted by Andrea Schulman. Upon entering the super charming yoga studio we were given a worksheet that we would write our LOA recipe for success on. Of course, if... Read more
The LOA: Are You Giving Yourself Enough Credit?
When someone learns about the Law of Attraction, there’s often an interesting thing that happens. Instead of celebrating all of the wonderful things he or she has created, the individual often beats up on him or herself for all of the things they haven’t yet created! Are... Read more
Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest!
Do you know what your consciousness is? Your consciousness is simply your thoughts and awareness. As a conscious being, you are capable of observing and having thought, and as we’ve discussed many times in this blog, your thoughts and awareness are responsible for creating your reality... Read more
Waiting For the Right Time Attracts Better Manifestations!
Today, I’d like to share a lesser-known, yet highly effective, Law of Attraction technique to help you improve the quality of your manifestations. I call it “waiting for the right time.” This is a simple LOA technique you can use that is extremely effective! This is an ideal... Read more
Momentum & The Law of Attraction
Momentum is an extremely important component of the Law of Attraction, and one that is often overlooked! Today, I am reminded about the importance of momentum. It’s the Monday after Christmas, and I’m feeling the holiday hangover. No, I wasn’t drunk last night, I’ve just got an energy hangover. The first... Read more
7 Fantastic LOA New Year’s Resolutions
Lose weight. Save money. Stop smoking. Exercise more. Sound familiar? These tired New Year’s resolutions are so common that millions of dollars of marketing are spent every year to promote products and services related to these goals. Don’t believe me? Turn on the TV on January 1 and count how... Read more
You Get What You EXPECT With the LOA, NOT What You Want!
Many people give up on the Law of Attraction because they believe it operates differently than it really does. It’s important to remember that with the Law of Attraction, you don’t necessarily get what you want. Instead, you get what you expect. This is why many people react in... Read more
A 3-Part Morning Routine for Law of Attraction Junkies
So many people begin their day by hitting the alarm repeatedly, dragging themselves out of bed and simply hating life for the first hour of the day. Unfortunately, this kind of morning routine can really set the stage for a crummy day with the Law of... Read more
7 Lucky Signs the Law of Attraction is Working
Even if you understand the Law of Attraction well, you will still find that it usually takes some time for your dreams to manifest. While you are waiting for your new reality to arrive it’s a great idea to look for signs from the universe that... Read more
How You Create Brilliant Business Ideas w/ The Law of Attrac…
Have you ever had an idea you couldn’t stop thinking about? It just comes to you at the most random time, when you least expect it. You just have to stop whatever you’re doing and write it down. Yesterday, this happened to me in a... Read more
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