Money Magnets Activated! Most Powerful Affirmations!
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Money affirmations are phrases and mantras about finance that allow you to more easily visualize the lifestyle you desire and to help you focus. They are usually repeated out loud or internally and may be repeated daily or weekly.
Affirmations are said to help improve your relationship with money and help highlight more opportunities to earn, which help keep you focused on your financial goals and future desires.
Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For affirmations to be effective, it is said that they need to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.
To attract money, we need to already think like a person with money! Creating the mentality of someone who has lots of money is important! Use our positive affirmations to build the money mindset and feel rich at no matter what stage you are in your life! Think rich, and be rich! Using the affirmations daily will help you feel rich and prosperous, and you will start to attract money in ways you never even knew existed!
For Starters
- I was born to be rich
- I am worthy of my increasing wealth
- Money flows into my life from many sources
- I am aligned with the flow of abundance
- I am developing a powerful wealth mindset
- I love learning about the spiritual and man made laws of money
- I am a magnet to money
- I only think positive thoughts about money
- Money comes to me easily
- I easily let go of any limiting beliefs about money
- I forgive myself for my old ideas about money that once held me back
- I often have amazing ideas of ways to increase my prosperity
- Money loves being a part of my life
- I am creating massive value in the world
- I love what I do
- I vibrate in perfect harmony with the massive wealth that I am attracting into my life
- I am aligned to the frequency of abundance
- My mind is a magnet that attracts more and more money into my life every single day
- With a big smile on my face I think of all of the wonderful ways that my wealth mindset is making me rich and sincerely say thank you.
- Affirmations for Abundance
- I am abundant, prosperous and wealthy
- My abundance continues to grow, expand and flourish
- My words are charged with prospering power
- Money continually flows into my life and I am prosperous
- My life is filled with the rich bounty of the Universe who supplies my every need
- I now easily and effortlessly attract total abundance and prosperity to me
- I deserve abundance
- I am safe, protected and loved
- Money and riches are as abundant as air – and I breathe prosperity in now
- It is my divine destiny to be wealthy, prosperous and abundant.
- I always have more money flowing in than flowing out
- I desire the highest and best for myself, and I now draw the highest and best to me
- Money and clients are bursting into my life in such abundant masses, it is incredible
- Any amount of money I desire appears like magic into my life
- I now allow myself to have more than I ever dreamt possible.
- I give thanks for the immediate, complete, divine fulfillment of all my desires
- I am a unique and special person with so much to offer the world.
- My value and my worth are increased by everything that I do
- I allow myself to play, have fun and enjoy my life.
- All financial doors are open; all financial channels are free, and the endless bounty of the Universe now comes to me
- I love money and money loves me
- I picture success for everyone.
- I bring love and prosperity to everything I do.
- I appreciate all that I have.
- All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free and money continues to flow to me
- I can succeed, I will succeed, I am succeeding now
- I give myself permission to be and do what I want.
- I value myself and the Universe values me
- I learn Money is rapidly mounting in my savings account and my large investments just keep multiplying and multiplying
- I accept only that which is good
- Rich, divine ideas now come to me, and I am in all ways abundantly guided, blessed and prosperous
- All my experiences are opportunities to gain clarity, vision and power in my life
- Nothing succeeds like success. I now go from success to greater success
- I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love.
- My prosperity and abundance is huge, powerful and irresistible, and that it appears now
- I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others
- As one door closes, another bigger and better door opens
- Everybody and everything prospers me now and I prosper and everybody and everything now
- Everything I create fulfils me
- Every time I turn around there is money chasing me
- I have so much money saved and invested that I can stop working whenever I please
- The things I attract into my life are even better than I imagined them to be
- I am increasingly magnetic to prosperity, abundance, riches and money now
- Good things come to me easily.
- I am always in the right place at the right time
- I give thanks that I am now rich, prosperous, well and happy and that my financial affairs are in divine order
- Every day in every way I am growing richer and richer
- Money, prosperity and wealth, manifest thyself here and now in rich abundance
- Good things happen to me now
- I know that whatever I declare, the Universe will provide.
- I deserve the unlimited abundance of the Universe.
- Money comes to me so fast it makes my head spin
- I am at one with tens of thousands of dollars in savings
- As I do what I love, money, abundance and prosperity flow freely to me.
- I make so much money in passive income, I just blink and it appears.
- My savings are growing so rapidly before my eyes that sometimes I am amazed at how easy it comes to me
- I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents, which build me wealth in return
- I am open to unlimited abundance
- I am saving more and more money every day
- I am at one with thousands of dollars in my mailbox each and every day
- I am prosperous, healthy and happy
- It is a wonderful feeling knowing that I am financially free forever
- I only spend what I have
- I am careful and prosperous with my money
- I value my money and my money values me
- I have dozens of ways to make a passive income and the abundance just flows to me
- I give thanks for my continual financial increase
- My money continues to grow and my earnings multiply
- I give thanks that every day in every way I am growing richer and richer
- The Universe is safe, abundant and friendly and I deserve it all
- I expect only the best to happen and it always does
- I now easily and happily accept thousands of dollars each week
- I allow myself to dream big and expect big
- I have so many different ways for money and riches to flow to me
- My bank accounts are growing and growing and I just keep getting richer
- I know that my dreams are now coming true
- I see myself living my ideal life
- I am rich, self-confident, loving and generous
- I am Wildly Wealthy now
- I trust my amazing ability to create abundance.
- The universe always serves my higher interests
- I always expect and receive the very best
- I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way
- I accept good things into my life with gratitude
- It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that I am financially free forever
- I am at one with hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in safe secure investments
- I believe that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way
- I am happy, healthy, wealthy, healed and whole
- My self-worth and net worth are building every day
- My life glows with radiant beauty, radiant richness, and radiant good
- I have wealth in every area of my life.
- I accept prosperity and abundance into my life
- I am the source of my abundance
- I focus on prosperity, abundance and riches and thus draw it to me
- All resistance to a life filled with everlasting prosperity is now gone
- My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
- All my dreams are coming true
- The universe will always meet my needs
- I am willing to accept and know that I deserve the very best life has to offer
- I am open to opportunities for prosperity and abundance\
- I am an unlimited being. I can create anything I want.
- I picture expanding abundance for others and myself
- I am an outstanding success.
- I allow myself to deserve success and feel successful.
- I give myself permission to have all I desire
- My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited and ever expanding prosperity
- I can have what I want; I can create what I want
- I now attract all I desire into my life - today
- I invite and allow good to appear in my life
- I create what I want easily and effortlessly
- The money I spend enriches the world and comes back to me multiplied
- I surround myself with abundance and prosperity
- I am open to receive
- I deserve to be prosperous
- I expect lavish abundance every day in every way in my life
- I expect, deserve and give thanks for lavish abundance today
- All my needs are met - my richness becomes visible this day
- I am the source of my abundance
- I believe in unlimited possibilities
- I have abundance in every area of my life
- My money is a source of good for others and myself.
- My savings act as a magnet to draw more money.
- I am worthy of receiving abundance
- I am financially independent and free
- I choose to live an incredibly abundant life
- I am amazingly abundant
- I am really rich
- I am perfectly prosperous
- I have mountains of money
- I have cartloads of cash
- I am wildly wealthy
- I am safe, I am protected, I am divinely guided.
- I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed
And so it is.
For Extra Gratitude
- I am grateful for all of the money that is now flowing into my life
- I use my increasing wealth to help others
- I give generously and receive graciously
- Feeling gratitude for even the smallest of things brings me such tremendous joy
- Several times a day, I stop whatever I am doing, smile to myself and say thank you for my wonderful life
- I welcome the endless flow of wealth into my life with gratitude
- I see abundance and prosperity all around me
- When I feel gratitude for what I have I am a powerful magnet for what I want
- I love using the law of attraction to sculpt my amazing life
- I love thinking of amazing ways that I am able to enjoy and share my increasing wealth
- I am so grateful for all of the incredible experiences that I am creating right now
- I smile broadly to myself, and a tingle rushes up my spine, as luxurious feelings of abundance flow into my body and I sincerely say “Thank you”.
For Extra Passive Income
- I passively earn more than $10,000 every single month
- I see opportunities to create wealth everywhere I go
- I am financially free
- I have more than enough money to do whatever I want to do
- My passive income is growing daily
- I make money as I sleep
- My investments are constantly increasing in value
- I am living the life of my dreams
- An endless stream of increasing wealth is constantly flowing into my life
- When I fall asleep at night, I have a big smile on my face, because I know that I make money as I sleep
- I love using the law of attraction to sculpt my amazing life
- I love thinking of amazing ways that I am able to enjoy and share my increasing wealth
- I am so grateful for all of the incredible experiences that I am creating right now
- I smile broadly to myself, and a tingle rushes up my spine, as luxurious feelings of abundance flow into my body and I sincerely say “Thank you”
For Extra Luck
- My intuition always guides me to make the right decision
- I listen to my heart and trust my intuitive guidance
- My friends and family are amazed at how lucky I am
- I always pick the winner
- I am always in the right place at the right time
- Lady luck is shining down on me
- I expect to be lucky and I am lucky
- I am the sole creator of my reality
- I focus on what I want and I get it
- My positive thoughts make things happen
- I love using the law of attraction to sculpt my amazing life
- I am so grateful for all of the incredible experiences that I am creating right now
- I smile broadly to myself, and a tingle rushes up my spine, as luxurious feelings of abundance flows into my body and I sincerely say “Thank you”.
You Are A Millionaire
- I am a millionaire
- I have completely released all negative thoughts about money
- I am a powerful money magnet
- Wealth is a natural part of my life
- I am surrounded by abundance
- I am living the dream
- I have a millionaire lifestyle
- I can easily afford to buy anything I desire
- My millionaire mindset is constantly attracting massive wealth into my life
- I love my life
- I have more than a million dollars in my bank
- I have many lucrative investments and assets
- My money is working for me to make even more money as I sleep
- I have multiple passive income streams
- Money loves being a part of my life
- I am grateful for all of the abundance that surrounds me
- Making money is easy for me
- With a big smile on my face I bathe in the energy of my luxurious millionaire lifestyle
- I have everything that I desire and even more is coming to me every single day
For Extra Success
- I am worthy of what I desire.
- I have everything I need to be successful.
- I am grateful for the positive things in my life.
- I am open to limitless possibilities.
- I achieve whatever I set my mind to.
- I am smart, capable and talented.
- I believe in myself.
- I am ready to share my gifts with the world.
- I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe.
- I am my best source of motivation.
- I am creative and open to new solutions.
- I choose to embrace the mystery of life.
- I choose faith over fear.
- I allow everything to be as it is.
- I attract miracles into my life.
- I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities.
- I am aligned with my purpose.
- I am worthy of positive changes in my life.
- I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance that’s on its way.
- I am capable of achieving greatness.
Please note that duplication of affirmations in this article is intentional!
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