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Star Elders: Heart-Centered Transformation

Star Elders: Heart-Centered Transformation

We are entering an erratic era of awakening, where our perceptions of reality shift quickly and go beyond anything we have imagined.

We are discovering our most authentic selves to date and becoming more and more free from the limitations of old, unsustainable projections, harmful programming, and toxic patterns. This raw and honest self-discovery will lead us to a great liberation for our souls. We have worked very hard for this, but where we are going is not what we thought it would be. Get ready to pivot regarding many of your positions and who you think you are. Big surprises are on the horizon. You are much more than you know at this moment.

Those willing to do the inner work will experience deep waves of intense life-altering introspection. It will be confusing, frustrating, and even a little scary. Our true selves are working hard to finally be fully born into this new cycle we entered in 2012. We won't fully anchor until 2032, a complete 20-year Mayan Katun cycle. We can sense a wonderful blossoming within us, just beyond our reach, like a beautiful mirage waiting patiently on the horizon. It's a feeling that many of us can relate to, knowing that something amazing is coming, even if it feels just out of grasp for now. We are being divinely and gently nudged by our guides, souls, and star families, but this journey is up to us now. We get to take it into the future from here. This is our energic stamp on history. Our inner core truth, deep within our hearts, will illuminate our path through the confusion and, at times, the bittersweet disillusionment we may face.

The world is facing a challenging time, often filled with confusion, which brings a sense of disconnection as we navigate through a fading cycle. It's a moment that can easily feel overwhelming for many, and it's important to acknowledge the weight this brings to our collective experience. There is an intentional past-age tactic being used to manipulate and control humanity by drowning us in so much conflicting information and creating unrelenting uncertainty that we feel overwhelmed. This age-old shock and awe tactic rears its ugly head about when humanity is ready to make an epic leap into higher levels of consciousness. These old tactics, filled with rapid, chaotic waves, can create disorientation and disassociation with ourselves. We are no longer dealing with just our dysfunctional relationships. We are being utterly dumbfounded as we begin to realize we have entered a seriously massive planetary dysfunctional relationship with our world. Everything we have learned personally up to now will now be put into play on a global level. All the traumas we have suffered and learned from will now have a deeper meaning and purpose.

During this time, we could easily fall victim to inadvertently empowering our inner fears, thinking our positions are righteous truth. Knowing the difference between our cognitive biases and the actual truth will be difficult. There is little authentic truth during the crumbling of an old age. The positions we take will only give us a false sense of safety. Feeding our fears will amplify our disorientation, making it even more difficult to be unbiased and able to analyze anything critically. But we've got this. We've learned how to listen to our hearts, and we've learned to follow its callings. The drama-addicted and war-based outer world, or should I say. . . "outer-weird," is trying to hang onto old familiar realities and is fueled by an unconscious and paralyzing fear to evolve. Of course, trying to stop our evolution is futile. The only way through is through the deep center of our hearts.

Because we live from the heart, we will lead with compassion for all who we "think" are ignoring the obvious. However, taking unbending positions makes the process longer and harder for everyone. We have learned that judgments are a waste of our energy and light. We have remembered that we are all one family on Mother Earth, and somehow, we are all doing this together.
BUT. . .
Even though we are living from the heart, it does not mean we do not have discernment. During this time, we must have razor-sharp discernment for who or what we allow into our personal lives. Anyone not motivated by empathy, compassion, inclusiveness, integrity, and, most of all, love will have no privilege to access our energy. To make allowances for anything less than love is complicit with hate.

. . . . . .
"Whatever is rejected from the self appears in the world as an event." Dark espresso- Carl Gustav The C.G. Jung.

"Until we have met the monsters in ourselves, we keep trying to slay them in the outer world. And we find that we cannot. For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart. And it is there that we must do our work." - Marianne Williamson
. . . .

This is a time when we are being tested and challenged to listen to our hearts amidst the overwhelming noise of the outer world. Our hearts never lie, but our minds always doubt and second-guess the truth. The heart knows the truth, but the mind will create conspiracy!

The old shock and awe tactics have tested us in 2020 and 2021. We learned a lot by living through that time, but what was learned was not appropriately anchored in the new cycle. So here we are facing the same tests but in a more profound way. The way we succeed now is to learn to pivot and realign with a new trajectory that is rising up now. We will need to make personal and global pivots in this global ascension. But we will succeed. Undoubtedly, this will be work and intense focus. It will take deep focus to stay centered and grounded in the heart. Who, what, when, where, and why we place our attention, and what we allow to reside in our reality will decide the outcome of our journey. But we are ready for this, even if it doesn't feel like it. Our hearts know the way, and we will rise.

There's a profound reason why you are here now, so do not lose yourself in all the hype that is coming quickly now in the "outer weird." Listen to your heart's guidance. Be observant of the world around you but not be triggered by it. Only address the layers of chaos where you can actually make a difference. Pick your battles wisely. Know when it's time to open your heart, but also know when it's time to pick up your sword. Know when it's time to stand down, be patient, and wait for clarity. Waiting for the right moment is more important than taking a hasty action. Right action doesn't happen without clarity.

Take time to get out into nature. Breathe the air, feel the sun on your face, and be grateful for this life and this opportunity. When it is time to take action, dive into your work, follow your heart's passion, make connections, and rebuild community.

Our energy is more powerful than ever before, and I know you feel this, too. We are beginning to reimagine a new reality in the present moment. The pivots that will be necessary can feel harsh and scary, but to create a new world, we have to do things differently. Breaking the old molds can feel unsafe, but this is when we know we are moving beyond the past world. We have everything we need to complete this journey already within us; we always have. We are ready for this quest. This is what you came here for.

"Becoming illuminated isn't about controlling the mind, but dropping all that noise into the fire of the heart. " The Star Elders

Credit: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in – Bio here

Love Donations are greatly appreciated and help me continue to offer messages freely as spirit calls. You may also send your gratitude and support through the ethers. These help me cover monetary and energetic expenses for posting these messages to you. Thank you very much! 

Copyright © 2025- Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Ph/Fax:928-282-4622 -- Email:  website: www.AlunaJoy.com

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