- Details
- Written by AndEl

The Cleansing Stone
Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Calcite is one of the most abundant minerals, found worldwide in a varied range of colours. All calcites consist of almost pure calcium, making it an effective stone for bone disorders. Native Americans consider calcite a holy stone of the land of their fathers that was given to them by the gods.
Colours: shades of red, orange, yellow, gold, green, blue, white, black, brown and clear
Uses: Calcite and its wide colour variations is all-around healing stone. Place in bath water as a healing and calming essence. Use for mental clarity, boosting memory, adjusting to transition, transforming negativity, learning, meditation, concentration, and astral projection. Because of its high calcium content it is an excellent stone for treating bone disorders and has a very beneficial effect on the formation of bone. Physically, calcite enhances calcium intake and assimilation.
Star Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Chakra: Various, depending on the variety
Tips For Calcite
“Feel better” calcite frees you from fear
Calcite is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone.
All calcites are helpful in lessening fear and in reducing stress.
Calcite channels any excess energy into creative endeavours.
Calcite is a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation.
Calcite increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity.
This stone symbolizes clarification and mental growth.
Calcite can help release fears and bring inner peace.
It can be helpful in astral travel and in channelling.
Calcite helps with increasing a person's intuition.
Calcite works well helping one accept change.
Calcite increases and amplifies energy.
Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras.
Red Calcite

Chakra: base
Tips for Red Calcite
- Hold red calcite to relax if you are running around trying to do too much and be in too many places at the same time
- Put red calcite near overactive children to calm their behaviour
- Place red calcite next to your bed to prevent you from repeating negative patterns
- Hold red calcite for comfort when you feel panicky
- Keep red calcite near you to boost your emotional energy
Calming red calcite enhances positive self-image
The energy of red calcite brings courage, inner strength and energy to handle survival situations, and benefits sensuality/sexuality. Increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids willpower and opens the heart chakra. Red calcite is particularly effective in removing stagnant energy and dissolving blockages, both energetic and physical.
Orange Calcite The Intimate Play Stone
Chakra: sacral

Tips for Orange Calcite
- Place Orange calcite under your bed to boost vitality throughout the next day
- Hold orange calcite to balance your energies
- Keep orange calcite with you to bring calmness and tranquility
- Put orange calcite in your work place to reduce tension between colleagues
- Carry orange calcite with you to inspire you throughout the day
- Meditate with orange calcite to let its energy bring sunshine into your life
Orange calcite provides warmth and emotional healing
Orange calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone, especially for the lower chakras. Physically orange calcite is helpful for the reproductive system, genitals, kidneys and intestines. It is a cleansing stone for congestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue and arthritis. It is also helpful for balancing sexual energies.
Orange calcite restores mental and emotional equilibrium. It can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, and depression. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite can also give a gentle boost to psychic abilities and intuition.
Yellow or Golden Calcite The Physical Manifester Stone

Chakra: solar plexus and crown
Yellow or Golden calcite is a great eliminator and stimulates the will. It's energy, especially as an elixir, is uplifting. It enhances meditation, stimulating the higher mind and inducing a deep state of relaxation and spirituality, linking to the highest source of spiritual guidance. Yellow calcite is particularly good for Shamanic work, meditation, channelling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Golden calcite has an extremely expansive energy.
Green Calcite The Heart Ache Healing Stone
Chakra: heart
Tips for Green Calcite
- Carry or wear green calcite to help prevent you from catching infections
- Place green calcite around you to calm your emotions
- Hold green calcite to help you cope and not take offense if other people laugh at your expense
- Hold green calcite to relieve stress
- Put green calcite on your night stand to help you relax at night
Calming green calcite helps you unwind, relieving the pressures and strains of life
Green calcite works to dissolve rigid beliefs and old programs that no longer serve. It gently leads the mind in the transition from what is familiar but stagnant to something more positive. Green calcite helps with manifestation, abundance and intuition. Physically, green calcite absorbs negativity and rids the body of bacterial infections.
Blue Calcite The Stress Remedy Stone

Chakra: throat
Blue calcite is a beneficial stone for recuperation and relaxation. It brings about a state of peace and tranquility, allowing healing to take place. When used on the throat chakra, it aids clear communication. Blue calcite is particularly good for channelling and increasing energy.
Pink Calcite (Mangano Calcite) The Terror Remedy Stone

Chakra: heart
Pink calcite is a higher heart chakra stone, and is connected to the angelic realm. It encourages forgiveness and allows one to release traumas, grief and fears from the past that keep one trapped. Pink calcite prevents nightmares and lifts tension and anxiety. Pink calcite is a stone of love and amplifies Reiki and other universal life force energies.
Black Calcite

Black calcite is a record-keeper stone for regression and memory recall so traumas from the past can be brought forward and released. It is a grounding stone, returning our soul to our physical body after a shock or trauma.
Iceland Spar (Optical Calcite) The Being in the Now Stone

Named after its place of origin, Iceland spar symbolizes true love. Because of its characteristic of making objects appear double, Iceland spar was considered a mysterious stone. It represented peace, good fortune and friendship. This stone is frequently used to strengthen and promote healthy bones, teeth, hair and nails. Other problems and disorders that can benefit from Iceland spar are skin inflammations, fungal infections and eczema. Iceland spar water (made by leaving the stone in a glass of water overnight) helps alleviate arthritis, rheumatism and back pain. Iceland spar reduces tension and is beneficial for the prevention of headaches, especially migraines.
Although the stone makes one see double, it also makes the wearer more perceptive regarding false oaths and empty promises of love.

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