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The Courage Stone
The Greeks named this stone “golden bloom” due to the golden drops that seem to be contained in the stone. It was a valuable and much sought-after stone in the Middle Ages. Being a magic stone it was recharged in the open at half moon in order to ensure good health and a happy marriage.
Chrysoprase reminds and reassure you of your heart connection to others and to the Earth. It is one of the best stones for healing a broken heart and preparing your heart for a new relationship.
Colours: apple green, bright green
Uses: Chrysoprase is a variety of quartz excellent for humility, personal insight, adapting to new environments or situations, creativity, fertility, and mental wellness. Relieves gout, strengthens eyesight, aids in cultivating the art of invisibility, out-of-body, experience, psycho-navigation, and shapeshifting.
Star Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Chakra: Heart

Tips For Chrysoprase
Keep chrysoprase near you to clear the fog in your mind when you are confused
Hold chrysoprase to improve dexterity
Carry or wear chrysoprase to lift your spirits when you are feeling low
Place chrysoprase around you to create a meditative atmosphere
Put chrysoprase under your pillow to help mend a broken heart
Hold chrysoprase when you feel anxious or scared - it will reduce and calm your fears
Uplifting chrysoprase eases worry and brings clarity

Chrysoprase uplifts the heart chakra.
Place on heart, neck or brow for meditation.
Chrysoprase stimulates creativity and draws out unknown talents.
Chrysoprase can heal depression, excess self-focus, unbalanced emotions.
It produces greater flexibility, increases wisdom, generosity and self-confidence.
It helps one to achieve greater personal insight, feel calmer, and become less egotistical.

This stone is an important stone for those born under the sign of Cancer for whom it provides a balance between the unconscious and the conscious.

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt wore jewelry set with chrysoprase, and the stone has long been connected to royalty. In the Middle Ages people believed that if you put a piece of chrysoprase in your mouth, you would become invisible. In the late 19th century, chrysoprase was a favourite gemstone of the master jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé, famous the world over for his Fabergé eggs.

Chrysoprase is a stone of friendship,
believed to encourage love and tolerance.
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