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Tangerine Quartz


Tangerine Quartz is a natural orange quartz that, as with all quartzes, has the properties of quartz, plus its own properties. The orange color is caused by hematite and the present of water where it initially formed.

Keywords: vitality, strength, fiery, warm, comforting, encouraging

The 'Sacral Stone', perfectly created for the benefit of the Sacral energy center, to bring a "medicine" in however way it is needed, onwards forming a connection with the Crown energy centre to gain knowledge in correcting and using the Sacral centre to the best of its ability.  

The orange color on these Natural Tangerine Quartz Points from Brazil comes from the presence of Hematite and water in the cavity where they grew. Slowly, over time, the water combined with Hematite to create rust that permanently bonded to the surface of the crystals. The combination creates a wonderfully unique natural quartz crystal.


This colour resonates with, and therefore clears, balances and heals, the second (sacral) chakra. This chakra, if healthy, helps one to maintain a healthy yin-yang balance, resolve control issues and express our natural creativity. It also, in relation with the base chakra, governs sex drive. On a physical level, the lower abdomen, lower back and sexual organs come under the area of influence of this energy centre. Wearing or consciously working with this crystal will have a beneficial effect.

Quartz overall is a high vibrational stone with a very pure and self-adjusting energy. It works on the whole of the being, the whole of an atmosphere and widely strengthens the energy output of other crystals and minerals. It is a stone mainly in its clear pure form that can be called upon when seemingly all else fails, or when there is confusion of what other crystal or mineral to connect with. In its different forms it does have differing offerings, yet with the same undertones.  


Tangerine Quartz is a powerful stone; its energies are energetic and uplifting to the Spirit. The Sacral energy centre is a magnet to the offerings of Tangerine Quartz, conjoining and working in harmony.  

The Sacral centre is a powerful energy centre and can often be subject to upset and demand. Tangerine Quartz gives benefit not only by helping to correct any unbalances, but also helping to bring a clear straight connection to the Crown energy centre. It is here where one is able to gain higher knowledge and assistance to keep the Sacral centre healthy and working well.  

Tangerine Quartz brings a sense of joy to daily life, helping one to break out of the same low pattern of feeling and thought that often can be attached to an ever continuing circle of happenings, where life has become a job or a task, creating obvious stagnancy.  

"Like a ray of sunshine, a ray of Divine light, an angels touch to the soul, one shall feel life’s beauty and wisdom once again"  

Tangerine Quartz  is a stone that is very good to start ones day off, helping to awaken and give fresh start, removing sluggishness and low depleted energy. Also a very good stone to use in stimulation the mind and Crown energy centre to gain higher assistance in situations where it is needed to reduce stress, work struggles and confusion.  

A stone that helps to bring back zest, a spring in ones step and a sparkle to the eye. Tangerine Quartz is a beneficial stone in attracting that of positive nature, as well as helping what is of positive nature to shine through from oneself.  

Tangerine Quartz encourages one to bring improvement to both physical health and spiritual health. Bringing them together to work in harmony and balance, therefore creating a better outlook and a lighter vision on life.  

This is a stone that brings food for thought, food for the spirit. Tangerine Quartz opens one to seeing there is more to life, once this spark is set off, a new journey begins, the spirit is being set free.

  • Tangerine Quartz activates and harmonizes the sacral chakra stimulating the flow of creative energy, sexuality, inspiration and playfulness.
  • Tangerine Quartz may take you beyond your limited belief system.
  • Tangerine Quartz blends creative and sexual energies which stimulates spiritual growth. It is an excellent stone to use after a shock or trauma. It can be used for soul retrieval and integration and to heal after psychic attack.
  • Tangerine Quartz can be used in past-life healing and is beneficial where the soul feels it has made a mistake for which it must pay and facilitates gratitude through creative opportunities and learning experiences.
  • Tangerine Quartz facilitates the “Law of Attraction.” Meditation with Tangerine Quartz may facilitate new ideas and an inspirational zest for a fulfilled playful, creative, passionate life. 

Tangerine Quartz  is a beautiful quartz, normally found in Brazil. Tangerine Quartz has also been found in Madagascar and from that source is more commonly referred to as Red Quartz. The gorgeous orange coloring of this quartz comes about naturally.  Natural mineral deposits on the crystals cause the tangerine coloring which can be almost clear to deep blood red.  Iron enriched soil may be a factor as well. 


Tangerine Quartz  has clear quartz properties as well as its' own properties.  It is said that this quartz enhances one's strength and also helps balance or level the emotions, thus making one feel more calmly detached instead of panicky or upset.  Tangerine Quartz can enhance evolution of the inner self.  

Metaphysically, this quartz has been used for reproductive system disorders, weight loss, and AIDS.

As you open your heart and Soul to all that you are, Tangerine Quartz will reveal to you more of its innate mysteries unlocking your inner-wisdom, allowing you to gain clarity where there
once was none.


All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner.




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