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The Love Commitment Stone
Kunzite has a pronounced calming effect on the heart. Kunzite symbolizes straightforwardness. It helps people who suffer from inner turmoil to achieve a balance between reason and feelings.
Energy: tolerance, balance
Colours: violet, pink and pink-white
Uses: stone with high lithium content beneficial for mental disorders, circulatory system, receiving love, joy, building tolerance and gratitude, releasing old hurts and unwanted memories, and balancing mental and emotional bodies
Star Sign: Taurus
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Chakra: Heart

Tips for Kunzite
Carry or wear kunzite to help you express love
Place kunzite in your home to remove negativity and provide a protective energy shield
Put kunzite under your bed to promote female sexuality
Keep kunzite with you and hold it when you have withdrawal pangs from smoking or any other addiction
Carry kunzite to promote a youthful appearance hold kunzite whilst meditating to speed the centering of your being
Energizing kunzite helps remove obstacles

Kunzite water ensures a balance of production of blood corpuscles and healthy circulation.
Violet kunzite regulates the activity of the thyroid gland and promotes hormonal balance.
Kunzite alleviates sciatica and painful joints when applied directly to the site.
Pink kunzite prevents narrowing of the arteries, relaxes tense muscles.
Kunzite is helpful in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.
The stone stimulates self-development in the wearer.
Kunzite promotes tolerance towards others.
Kunzite helps the wearer form friendships.
From The Crystal Bible, "Tranquil Kunzite is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. It awakens the heart center and unconditional love, producing loving thoughts and communication. It radiates peace and connects loving thoughts and communictaion. It radiates peace and connects you to universal love...Kunzite encourages humility and the willingness to serve."

Kunzite strengthens the circulatory system and the heart muscle. It is also helpful in relieving complaints associated with the nerves, eg, trapped nerve. sciatica, neuralgia etc. It generally dissolves tension in the heart area and can help with the lungs, nervous disorders and joint complaints. Kunzite shields unwanted energies, dispels attached entities and mental influences from the aura. It strengthens the circulatory system and the heart muscle.

Kunzite is the best-known variety of the mineral spodumene. It’s named after famed gemologist George Frederick Kunz, who was the first to identify it as a unique variety of spodumene. Kunzite gets its delicate color from trace amounts of manganese. California’s San Diego County is an important source of kunzite.

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