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The Heart Path Stone
Jade has an overall balancing effect on the heart. It is a stabilizing gemstone, as it helps bring awareness of the body’s instinctual capacity. This level of awareness maintains a continual connection with the planet and its energies, creating a sense of belonging and an increased sensitivity to surroundings.
Other Varieties: Jadeite. Nephrite. Imperial Jade. Serpentine.
Energy: stable, belonging, ancestral
Colours: green, yellow, orange, blue, pink, red, lavender, white, brown
Uses: Jade is considered the concentrated essence of love; beneficial for protection, divine love, connections with Earth, removal of toxins, purity, calming nerves, ridding yourself of negativity, developing the capacity for receiving and giving love, meditation, and spiritual awareness. Jade is helpful for kidney and bladder disorders, and assists in childbirth.
Star Sign: Taurus
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Chakra: Heart
Tips For Jade
Hold jade to bring you answers to your problems
Keep jade with you to help prevent accidents from occurring
Hold jade then focus your mind on your ideas for the inner strength to achieve your goals
Place jade under your pillow to promote dreaming and dream recall
Wear jade to bring you inner peace
Meditate with jade to find wisdom
Give jade to a child to bring health, wealth, and longevity
Wisdom-enhancing jade protects you from harm
Jade is the ultimate symbol of calm and serenity.
Jade is a powerful stone of protection and will guard against accidents.
Jade helps the wearer sense the truth in all situations.
Jade is a stone of fidelity and generosity.
Jade can attract and enhance love.
It helps bring serenity to the mind by releasing negative thoughts. A stone of balance and healing, it alleviates anxiety and fear based emotions. Jade helps you to be calm and accept your surroundings for what they are, instilling a sense of detachment to the chaos, and not claiming it for your own. This helps you to put things in the proper perspective, and focus on the primary concerns for today.

Jade vibrates in harmony with the Heart Chakra unlike any other stone. It opens up the heart chakra to love energy; its receptive qualities promote love, healing, longevity, and wisdom. It is considered to be good for the physical heart and for emotional balance and stability. Jade is given by lovers as a statement of their love and devotion to each other, and used in lovemaking for its known erotic properties and the enhancement of sexual performance.
Jade is said to encourage self-realization and help us to recognize ourselves as spiritual beings. Jade aids dream recall if placed under pillow, and provides assistance with dream-solving. It also helps you in bringing your dreams into reality, and in making all things possible.
For almost a thousand years, jadeite has been worshiped and ingested for its life-extending powers, believed to bring the holder a long and fruitful life.

For In-Depth information on Jade:
Jade: Successful Love
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