Birth Totem - Beaver
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Birth Totem Beaver
Birth dates: April 20 - May 20
Birth Totem is: Beaver
Clan of: Turtle (Earth Chief)
Wind is: East
Directional Totem is: Eagle
Conscious intent is: Gain A Sense of Security through physical possessions
Motive of Higher Self is: Discovering Security Within
Plant/Flower: Clover
Mineral: Jasper
Keywords: Persistent. Industrious. Patient. Resourceful. Oblivious
Birth Totem Beaver is one whose outer personality is immersed in an inner sense of insecurity as he/she enters their present incarnation. This lack of self worth may stem from an unstable early childhood environment or sense of personal loss. The Beaver will then work furiously at building a comfortable dam for himself in which he can feel truly safe and secure.

He is one who will work persistently and give his devoted attention to any task he sets his mind to until the project has been completed, allowing nothing to distract him in the process.
As he grows in maturity and yearns to move beyond the comfort and security of his need to have and to possess things of material value, Beaver looks within himself to identify the long buried fear, loss or betrayal which has haunted him all the years leading up to that point in time, and have cumulated in the massive dam of twigs, logs and branches that clutter his mental and emotional space.
The resulting fortress is ponderous indeed, and built as much to prevent others from gaining access to him (which he may equate with exposure to being “hurt” yet again), as to have the satisfaction of knowing he can depend upon himself free of connection to Others. Yet since we are all here to interact with, learn from, and love one another, this house of twigs and branches is bound to collapse in upon the Beaver at some stage along their Soul’s progression.
Yet, once the connection has been made that there is something “more” than having a roof over her head or a steady source of income to rely upon, Beaver can then apply her great sense of industry and resourcefulness toward overcoming the weights that threaten to pull her under into the murky waters of operating through unconsciousness.
Think of the Beaver as she constructs her dam, she is the reformer of the animal kingdom as she goes busily about gnawing down the wood necessary to build the dam which will safely protect and shelter herself and her offspring.
In so doing, she not only changes the landscape or the vista of the woodlands about her, she changes the flow of water along the stream or river, creating a new energy to the balance of Nature. What is this if not Reformation, and the recognition that in order for new life to be given the chance to thrive and flourish, the old must first be cleared away?
In tackling her life from the perspective of personal growth, Beaver then moves beyond the Conscious intent to Have and Posses, to find Security Within, and thereby completes the Mission of the Higher Self.

Busy, busy, as the beaver,
Persistent in my work and fun,
I plan and labor toward my goals
Until appointed tasks are done.
Beaver, show me how to use
The things at hand to reach my goal,
Balancing my work and pleasure,
My mind and body, and my soul.

Dream Builder
The Beaver totem reminds us that we have
to act on our dreams to make them reality.
It is time for action.
If this totem has entered your life, ask yourself:
Have I been neglecting my dreams?
Am I lost in my dreams and not acting upon them?
The Beaver reminds us that we have to act on our dreams to make them a reality.
When it shows up, it is the time for action.
Beaver can show you how to construct wonderful dreams!
If you are a Beaver person, do not neglect your dental care.
It is essential to those with a Beaver totem.
A Beaver is also sets the example of teamwork
for you to take into your work life and your family life.
Dreams are easier to build with a team helping.

Also Read: Frogs Return Moon Here!
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