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2015 - Year of the Wood Sheep and Number Eight


2015 is a: 

Universal Year 8 the Year of the Wood Sheep.

2006, the previous Universal Year 8 was the Year of the Fire Dog - different undercurrents, forces at work. In 2006, Dragon's and Rooster's had the worst luck. 

Some consider 2015 the Year of the Goat or Ram. Whatever you call it, 2015 is a year to express your creative side. If the year ends in an odd number it is a Yin year, if it ends in 5 it is Yin Wood. Yin is considered passive, negative and dark.

The Chinese Year of the Sheep will arrive on Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015. Susan Levitt's writes “Sheep can only move forward! This animal is unable to move backwards or sideways.” Surely this is a benefit for everyone in 2015 – for a short time, something major in your life can only move forward, get better.

The previous Year of the Wood Sheep was 1955, a Universal Year 2 in a Directive Cycle 11/2. Numerically, 1955 was a year concerning diplomacy, agreements, alliances and a year when government and politics most likely took center stage. Historical Events for Year 1955.

According to some versions, Sheep have fewer advantageous because "they are meek creatures, raised for nothing more than slaughter." Therefore, according to some superstitions, babies born in the Year of the Sheep will grow up to be followers rather than leaders. Another popular folklore says that only one out of ten people born in the Year of the Sheep find happiness. YIKES! Get ready for some shocking romantic and marriage flops!

All the same, the Sheep is the eighth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. The Chinese also believe number 8 brings prosperity and good blessings, they believe 8 is the symbol of social success and a prosperous career.

Also keep in mind that according to the Chinese, the animal sign that represents your YEAR describes YOUR PERSONALITY. The animal MONTH is called your INNER ANIMAL, the animal DAY your TRUE ANIMAL and the HOUR your SECRET ANIMAL. With that said, if you are born on Monday, the Sheep rules that day and if your time of birth is 13:00 – 14:59 – Sheep.


  • 13 February 1907 - 01 February 1908
  • 01 February 1919 - 19 February 1920
  • 17 February 1931 - 05 February 1932
  • 05 February 1943 - 24 January 1944
  • 24 January 1955 - 11 February 1956
  • 09 February 1967 - 29 January 1968
  • 28 January 1979 - 15 February 1980
  • 15 February 1991 - 03 February 1992
  • 01 February 2003 - 20 January 2004
  • 20 January 2015 - 08 February 2016


Muhammad Ali, Barbara Walters, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Pamela Anderson, Mick Jagger, Hulk Hogan, Whoopi Goldberg, Kyle Massey, Emma Roberts, Tyler The Creator, Adam Levine, Kevin Hart


Rabbit, Horse, Pig

The Industrious Ox

Bruno Mars, Future, Ciara, Raven Symone, Michael Phelps, Dwight Howard, Calvin Johnson, Barack Obama, Colin Powell, Eddie Murphy, George Clooney, Billy Ray Cyrus, George Lopez, Susan Boyle, Dennis Rodman, Meg Ryan, Yolanda Adams, Keith Sweat, Steve Young, Pharrell, Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ryan Giggs, Katt Williams, Phaedra Parks, Seth Meyers, Kylie Jenner, Bill Cosby, Billy Dee Williams, Jane Fonda, George Takei, Morgan Freeman

UNIVERSAL YEAR 8  (2+0+1+5)


I’m always amazed at how the planets and numbers bring to light what’s going on universally and in our personal life.

First of all, according to Western Astrology, Jupiter is in the sign of Leo from July 17, 2014 – August 12, 2015. Leo is symbolic of all things regal, grandiosity, lavishness, and wealth and Jupiter will expand these characteristics to a great extent.

From October 2014 to January 2016, 8 is on the horizon, so consistent with Jupiter in Leo, in 2015, personal finances, businesses, stocks, foreign exchange markets, government bonds and egos have the potential to grow immensely.

In 2015, a lot of folks are afforded an opportunity for their personal wealth, reputation, power/positions of authority, popularity and comfort level to thrive. 

If you are unemployed or underemployed, this is your window of opportunity to improve your working conditions. If you want a promotion, this is the year to ask. But keep in mind, good fortune won’t fall in your lap, you’ll have to work for it; however, the opportunity to succeed is there. Generally speaking, this is particularly true for those of you with a major 8 in your Blueprint, in a major 8 Cycle, or an age that reduces to 8 (17, 26, 35, 44, 53).

The numbers 5 and 6 are cronies, chums of 8 so a lot of you with these numbers are also in store for a little financial and business luck.

2015 is a Universal Year 8 in a Directive Cycle 8. Hidden in the year 2015 is surprising Changes (5), innovation (1), added responsibility, family obligations, national obligations, the materialistic side of life, and the sensual side of nature (15). In 2015 many will continue to get free from addictions and dependencies in their life, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, unhealthy or codependent relationships, over-spending, over-dependence on material wealth and the like. Basically, any negative behavior patterns that are restricting growth, or preventing you from investing in your personal relationships or yourself. 17 and 35 are also hidden in 2015, so perhaps there’s a major event in which someone’s name will live on long after they do. Let's pray that it's something respectable, honorable.


One of the shortcomings of the Universal Year 8 is that lots of people are too overconfident, overoptimistic, brash and believe the lies they tell themselves about how much they earn, their assets, popularity, their expertise, etc. 8 is definitely an ego booster, a confidence builder so be prepared for a diverse series of standoffs worldwide between leaders or between leadership and the citizens, between countries, between governments, and major competition with big businesses.

The 2015 energy arrives on the horizon in October 2014, a Universal Month 17; in the news we should begin to see and hear about powerful world leaders and politicians, even more about the wealthy, big businesses, luxury automobiles, the economy, job market and housing. Sites such as Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine will probably be very popular in 2015.

8 also rules, weapons so in 2015 we have the potential to hear of a major shift in gun laws that will come about for the first time. 8 also rules funeral homes, morticians so instead of new gun policies, we could hear about more fatalities as a result of guns or missiles.

Because of the karmic indications of 8, in 2015 the problems from 2006-2008 (housing, manufacturing, economy) either worsens, or gets better.

Remember 2015 is a Directive Cycle 8, so there is two fold the 8 energies. Look back to 1934 which was also a Universal Year 8 in a Directive Cycle 8. Sadly the karmic side of this number often produces fatalities, a higher than usual death toll. Take a look back to 2006, a Universal Year 8 in this current 21st Century. For this reason, if possible, avoid scheduling major events, risky activities and important business meetings on the very karmic months and days. What people fail to realize is that 8 is two-faced, it will insist that you think of others as well as yourself. Selfishness, greed or power-hungry motivations will backfire, causing you to be overwhelmed with frustration, setbacks and loss.

I encourage you to strike while the iron is hot because from October 2015 – January 2017 it Is Not a good time to start anything new in your personal and professional life. I’ve said over and over again, that 2014 is a year of preparation and reassessment – that what you do in 2014 is the key to your success during the short window of opportunity in 2015. There’s still time! I’m posting this article in July to give you ample time to put a plan in place - that is - if you want to be successful in 2015. It behooves you to be sensible about what you can and can’t achieve in a short period of time yet, think long-term. What’s more, the potential for business and financial losses are huge and ongoing in 2016 so press forward, but remain practical and prudent at the same time. Maintain a grounded and practical perspective about your financial and/or business prospects.

A lot of people and companies will spend and splurge like there is no tomorrow and deeply regret it by November 2015. Expenses are high in an 8 Cycle regardless of the Directive, Universal or Personal Year. There are plenty of con artists at work in a Universal Year 8 – there is a craving is for money and lots of it, so be very careful of ‘get-rich-schemes’ particularly con artists preying on the elderly.

By February 2015 you will probably start to see self-righteous, unkind individuals and even more people attempting to upgrade their status through some sort of spiritual teaching and more people's involvement in private organizations/clubs, religious sects, secret societies. You'll also notice that everyone is far more socially active in 2015.

In 2015 ‘POWER’ issues come to the forefront. Many will have problems with people in authority or the dominant partner in a relationship/partnership.

As 9 makes its way onto the horizon, I imagine by June 2015, we’ll hear and see the underlying problems in society intensified. The current problems didn’t occur overnight, they've been built since 2008 and it’s simply coming time to clean house, a time for purification.

As you can see with Jupiter in Leo in accordance with the energies of the year 2015, the initial eight months of the Universal Year 8 suggests, electrifying. The status quo is about to get shaken! More people will rise to fame, and egos get bigger, but many will fall too. In 2015, expect progress and expansion, but also the pressure to make something happen, to stand out, be noticed. I suspect someone new and powerful will suddenly come into view as well as recognition and honors for several well deserving people that have been determined and hard-working since 2008.

Expect 2015 to get off to a rocky start because November 2014 and January 2015 is Universal Months 9 and December 2014 and February 2015 are Universal Months 1.

2015 is also a year when 'As You Reap, So Shall You Sow’ so until roughly November 2015, expect to see and hear a lot of stories about heartlessness, materialism, business collapses, livelihoods deteriorating, layoffs and deaths. The other side of the coin will bring substantial business and financial growth, and newly attained power.

Keep in mind, as a matter of course you generally won't receive the rewards of 2015, your Personal Year until January or February 2016. Circumstances good or bad that build in November and December 2015 will usually determine the reward or disappointment for the following year. That’s why right now, with 8 approaching the horizon, good judgment is imperative because your power, money, reputation, level of comfort and health will certainly be affected.

8 rules big business and government. Some other areas 8 rules is sports, publishing, business law, politicians, banking, real estate, manufacturing, civil engineering, financial adviser, securities broker, morticians, criminal investigator, pharmacist, judges, the big business of entertainment, heads of organizations (CEO, President)

If you have 8 in your Blueprint, mysteriously it’s your year in the spotlight! A phenomenon I discovered on my own, I didn't read about it or hear about it from anyone. What’s peculiar about 2015 is that 4 is also mysteriously in the spotlight. Keep in mind 4 and 8 are fatally attracted to each other so if 4 grabs the spotlight in a Universal Year 8, it’s most likely for something - let's just say not so good.

But keep in mind when I write that 8 will grab the spotlight, ‘spotlight’ does not necessarily mean you’ll be cast before the eyes of the world. For ordinary folks like you and me, it simply means that by and large, a certain circumstance in your life, or a significant event in your life demands your attention, and the spotlight is on that issue or event. And for the most part, whatever the situation is, it is characteristic of 8 and affects your material plane and/or health – favorably or unfavorably.



My numeric perspective is that we are in a "health" cycle from 2013 through to 2017. Many more people are diagnosed with illnesses, their illness worsens, or they suddenly depart this life. I've noticed that numerous persons that are age 70+ depart this life in a Universal Year 8, a number like 6, symbolic of inheritance. Next year worldwide everyone has to watch closely for rheumatism, orthopedic problems, knee and joint aches, gall bladder, arthritis, neuralgia (damaged nerve), dry skin and dental problems. Stressed related illnesses are also likely to transpire. This is particularly true for folks with a major 8 in their Blueprint, 8 Born, Ages that reduce to 8, and folks in a Personal Year, Life Cycle or Pinnacle 8.


I guesstimate that starting this fall wo/men will dress more affluent, tailor-made clothes, quality material. More people may tend to shop at thrift stores and consignment shops to get that personalized look and to look more influential and successful. People will pay attention to the details, right down to the hair, shoes, purse, tie and handkerchief. Tweeds and plaids could make a big comeback and for women, figure-hugging styles. Expect some flashy folks wearing loud, obnoxious clothes, but still flaunting their success, as well as wo/men with tasteless, but pricey jewelry trying to make a statement.

Watches may also be a big hit, a must have accessory in 2015, there's a strange fascination with 8 and clocks/time.

2015 is a very fast paced year, a year of big business expansion, large-scale projects, a boom in engineering jobs and projects, and advantageous alliances with foreign countries. November 2015 starts the slow process of clearing the way for 2016, a Universal Year 9 and Directive Cycle 9 which starts at 2017. I imagine something will happen that shifts humankinds focus from our ego to take an interest in something more charitable.



Credit: seriita.com


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