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The Twelve Chinese Horoscope Signs


Here is a brief presentation of the twelve Chinese Horoscope signs, their nature, characteristics and attributes.

The twelve Chinese horoscope animal signs are:

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake,
Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

Here are the details of each one:

[1] Rat  (Yang-male nature)


The Rat is the very first animal of the Chinese Horoscope Cycle. A Rat is good at leading and conquering. Many famous emperors of Chinese history where Rats. Being able to charm others, Rat people are generally charismatic and full of passion. What makes them unique is their practical and dominant mind which gives them the ability to be organized, tactful and systematic. The other side of a Rat can reveal a very controlling person who always insists in doing everything its own way, at all costs. A Rat can also be very cruel and dangerous, especially when challenged. People under this major Chinese Horoscope sign are well known for their ability to use their master minds to exploit other's emotions, feelings and thoughts.

[2] Ox (Yin-female nature)


The Ox is a powerful Chinese Horoscope sign which symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Ox people are usually very hard working and stubborn. Being admirer of power and possession, this Chinese Horoscope sign like to depend on itself to achieve all kinds of great things. Ox people are also a bit slow when making their decisions, especially if they are given a lot of options to choose from. Once they decide on something though, nobody can make them go another way. You can't easily get an Ox person to speak to you, but once you earn their trust, they will open their heart and mind in a very sincere and true way. An Ox can be a good and loyal friend.

[3] Tiger (Yang-male nature)


Chinese astrologers consider the Tigers (not the lions) as kings of all animals. Tiger people are usually very attractive and persuasive. You cannot resist them easily and at the same time, you cannot attract their interest unless you try hard and be sincere. They like mystery, fairy tales and stories about courage and love. They will likely spend an adventurous life triggered by their instincts and strong emotions. Another important attribute of people under the Chinese Horoscope sign of Tiger, is the fact that they like surprises and out of the ordinary situations. If you want to have a Tiger as a friend then it's up to you to make sure your friendship will last since a Tiger will generally find it hard to maintain any relationship.

[4] Rabbit (Yin-female nature)


The Rabbit is well known for its ability to attract good fortune and be lucky. Rabbit people, apart from being attractive to the opposite sex, they are also very good at solving complex situations and problems. Many well known Chinese politicians and diplomats belong to the Rabbit. Another aspect of this Chinese Horoscope sign reveals tendency to cultural activities and the arts. A Rabbit hates fighting and engaging in aggressive behaviors or activities because of its peaceful nature. Last but not least, Rabbit people hate surprises or unpredicted results and you may annoy them if you try to involve them in any risky situation. That is why it is likely that Rabbit people will miss several good chances in their lives.

[5] Dragon (Yang-male nature)


Dragons are mythical powerful creatures worshiped by Chinese culture. A Dragon symbolizes strength, health, harmony and intellectuality. Many consider Dragon people extremely lucky and blessed. People under this eccentric Chinese Horoscope sign are generally charismatic and gifted with great powers. It is unlikely for a Dragon to go unnoticed from a social meeting or a party. Their unique attitude and self confidence will always work wonders in such situations. Dragon people are also well known for their honesty and sense of duty. These characteristics can sometime work against them because others will tend to take advantage of them. If a Dragon is your friend feel free to confide in them.

[6] Snake (Yin-female nature)


The Snake (Serpent) is strongly related with deep and eternal wisdom. Snake people are always enigmatic and maybe the most wise of all Chinese Horoscope signs. A Snake usually evolves to become a philosopher, deep thinker, theosophist, magician or leader of the back scene. Snake people love learning, reading and eating good food. They are also very concerned about their outer appearance. Their best attribute is their excellent ability to communicate with others and successfully engage in interesting conversations. Snake people love new ideas and innovative thoughts and actions, but they will usually reject advice from anyone but themselves.

[7] Horse (Yang-male nature)


The Horse is a Chinese Horoscope sign that always expects to be free. Horse people are self confident and usually determined enough to succeed on their goals. They like to attract general attention and to be flattered, but they will know if someone really appreciates their skills or not. Another attribute of the Horse is honesty. Horse people are usually honest and genuine with others and can have a lot of friends if they choose so. You should expect to receive good advice from a Horse if you take the time to explain your situation carefully. A Horse can also be brave but at the same time too sensitive. This sensitivity may sometimes trigger their defense mechanisms for no reason.

[8] Sheep (Yin-female nature)


The Sheep (Ram) is a very interesting Chinese Horoscope sign. It has a female nature and a lot of positive attributes like the tendency to be artistic and the interest in fashion. Sheep people are caring and they will try not to hurt others with their actions. That is why they like to think before they act. Sheep people are considered to be extremely shy. A Sheep is well mannered and can support its opinions. Sometimes, the fact that they are shy makes them insecure and they happen to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. A Sheep type of person is usually sensitive and need to feel loved and protected.

[9] Monkey (Yang-male nature)


The Monkey is the most flexible Chinese Horoscope sign of all. Monkey people usually end up as inventors, scientists, artists or people who entertain the masses one way or the other. They are very creative and can be considered geniuses at a later stage in their lives. Monkey people tend to take control of a situation by being aware of what is going on around them. This in fact is a great gift they possess that will guide them through their lives. Another interesting attribute is their reliability. If you have a friend who is a Monkey it is likely that they will keep any secret you share with them. Monkey people are also honest, funny and they make a good company or companion.

[10] Rooster (Yin-female nature)


The Rooster is the tenth Chinese Horoscope sign. Number ten (10) is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture and it is not a coincidence that a Rooster is supposed to be very fortunate. Rooster people like to carefully observe everything and they are usually successful with their observations. They are courageous, brave and independent spirits, but on the other hand they can become pretentious, obsessed and self absorbed. A Rooster is sociable at times and will love to meet new places and new people. Rooster people always like to be in the center of attention especially when it comes to their friends and family. They would do anything to achieve that.

[11] Dog (Yang-male nature)


The Dog is the most loyal Chinese Horoscope sign of all. Dog people can be trusted to keep secrets or accomplish all kinds of difficult tasks as partners. If there's one thing they like to do is to take care of their outer appearance. Dog people love good looks and can express interesting opinions about fashion and styling. Another great characteristic of Dog people is their patience, especially with other people. They use their minds to understand situations, provide smart solutions and they will usually do anything to help others. A Dog has a very positive attitude and can attract friends like a magnet.

[12] Pig (Yin-female nature)


The Pig is the twelfth and the last sign of the Chinese Horoscope cycle. It symbolizes fertility and good fortune. Chinese believe that people who are born under this sign will be honest and they will achieve happiness that way. Pig people are indeed very honest and patient. They prefer to work behind the scene. It will take time to feel comfortable with a Pig person but once you do you will be presented with a warm heart ready to support you in any case. Pig people are peaceful creatures who like hanging around in the nature. They love mountains, lakes, meadows etc. The Pig prefers to live in the country side instead of a big city.


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