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2021 - Year of the Ox

2021 - Year of the Ox

2021 is the Year of the Metal Ox. Starting on Feb. 12 and lasting to 2022 Lunar New Year's Eve on Jan. 31. The zodiac sign Ox occupies the second position in the Chinese Zodiac. 

Those born under the influence of the Ox are fortunate to be stable and persevering. The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task or an objective. As we used this great creature long ago to plow the soil day after day, so do Ox people labor through their daily responsibilities either at work or at home without complaint or gripe. Oxen know they will succeed through hard work and sustained effort and find no truth or benefit in concocting get-rich-quick schemes.

Chinese name: NIU, sign of industry
Western Counterpart: Capricorn
Hour: 1am-2:59am
Month: January

Characteristics: Obstinate, Pouty, Truthful, Motivated, Friendly, Apathetic, Genuine, Quick-tempered

The Oxes' Personality: Having an honest nature, Oxes are known for diligence, dependability, strength and determination. These reflect traditional conservative characteristics.

Women Oxes are traditional, faithful wives, who attach great importance to their children's education.Women Oxes are traditional, faithful wives, who attach great importance to their children's education.

Male Oxes are strongly patriotic, have ideals and ambitions for life, and attach importance to family and work.

Year of the Metal Ox

Year of the Metal Ox

Low and steady marks the ox’s character. Bona fide leaders, they are grounded, determined and highly dependable. They have the ability to motivate and inspire confidence in others as well. Those born under the sign are meticulous, systematic and real sticklers for details. They can be straight-laced and prefer routine, aiming to trash things out in a methodical manner till it bears fruit. Simplicity and straightforwardness govern their personality. However, the ox has a temper and it’s wise to get out of its way when it rears it horns. It is also a signs that it’s overly proud, refusing to seek assistance. The ox chooses to depend on its head to reason things and finds it hard to tolerate the week. Chauvinistic and even tyrannical, the ox is often grumpy, bigoted and refuses to forgive of forget for that matter.

Pragmatic and down-to-earth, Ox people are motivated to work hard and have no respect for lazy or careless people. Although they can be easily trusted and find it easy to put trust in others, they are not dependent on friends and family and would rather find an answer or a solution themselves than to ask these people for help or guidance. However, others can, without a doubt rely on Oxen, who are always honest and meticulous about their responsibilities. While they do not feel the need for many distant or acquaintance-oriented friendships, they value the strong bonds they share with their partners and families, and make close friends that last a lifetime.Pragmatic and down-to-earth, Ox people are motivated to work hard and have no respect for lazy or careless people. Although they can be easily trusted and find it easy to put trust in others, they are not dependent on friends and family and would rather find an answer or a solution themselves than to ask these people for help or guidance. However, others can, without a doubt rely on Oxen, who are always honest and meticulous about their responsibilities. While they do not feel the need for many distant or acquaintance-oriented friendships, they value the strong bonds they share with their partners and families, and make close friends that last a lifetime.

Though they are quite open-minded, once Ox people have made a decision about something, they rarely change it. This is a defining characteristic that can be seen as obstinacy, but it is actually the way an Ox learns to be strong, brave and straightforward. It is the way the Ox learned to take on tasks and responsibilities and how he learns to be reliable for others. Oxen are more comfortable with the well-known as opposed to the unfamiliar. Yet, beneath their unpretentious, tranquil exterior lies a heart of gold and a motivation to prosper.

Metal Ox people work harder and more scrupulously than most people, including other Oxen. They always show a boldness and drive and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Like all Oxen, they are completely trustworthy and dependable, but they are not ones to display their emotions freely or openly. These Oxen have the strength of steel, with a will to match. Often, this strength and ruthless will make it difficult for them to identify with the feelings of others around them. However, an Ox is always willing to defend.

Oxes are weakest in their communication skills. They are not good at communicating with others, and even think it is not worthwhile to exchange ideas with others. They are stubborn and stick to their own ways.

2021 - Year of the Ox

Year of the Metal Ox for the Ox

Year of the Metal Ox for the OxThe year of the metal Ox for the Ox promises winning prospects, favorable changes. This will allow the representatives of the second zodiac sign to leave behind the difficulties and hardships of the outgoing year. The horoscope for the Ox for 2021 predicts the opportunity to achieve public recognition, respect. This will be facilitated by the personal achievements of the representatives of the mark, which will be in great demand in the new year. The horoscope for the Ox promises new perspectives, travels, interesting acquaintances. The noble, magnanimous lord of the year “his” will always provide support, patronage.

Love and Family

The Ox’s love horoscope for 2021 predicts a favorable period full of positive emotions. Representatives of this zodiac sign will show activity, initiative in love affairs. The patron of the year will allow them to openly express their feelings, feel free to take the first steps in a romantic relationship. It is highly likely that the Oxen will reconsider their views on family life. They want to become devoted, caring spouses and parents. Many married people will want to have heirs. Free representatives of the sign will embark on the path of active search for a life partner.

Job and Career

The business horoscope of the Ox in the year of the Ox promises an active, rich in interesting projects year. Representatives of this sign will become an inexhaustible source of promising ideas, plans, undertakings. Without putting things off in the “long box”, they will begin to realize their plans. Their activity will attract allies, like-minded people who are able to provide intellectual and material assistance. The most effective in 2021 will be teamwork. Being attentive to the opinion of others, representatives of the sign will be able to make profitable adjustments to the common cause. This fact will not go unnoticed by high authorities. By the end of the year, the horoscope predicts a substantial reward for fruitful work.

Before taking any action, Oxes will have a definite plan with detailed steps, to which they apply their strong faith and physical strength. As a result, people of the Ox zodiac sign often enjoy great success.

Having great patience and a desire to make progress, Oxes can achieve their goals by consistent effort. They are not much influenced by others or the environment, but persist in doing things according to their ideals and capabilities.

Finance and Shopping

The financial horoscope for the Ox for 2021 is not a concern. Businessmen will be able to increase their capital through profitable contracts and deals. The patron of the year will provide this opportunity more than once. Profit from transactions will allow you to "push" competitors, to become a leader. Employee Oxen will receive additional bonuses for diligent work from their superiors. The horoscope promises a stable, high income throughout the year. You can safely make large purchases, invest in real estate, build up available capital. To some representatives of this zodiac sign, the horoscope predicts an impressive inheritance.

Health and Relaxation

The health horoscope for the Ox calls for care and caution. A favorable, active atmosphere in other areas of life can lull vigilance in relation to one's health. Neglect of elementary rules is unacceptable! Abnormal working conditions, overtime work — can critically affect the body. The state of euphoria should not negatively affect well-being. A health horoscope advises you to consult a doctor with frequent fatigue, malaise. These symptoms can develop into a serious pathology. Timely treatment and prevention will prevent serious diseases. In the second half of the year it is recommended to rest, restore strength, health in a mountain resort or in the countryside.

2021 - Year of the Ox

2021 - Year of the Ox

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