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2019 - Year Of The Pig

2019 - Year Of The Pig
Image by Cathy Wu

Here is one of the zodiac’s most reliable sign that is intelligent, tolerant and sociable. Blessed with common sense and a taste for the aesthetics, Pigs are loyal and good-natured. Though a little old-fashioned, those born under the sign exhibit great fortitude, patience and endurance. Pigs are also said to be lucky and will always find a bright star shining above them in their hour of need. They have a penchant for the finer things in life. Unfortunately, the Pig’s hedonistic lifestyle may bulldoze over his sensible personality. They have big hearts but can become unnecessarily involved and mess things up instead. Their need for luxury makes them snobbish, stingy and conceited. Gullible and naïve, Pigs find it hard to understand the imperfections in their world.

Year of the Earth Pig

2019 Chinese New Year is arriving on February 5, 2019. That is the 4716th Chinese year. The zodiac sign of 2019 is the Pig. According to the Chinese Horoscope calendar, 2019 is the Female Earth Pig year. Brown is connected to the earth. Therefore, 2019 is also called the year of the Brown Pig.

Those born between February 5, 2019 and January 24, 2020 are members of the Earth Pig Chinese Zodiac sign. By nature, BOARS are peace-loving, trustful, honest and sincere. People born in the year of the Boar will be lucky and successful in handling money, business and academic matters. They have a deep desire for knowledge and are generally well informed. Boars are the finishers, they are the ones who put the last necessary touches to a project. Boars are suited to be doctors, bankers, businessmen, scientists and entertainers.

The influence of the Earth Element makes the Earth Pig the most patient and practical of the Pig signs. With two feet firmly on the ground, the Earth Pig rarely suffers from unrealistic expectations. The more likely reality is that the Earth Pig will work towards a goal with organization, structure and prudence. In this sense, the Earth Pig can be one of the most hardworking members of the Pig type. The Earth Pig is not overly social, but they do enjoy the comfort and security of close relationships.

With a calm demeanor and gifts for understanding, there are many careers that the Earth Pig can pursue. The determined nature of the Earth Pig could make demanding fields such as law, medicine, education or business good options for the Earth Pig. On the other hand, members of the sign have been known to achieve great success as performers and actors.

The many strengths of the Earth Pig sign do not come without their fair share of challenges. The practical and pragmatic Earth Pig always runs the risk of being overly cautious in their efforts. When overrun by conservatism, the Earth Pig can miss out on many worthwhile experiences. In order to avoid this problem, the Earth Pig is encouraged to take some small, calculated risks. By doing so, the Earth Pig may accomplish great things.

2019 - Year Of The Pig

Earth Pig in Relationships

Supportive and giving, Pigs make great partners. They’re affectionate and sexual and prefer staying home to going out. They enjoy what they have, especially their home and family. Once they find the right partner, they’re typically committed for the long-term.

Earth Pigs are most content at home, with family. They never approach a task without first formulating a plan. Earth Pigs are better at being led than being a leader.

Earth Pig in Health

Pigs have a good health all through life. Frequent dinner parties and social activities are inevitable for pigs, so they should avoid excessive eating, drinking and smoking, which can cause sickness. In addition to adopting a balanced diet, proper exercise is badly needed for pigs to keep fit. As pigs have a free mind on everything, they rarely encounter stress trouble. Faced with overload work, they know how to relax themselves from tiredness. Sleep is a usual way for them to refresh themselves.

Earth Pig in Career

Pigs enjoy great fortune in their careers. Their work and cause develop in a relative smooth way. When encountering trouble and difficulties, they tend to receive help from others. With a great sense of responsibility, they are not afraid to try to do what they are interested in. They have rich creativity and imagination. They can take up such careers as entertainer, caterer, doctor, veterinarian, or interior decorator. Besides, some promising careers include transportation, entertainment, retail or hospitality. In social relationships, they should build up their own interpersonal network to help them achieve career success.

Pigs patience and kindness make them do well in caring careers.

2019 - Year Of The Pig

Sources Here & Here

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