Antibacterial Effect of Shungite
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- Written by University of Tartu
The researchers of Tartu University set an objective to specify the antibacterial effect of shungite water and develop a methodology for production of as concentrated shungite water as possible.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The effect of 1:10 shungite water on microbes in time (time-kill curve) was determined based on different methods (time of infusion, distilled or mineral water, with or without heating). The different forms of shungite water were screened against several microbes. The results were set based on Ph. Eur. sowing method. In case of stronger 3 : 7 shungite water we compared the effect against different microbes within 24 hours in sevenfold test. We tested the effect in the feed.
RESULTS: The 1:10 shungite infusion decreased the content of microbes of 2000 PMÜ/ml E. coli suspension 5 times within 20 minutes, 50 times within one hour by PMÜ/ml and water was microbe-free within two hours. In the course of screening the 3:7 shungite water infusion it occurred that there is no effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. At the same time the bactericidal effect against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Esherischia coli and Streptococcus uberis existed always also when the amount of microbes was in total of about 100 000 CFU/ml. The bacterial effect of the infusion did not occur in the composition of the feed.
- The shungite water is more efficient when heating and more shungite will be used in preparation.
- The 3:7 shungite water infusion kills E. coli * and S. uberis’e**, P. aeruginosa*** to the smaller extent.
- The shungite water is the natural bactericidal (destroying bacteria) substance with narrow spectrum.
* E.coli is an intestinal bacterium which could cause, among other things, infections of digestive organs.
** S. uberis is an environmental streptococci (round bacterium causing diseases) causing mastitis.
*** P. aeruginosa is an opportunist disease agent with high rate of occurrence, i.e. pathogen which is able to cause infections for animals as well as plants.
Source: Material of research conference of anniversary of Faculty of Medicine of Tartu University, from the magazine of the Estonian Medical Association “Eesti Arst” 2016.
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