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Lemurian Seed Crystals


Properties Of Lemurian Seed Crystals

Lemurian Star Seed crystals are "master" crystals within the Crystal Kingdom. Within the planetary hologram they are linked to all other crystals.

They transmit to these crystals the message of Oneness and Unity and Love that was the key energy of Lemuria.

This is their work, to reactivate within the planetary matrix this ancient memory of Oneness and Unity so that it may become the way of life on the New Earth.

These crystals are connected to inner earth, the earth's surface, and the stars, and serve as links to these various magnetic fields. On the individual level, each seed crystal is energetically connected to all other seed crystals.

This connection is a living example of the message of the Lemurian seed crystals. They teach us how to be both individuals and integral parts of the cosmic design, that all beings are equal. They also help us how, as physical beings, to maintain our connection with our spiritual source.

Lemuria is an ancient civilization whose center of consciousness was upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions of existence unlike our present mentally-based modern world.

Their deeper connection to heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the Divine and each other and enabled them to maintain a deep sense of connection to their Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation.

The Lemurian crystals have been programed with this consciousness of love and connection, and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls. They guide individuals consciousness toward comprehansion of Oneness and understanding of how each of us fit in to the'whole'.

What Is A Lemurian Seed Crystal


Lemurian Seed Crystals were only discovered in the late 1900’s in sand banks near the Minas Gerais crystal mine in Brazil.  What is very unusual about them is that they were scattered and found as individual crystals as opposed to the way they normally occur – in clusters of crystals in caves or areas of rock.  Lemurian Seed Crystals were also found a few years later near a crystal mine in the Ural Mountains. 

Lemurian Seed Crystals have a frosted appearance and have ladder-like striations along the face.  Many also have raised triangles of crystal, sometimes called “recorders”.  It is believed that the inhabitants of Lemuria, or Mu, left their ancient wisdom and information imbedded in these crystals that is much needed by humanity today.

Lemurian Seed Crystal Properties - Healing


Lemurian Seed Crystals are a powerful tool for enhancing meditation and healing work.

Other Lemurian Healing Properties include:

  • Emanate a very Yin or feminine energy
  • Contain and transmit messages of equality and unconditional love
  • Promote self-confidence
  • Strengthen one's focus and concentration.
  • Powerful in assisting one in communications with angels and spiritual guides.
  • The perfect stone for opening the heart chakra
  • Creates deep emotional healing
  • Allows you to connect more to your true self
  • Instill feelings of harmony and ease
  • Excellent for dream work (try going to sleep while you're holding one)
  • Enhance one's intuitive gifts.
  • Remove energy blockages and opening to Divine love and compassion.
  • Excellent for chakra clearing and balancing

The Metaphysical properties of Lemurian Seed Crystals


Lemurian Seed crystals connect with the crown and solar star chakra. These are master crystals within the crystal kingdom. It is believed that in the last days of Lemuria, special seed crystals were placed where crystalline growth was expected to form within the Earth, enabling them to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were created within the Earth. These crystals resonate with energies of love, unity and equality. They align themselves and are attracted to those who are endeavouring to anchor energies to help the planet at this time.

These crystals are programmed with the Lemurian consciousness vibration. Working with these stones instils feelings of the emotional and spiritual awareness of the Lemurians. Connecting with these crystals can open up the heart and create a deep emotional healing and allow you to connect more to your true self.

Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others.

Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or and object creates a circle of light and protection. They sooth and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helpful support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence.


Key words: Connection with the Divine feminine, connecting with the soul, access to knowledge & wisdom of Ancient Lemuria

Chakras: Crown, Soul Star

Metaphysical Descriptions:

Lemurian Seed Crystals help us to feel connected to the soft, loving energies of the celestial realms. The ladder-like striations on this stone act as a “stairway to heaven” and reaches towards higher frequencies. These crystals are powerful meditation tools which bring a feeling of temporarily coming home for those who feel isolated,  lonely or that the earth is not their home.

Geological Description:

Lemurian Seed Crystals are a variety of Clear Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. They come from the Diamantina region of Brazil.  These crystals display ladder-like grooves across the body of the crystal with very clear interiors.

Affirmation:  I reconnect with my own soul, and the Divine Feminine, and I call forth knowledge, wisdom and power from the ancient realm of Lemuria


PS. A Special note of thanks to Katrina Raphaell
who channelled the original information on Lemurian Star Seed Crystals.
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