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Everything You Need to Know About Crystal Clusters + How to Use Them

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Normally, when something is described as a cluster, you expect a chaotic mess. A cluster of wires, a cluster of cars, a cluster of people—the word itself is enough to give you anxiety. Consider crystal clusters as the exception to the rule. In fact, if it’s anxiety you have, a crystal cluster may even be the remedy.

These beautiful formations occur when multiple crystal points all form on the same matrix. Rather than having the crowded or convoluted energy that you might expect, the many points on clusters all work together to provide a unified energy which emanates outward from their shared base. Crystal points are amplifiers, and the points that occur on clusters are no different. They amplify the energy that you instill in them. For this reason, clusters are ideal crystals for the home and for decor.

Crystal Clusters For The Home

Not only do crystal clusters radiate the energy of your intention into the space around them, they also absorb and purify any negativity remaining in the room. The healing properties specific to each cluster will differ based on the type of mineral they are, but the ability of clusters to elevate the high vibes of their surrounding is a constant. The some of the best crystal clusters to use for your energetic home improvement are:

  • Raw dark purple Fluorite crystals for wellness + calm in the living room or bath
  • Stilbite clusters in the kitchen for nurturing support + unconditional love
  • Amethyst crystal cluster in the bedroom to facilitate better sleep + intuition in relationships
  • Blue kyanite in the family room for honesty + open communication
  • Aura spirit quartz crystal and Apophyllite for whatever room could use a dose of pure joy + imagination

Crystal Cluster Meditation

Because of the raw nature of crystal clusters, it can be tough to know how exactly you’re supposed to implement them into your meditation practice. Not as intuitive as spheres or palm stones, clusters are a bit clunky, which can make them harder to handle. If your cluster is too heavy or difficult to hold even when using two hands, that’s okay! You can still use a cluster in meditation by either laying it in front of your feet while in a seated position, laying it above your head while lying flat on the ground, or by placing it on your body while laying down. Knowing what chakras or areas of the spiritual body that the stone will most respond with will help guide you in where to place it.

Large Crystal Cluster Grids

The cluster’s natural amplification power enables it to be particularly beneficial when placed in the center of a grid. For example, apophyllite crystal clusters are intensely calming stones. Using an apophyllite cluster in the center of a grid for calm, and surrounding it with stones like selenite, rose quartz, amethyst, blue lace agate and lepidolite will help it to maximize the stress relieving energy in your space. To elevate your entire home with bright, cleansing vibes, you can’t do better than a Naica Selenite Glacier at the center of a grid for happiness. Around the selenite, consider the sunny vibes of carnelian, a citrine crystal, a sunstone crystalaura quartz and a orange calcite stone.

Small Crystal Cluster Grids

If you want to create a small grid on your desk or sacred altar, try a small cluster like an aragonite gemstone or a raw pyrite crystal. If fear or negativity is holding you back from relishing happy moments, reawaken your capacity to enjoy life by creating a small grid to release negativity and fear on your sacred altar. Start with an aragonite star cluster in the center, and work your way outward with pieces of black tourmalinered jasperprasiolite stone and dalmatian jasper stone.

For your desk at work, a small crystal grid for prosperity with pyrite cluster at the center is the ideal energy to set. Surround the pyrite with crystals for wealth. These will mainly be your green and gold crystals known for opening you up to luck and opportunity, such as aventurine, citrine and jade. Add a couple of clear quartz crystals to the mix to enhance your energy and a garnet for increased work performance. Your boss can thank us later.  

Pro tip: For those of you who can’t exactly trick your work desk out with crystal grids, you can also place a small pyrite cluster on your business card. This will program the pyrite to hold the intention prosperity as you work.

Energy Muse jewelry pieces are designed with gemstone combinations that have a specific energy focus. They can aid you achieving wealth, finding love, enhancing performance and improving health. When you wear our jewelry and combine the energy of the gemstones with your thoughts and your own energy, a powerful union is created to help you achieve what you desire.


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