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Crystal Gridding

Crystal Gridding

Crystal grids can be used for many purposes or manifestations. They can be small enough to fit on a table top or as big as our yard/garden.

We can use just a few stones or hundreds! “Grid” is the name we are most familiar with as Reiki has become more popular, but many different paths use crystals set in geometric patterns and call them by different names - grids, nets, fairy circles, medicine wheels, earth altars, and stone circles are but just a few. The ancient art of laying on of stones is crystal gridding. It is very simply, gridding on and around a person.

Anyone can use crystal grids. You do not have to construct elaborate rituals or be a Reiki practioner. Grids set up by those adept at channeling energy will hold a charge longer and have to be empowered less often, but even children love to play with stones and set them in patterns they find appealing. I prefer to work with simple patterns or mandalas, but your way may differ. Despite what some crystal workers may say, I do not believe there is one “right” way of making a grid. I encourage you to be intuitive and creative. The only real “rule” in making grids is that our intent be clear.

Crystals for Cleansing and Charging your Entire Crystal Collection

A small number of Crystal types have the ability to cleanse negativity from other Crystals. Selenite is one of the very best crystals for this, even better than Crystal Quartz, so it is essential to have a set of these crystals in your collection.

Selenite is one of a very few minerals with the specific metaphysical properties that make it capable of clearing and re-charging other crystals. Not only is Selenite useful for clearing negative or unwanted energies from crystals and stones, it may also be used to effectively clear ritual and ceremonial tools, jewellery, tarot cards, even the surroundings. In addition to a multitude of other metaphysical attributes, Selenite has a calming and uplifting quality similar to Fluorite. Comprised of some of the lightest elements on earth (calcium, sodium, oxygen, and hydrogen), Selenite vibrates to a very high frequency, and for this reason, is an extremely powerful light working tool. In addition, it is a natural form of fiber optic, making it especially useful for transmitting white light, and coloured light. Selenite is a crystalline form of Gypsum. The beautiful Satin-Spar variety is bright white, opaque, and light refractive (light shimmers on its surface). The Gem-Ice variety is crystal clear, allowing it to absorb and emit light. Both forms are exceptionally energetic, and versatile, making Selenite an outstanding tool for use in crystal work. Selenite does not ever need to be cleared. It is self-clearing, and self-charging. It is also important to note that Selenite should never be placed in or near liquid, as it is water-soluble, and will dissolve over time.

A Basic Grid for Cleansing and Charging your Crystals

In this example we are using 4 Pieces of Rough Selenite to place around your entire Crystal Collection. Set aside a peaceful and clutter free space for this. 0 represents the centrepiece. In this example the centrepiece is your entire crystal collection. 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent your 4 Pieces of Selenite. Being grounded and centered when you do this will strengthen the cleansing process. Alternatively you can use Simple Meditation.

A Grid to Send Healing and Protection to a Loved One

To send Healing and Protection to a loved one, 0 (the centrepiece) will represent that person. You can use a photograph of the person. If you do not have a photograph to hand you can use anything that will represent that person, for example one of their belongings, like a Ring or a Watch. If you have neither of these then a simple name on a piece of paper is sufficient. The most important thing is that you focus your intention on the person who you want to send the healing too. The object that you use to do this makes no difference. Using an item that you feel will help you focus on the person and bring that person to mind is what matters.

Select a Crystal from your Crystal Collection, according to its unique Healing Properties. Choose one that is relevant to the person you are sending healing too. So for example if that person is travelling and you want to send protection to them on their travels you can work with Amethyst Crystals. Simply use the same simple grid detailed above and place the Amethyst inside the Selenite Grid. Most people tend to use several of the same crystals at any one time. You can place 4 Amethyst Tumbled Stones inside the Selenite Grid, showering the centrepiece with the healing energy from the Amethyst. Both the Centrepiece (person you are sending healing to) and the Amethyst is surrounded by the Selenite, creating a circle of protection. The Selenite can transmit the energy from the amethyst into the centrepiece, which in this example will send distant healing to the recipient.

Using Crystal Grids to Protect your Home or Space from Negative Energy

Black Tourmaline, which is one of the best Crystals for dispelling negative energy can be used in Space Cleansing to rid stagnant and negative energy. 4 pieces of Rough Black Tourmaline can be found in many Crystal Healing Starter Kits, along with 4 pieces of Selenite, a Chakra Set and a Clear Quartz Dowsing Pendulum.

Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl, is associated with the Root (Base) Chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy. It is well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an Aura Cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magic, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it's not so. It is possible that the black tourmaline's effect of grounding excess energy gives this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from TV’s and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system; help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.

Placement of Crystals for House Gridding

If you are gridding your property, then the centre piece is your house. You can follow the same simple 4 Crystal Grid as detailed above. Place each piece of Black Tourmaline at each corner of your home. This can be on the floor if safe to do so – (Remember small items are a choking hazard for small babies and children), or you can place the crystals on a shelf or window ledge. You can even place the 4 pieces of Black Tourmaline outside your home, or even as far as the perimeter of your garden or grounds. The Selenite can be used in a variety of ways, There is no right or wrong way – Crystals work for the highest good!

Crystal Gridding

Some people choose to place the Selenite and Black Tourmaline together, and some people prefer to place the Black Tourmaline outside the house and the Selenite inside the house as they believe this stops negative energy from entering the house and keeps the positive energy in.

The easiest form to work with is a four stone grid. You will need four stones and a centerpiece. You may also want to use a quartz point, kyanite blade, or selenite wand to connect the stones and activate the grid, but this is not absolutely necessary.

Typically the centerpiece is another stone, or a quartz point. It can also be a representation or symbol that serves as the focus for the work. This may be a rune or tarot card, a picture of a great teacher or a guru, the name of a person needing healing, a flower – listen to your inner guidance. If you are gridding your property, then the centerpiece is your house. With this very basic layout, there are two ways you can set the stones:

Four Directions

3 0 1

Four Corners

1   2
3   4


The steps to setting up a grid are really just good crystal working practices. First we will want to set our intent because this will affect the stones we chose to work with. Not simply the kind of crystal/mineral/stone, but also which stones. You can word your intent any way you like. “This is a grid to protect my home and family”, is perfectly sufficient. Maybe you want to work for personal healing. “This is a grid for healing the traumas of my past” may work for you. Affirmations work nicely as well. Just be sure your intent is clear, and clearly stated. Say your intent to yourself a few times to set it firmly in your mind. While holding your intent in mind, go through your stones. Some of us will want to pour over books for stones that support our purpose, but do not feel like you have to. We often already know what we need. Some people like to ask for volunteers. Watch for stones that seem to shine in a special way, talk to you, or seem to jump and down to catch your attention.

The stones you use must be squeaky clean and free of any previous programming. If they aren’t already, use your normal method for cleaning and clearing the stones.

When you are ready to set up the grid, start by cleansing and clearing your space with some sage or other incense. Don’t forget to cleanse yourself – simply waft some smoke from the incense all around yourself.

Now we are prepared to work. Make sure you will not be interrupted. Light a candle if you like. Play some music if that suits you. Get comfortable.

Crystals work best when we empower them. Some call this programming. It is really very easy. Use whatever method you normally use to ground and center yourself. Grounding is very important. Use your normal protection method, or invite the presence of your guardians or guides. Now sit and hold each stone, one at a time, in your dominant hand (right for righties, left for lefties) and say your intent a few times. Intuition will let you know when each stone has taken the programming.

When you feel ready, lay stones in the pattern you previously decided. Do what feels most right to you. If it feels right to lay the centerpiece first, then stones 1, 2, 3, 4 – do that. If it feels more right to lay the centerpiece last, do that. This is your creation!

Crystal Gridding

Now spend some time connecting with the grid you have made. This will activate the grid. Really feel the energies! You may see lines connecting each stone with one another to make a whole. You may see your space begin to fill with light. Some people like to activate the grid by taking a quartz point (or kyanite, or selenite) and connecting the stones by tracing a line beginning at the number 1 stone. Some people will tell you this is the only way to activate the grid. I promise you it is not.

Let your intuition guide you as to when its time to disconnect and let the stones and the universe take over. When you feel done, disconnect, touch the ground or floor, thank and release any guardians or guides, and rest assured all is well and go on about your day.

Spend some time each day connecting with your grid and its purpose. This will keep your intention in your attention, and activate the grid.

It really is that easy!


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