Gemstones For Your Light Being
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- Written by AndEl

From your innermost essence to your physical body, you are made of and nourished by a continuous flow of life force. This life force is a current of light which springs from the source of life itself. When it flows freely, you experience joy, vitality, and vibrant health.
In the natural course of living, however, various blockages accumulate within this flow. These blockages create dark clouds within you. They obscure your radiance and give rise to disharmony, pain, and disease.

Like us, the Earth is enlivened by life force. As the Earth was forming, life energy was infused into the planet’s crystalline matrices. Thus, the Earth’s gemstones came to embody and express the life force within the planet.
Gemstones radiate their life force with great power. When used properly they can bring light into areas of darkness and neutralize blockages within your being. As these blockages dissolve, the light of the life force can once again shine through to enliven, nourish, and heal you. Each type of gemstone expresses a different frequency; therefore, it can address a different kind of blockage.
You are a complex spiritual organism comprised of many dimensions, physical and nonphysical. Gemstone-sphere necklaces can directly affect all these dimensions. They are the easiest and most holistic way to experience the therapeutic benefits of gemstones.

When you wear a gemstone, its energy can radiate into your entire subtle-energy field, or aura. Your aura is an energetic reflection of your physical body and inner aspects. As a gemstone’s energy fills your aura, it gains entrance to both your physical and inner dimensions, where it can work directly on dissolving blockages.

Your aura also contains a wealth of information about you. When your aura is saturated with gemstone energy, this energy is drawn back to the spheres carrying the aura’s information with it. The gems respond to this information and adjust their energy flows according to your needs. As long as you wear gemstones, their energies continually flow into your aura and back again, working at ever deeper levels. In this way, they gradually dissipate the energetic clouds and other blockages that obscure your natural radiance.

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