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Easy DIY Shungite Water - Rich in Antioxidants!

Easy DIY Shungite Water - Rich in Antioxidants!

Shungite is the only mineral on Earth containing fullerenes. This is the type of molecular form of carbon with atomic number C60. Due to their special structure, fullerenes have a number of unique physical and chemical properties. Fullerene is the most powerful and long-acting antioxidant and at the same time a universal sorbent.


Scientists won the 1996 Nobel Prize for the discovery of fullerenes. Grigory Andrievsky, a doctor of bioorganic chemistry, was one of the first Russian scientists (who worked at the Institute of Therapy of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences) to prove that the specific properties of Shungite are due to the presence of fullerenes. His goal was to research the healing water that springs from Shungite deposits in northwestern Russia.

Based on his research, he claimed that the water passing through the Shungite deposits at Lake Onega is enriched with fullerenes and that aqueous solutions of natural fullerenes are among the strongest antioxidants known today. These natural fullerenes have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals like no other antioxidant and their effect is stronger and longer lasting. Grigory Andrievsky also concluded that natural fullerenes normalize cellular metabolism, stimulate tissue regeneration, increase the body's resistance, have anti-inflammatory properties and act against toxins in the body.

Modern tests have confirmed the antibacterial properties of Shungite, and since the 1990s it has been used commercially in Russia as a water purifier, allegedly removing contaminants such as bacteria (and other microbes), nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, drugs, chlorine and fluoride. Also cleans water from petroleum products, ammonia, heavy metals and ferrous additives. Shungite has the ability to remove from the energy memory of water any information about the substances that were previously in it, changes its information structure, enriches the water with trace elements important to the body and activates it.

Easy DIY Shungite Water - Rich in Antioxidants!

How to prepare Shungite water

Put 50-250 grams of Shungite in 2 liters of clean water, ideally in a glass jug. After a few minutes to hours, you will see many bubbles in the container. Then it is possible to drink water. Ideally, the stones should be loaded 24 hours.

Leave the Shungite in the water until you are ready to drink the water, as the stability and transfer of fullerene will be greater. You can drink shungite water during the day just like classic water. You can also use this water for cooking or making coffee and tea.

You can leave the Shungite pulp in the container and pour new water over it repeatedly.

If you want to take Shungite water with you, all you have to do is have a few pieces in the bottle and you can easily refill the water during the day.

How to prepare Shungite stones for water after purchase

Shungite crumb consists of unpolished stones in its raw form. The stones are covered with Shungite dust, which when first used causes a black coating on the water surface or on your hands. Therefore, before using the stones for the first time, wash them thoroughly in water so that they do not stain so much. Then put a handful of well-washed stones in a container of water (a glass carafe is best) and let stand.

Easy DIY Shungite Water - Rich in Antioxidants!

Shungite against electromagnetic radiation

Another scientifically proven ability of Shungite is the absorption of waves of electromagnetic fields of various natures in space. For example, electromagnetic fields or geopathogenic radiation. The source of EMP is almost all electrical devices that are connected to everyday human life. Therefore, people most often put Shungite close to the source of the EMP, or to the place where they spend the most time. Shungite can also be poured under the bed or under the pillow, but keep in mind that it is black and choose a suitable package or container.

Shungite water should be drunk at least three times a day. It is recorded that it improves the overall condition, removes nervous tension, and causes an influx of forces and energy. It is also used in cosmetics. The treated skin is cleansed, tightened, small wrinkles are smoothed out, blackheads and sores disappear, allergic rashes disappear. Dandruff is lost, hair quality improves significantly.

Warm Shungite water is excellent for gargling in sore throats, nose, periodontitis, colds, sore throats, flu, bronchitis, etc.

Shungite baths are also very healthy. They soothe, eliminate stress, fatigue, harmonize the body and normalize sleep. After the first bath, small cracks and wounds heal, and after several procedures, even more serious problems are resolved - peeling skin, eczema, mold, allergies.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca


© Alue K. Loskotová, www.aluska.org 2022

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