Time Link Crystals – The Past & Future Made Present
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- Written by AndEl
Tania Marie
I’ve had Crystals on the mind a lot lately again – not that they aren’t always part of my life, but there are periods when their voices are much louder and they show up more than simply as daily companions and healing partners in my work and life. I feel this is their way of messaging to me, and us, that they are ever-ready to be of service and to also step up their service in more ways, in mirror to our opening to new levels of readiness and experience.
There are times when new Crystals make themselves known to me, ones I’ve known about but never had find there way to me or become very resonant, or that my healing work is deepened with new discoveries prompted by synchronous messages and directions received from them.
I’ve worked and taught about Crystals before and it appears they would like more of that, hence with my feeling called to the local Gem Show that opens today again, just 5 minutes from my house, I felt a Crystal article wanting to be shared. Seems there are Crystals to bring home that will be part of upcoming workshops and that will be part of experiences we will be sharing together.
And with it being a refreshing/cleansing rainy and winds-of-change kind of day, it feels to be the perfect time to be in my watery essence and intuitively receive any Crystal soul essences that speak up and volunteer their services to the teaching and fun to come.
You may recall my article Strawberry Lemurian Seed Crystals – The Scarlet Temple to the Heart & Beyond where I introduced the new and rare Strawberry Lemurian friend that found its way into my heart. In the article I shared a lot about their energies, how they are said to be encoded by the Wizards of Mu, and the unique attributes, including hexagon Keys, a Window, and Morse Code encodings, I discovered about my friend.
What I also learned was that she was a Strawberry Starbrary, meaning she is from one of the Star Systems - Lyra – and is a Rosetta Stone Starbrary, which indicates she can translate between a minimun of two Star languages. She translates for Cassiopeia and the Pleiades, which was a perfect partner to my Pleiadian Lightning Strike Starbrary I had received around the same time.
But since her arrival, I then found myself housing 2 more Strawberry Lemurians – each of which ALSO are Starbraries. The three feel like a perfect Trinity Family, with two around similar sizing and the third being a much larger integrative one.
The similar sized new friend feels to be a sister Crystal to the Hexagon Key Strawberry from Lyra, and so they are always side by side together when I am not actively working with them. Interestingly, I got all of them from the same supplier friend, but hadn’t been energetically drawn to the 2 others the first time. Always interesting that we become aware of things when and only if we are ready.
But they came from the same batch family, so it made sense they would be connected.
I discovered that the sister Crystal is from Cassiopeia, which is perfect for its counterpart Rosetta Stone Crystal that can translate her and the Pleiadian Starbrary I have.
Large Master Strawberry Starbrary
And the larger Strawberry is a Master Starbrary from Sirius.
Now that everyone’s been introduced in this family, I can share a bit about one of the attributes that they each share. In the above article I talked about what a Window Crystal is and included an image of what a “Window” looks like. But for this article, my Lemurian Strawberry Starbraries would like me to share briefly on Time Links.
Back several years ago, I took a Crystal class when living up at Lake Tahoe, to learn a huge body of information about Crystals and how to decipher their unique qualities in a text book sort of way. This included learning about their sides, faces – Generator/Transmitters, Isis/Goddess, Receivers, Wedges, etc., edges, axis, 3 types of energies Crystals have, types of inclusions – Record Keepers, Message Plates, Keys, Veils, Phantoms, Rutile, Portals, Windows, Time Links, etc., Nature Spirits within the Crystals, types of Quartz and origins, etc.
Phew! And there is always so much more you can learn. I took the class at the time to just get an overall download that would trigger within me things I knew in my soul. But over time, I went back to my intuitive ways and just felt the Crystals, rather than trying to dissect them – allowing them to be whatever they wanted to reveal in each moment that I was ready to receive their gifts. And I enjoyed relaxing into the love and wisdom that opened to me, as I did.
That being said, now and then, some of those attributes start to stand out and when they do, I realize how they reiterate to me what I intuitively was feeling, experiencing, and receiving from my Crystals, even if I wasn’t “naming” the process or particular identifier.
This started to come about more when the Starbrary and Strawberry Starbraries arrived in my life, as well as the Andaras and Tibetans.
A dear friend of mine that I procured two Strawberry Lemurians for, brought to my attention again the Time Links (of which her two new friends ALSO had). And since, I have felt it significant to bring this to light since we are more consciously moving through space and time these days and having more access to things than ever, because we are ready to receive and experience it.
I discovered that, among other things, my 1st Strawberry Starbrary has a “future” Time Link and a Window, the sister to it has a “past” Time Link, and the Master Strawberry Starbrary has a “past” Time Link and Window. (I love saying Strawberry Starbrary – it’s such a tongue twister)
Like with anything, there is always so much more to explore, experience, and learn and that definitely is true for our Crystal friends. I have but scratched the surface of my Starbrary friends, let alone journeyed to the depths their Time Links can take me. They have a lot of unique qualities I haven’t mentioned yet and am still discovering.
But I do know that from the moment they arrived in my life, things have continued shifting. A lot of it happening in dream time, as I sleep with most of my crystals under my pillow at varying intervals. And that’s beauty of processing is that you don’t have to understand it, walk it through step by detailed step, or even have to know what is happening in a cognitive way, because it still IS happening, still will affect change in your life, and you will understand it in Divine timing when you need to and are ready to be consciously aware of it.
But back to Time Links. If you don’t know about them, I’d like to provide a little bit of insight so you can see what is possible to partner with, when you are graced with such Crystals that offer you this gift. And then you can run with it from there, as to how far you want to go and discover your own unique ways to work with this bridge.
Time Links show up “randomly” in Crystals, and not often. A Time Link Crystal is a special kind of Crystal that contains a 7th face (maybe more) that is just below the 6 main faces of the termination. You can easily distinguish it by its parallelogram shape, which is like an elongated rectangle turned at an angle. Some will help you travel to the past, others to the future, and some will take you to both.
I’ve shared some photos of the time links on my Crystals and the two I procured for my friend (they all come from the same batch family procured from Brazil at the same time) so you will be very familiar with what these look like.
The parallelogram is known as an ancient symbol for the power to emerge from your present state and position, through the flexibility and willingness to learn and accept new ideas and directions.
The way to distinguish the Time Link past or future abilities is to look at which direction the parallelogram is sloping. If it slopes to the left when you look at it, like this: \ then this will link you to the past. If it slopes to the right like this: / then this will link you to the future. As mentioned, some may have one of each, in which case if you have \ and / then you are working in multi-dimensional realities simultaneously.
It is also thought that if the parallelogram leans left that it supports you in achieving your goals and if it leans right, it is a tool for igniting your natural inspiration and creativity.
But then there’s also where they are located in relationship to the main face that is said to have an added dimensional quality to their energy too. The “Activation” Left Time Link Crystals have an extra inclined facet located to the left of the main face of the crystal and can also be used to activate the right hemisphere of the brain, having the attributes of creativity, imagination, psychic ability, and meditation.
The “Activation” Right Time Link Crystals have an extra inclined facet located to the right of the main face of the crystal and can be used to activate the left hemisphere of the brain, which accesses logic, intellect, and action-orientation.
I like to think of these Time Link Crystals to be like Bridges, much like the Distance Healing Symbol in Reiki, which bridges space and time. These Bridges support your soul access to travel through these portals in order to consciously connect with aspects of the self existing in other times and places. This enables you to free yourself from 3D illusions in order to immerse in nonlinear exploration. While journeying these “pasts” and “futures” you can transmit intentions, do integrative work, and send healing energy/Reiki to affect change in the present.
So if you aren’t attuned to Reiki, these Time Link Crystals are another tool to here to serve and assist you with this healing work that is outside time lines our mind constrains us in. With the aid of these friends, we are able to assimilate fragmented aspects of ourselves, release blocks where we were frozen in time from painful trauma and misunderstandings, and free ourselves into wholeness of the eternal now.
Perhaps these Crystals are showing up more now because many of us are ready to do the deeper journeying and integration, and the collective is ready for the bridging assistance they can provide to this.
I mentioned that I like to sleep with my Crystals under my pillow. I find the work done during dream time to be powerful. You can also meditate with them in wake time. In either meditation or sleep, the Time Link Crystals will help you begin to unravel the intellectual challenges around your personal concepts of Time. They can help you to trace past and future lives to understand the evolution of your soul essence.
Time Link Crystals are also great telepathic communication tools since they work inside and outside the limitations of Time with understanding beyond perhaps what you are capable of grasping otherwise.
Time Link Crystals also symbolize your willingness, readiness, and ability to learn, grow, and freely emerge from your current state of experience, are considered a Shaman, Channeling, and Dream Stone, are powerful tools for past and parallel life recalling, help you to understand the limitless available to you as you transcend Time, remind you to have patience, see illusions, ignite creative inspiration, work toward goals/intents, assist you with challenges connected to definitions/concepts of Time, and help you to expand your reach with integrative healing processes.
Like with anything, you need to ask yourself if you are really ready and wanting to know the information they are capable of bringing into greater clarity for you. It’s always helpful to speak with clarity when you are engaging with your Crystals, as to the specifics you seek. And never forget to honor and respect with great awareness these powerful beings that you work with.
Crystals have experienced much abuse over “time” and still many continue this treatment. This disregard and disrespect is not okay and many of our Crystal friends need our assistance to support them into their highest service once again by recognizing who they are, cleansing, reactivating, charging, and loving them.
Always ask first. Do not expect or demand of your Crystal. Meet them with open heart and great reverence.
I LOVE my Crystal friends and hope to inspire others who feel drawn to this Crystalline beings to explore your Divine relationship with them in your own way. Information you learn can be guidelines and foundations, but like with anything, let your heart and intuition guide you, as to the journey you are meant to uniquely take.

Tania Marie is a visionary artist, sacred tattoo designer, author & Reiki Master Teacher whose creations, workshops and retreats in the healing arts are inspiring people globally.
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