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5 Healing Precious Stones That Keep Bad Energy At Bay


Over the years, people have been looking for items that are naturally occurring that can help them deal with negative thoughts which are just very common and toxic to one’s life, evil spirits and also all the bad energies. Many precious stones are believed to possess mystical powers that can help remove bad energies from one’s aura and chakra helps rejuvenating them with positivity. Some of these gemstones include:

1. Amethyst

This precious stone finds its use in treating sleeping disorders such as apnea. All the same, this precious stone is also well known for removing bad energy that is negative and pessimistic. The precious stone is very important to those who are prone to get depressed and weighed down with negative thoughts and just a look at it is able to revive one with positive feelings that ward off all the negativeness at bay. It is definitely a stone that will help you get your head stuck onto your pillow all night with a wonderful sleep.

2. Black Tourmaline

This stone has over the ages been used by all kinds of people seeking its protective power and healing from the power it possesses. Some of the people who have been using it include the magicians. They strongly believe that the stone is able to keep off bad spirits hence protecting them especially when they are casting their spells. The stone is also a great asset to people battling with internal conflicts as they believe that the stone brings forth positive thinking and this helps them to deal with their stresses.

3. Fire Agate

This stone falls under the category of gemstone stones. It has been used by many because of the positivity it impacts in one life by keeping at bay pessimistic thoughts and even bad spirits from one’s life. The name of the stone is enough proof of the fiery instincts it can bring into a person’s life and the stability one gets from it. This precious stone can help you add meaning to your life and change you from a pessimist into a strong optimist.

4. Jet Stone

The physical appearance of this stone is unique and one of a kind. The surface is exceedingly smooth and has a natural black color It is even hard to believe that the stone is made purely from fossils. The stone, from ancient times, has been used by many people where it is made as a piece of accessory or jewelry that people wear. It is well known and used by people who usually suffer from frequent depressions. It impacts to them the feeling of comfort and assurance. It is also used to heal grief and hopelessness and anxiety too which are all forms of negative energies that most people suffer from.

5. Obsidian

This volcanic rock is also a well-known precious stone that helps to keep off bad energies from a person. It also has a very attractive gorgeous look that makes it stunning and unique as well. This stone carries with it mystical powers that help to purify one from evil and also connect one to their innermost self-bringing forth positive thoughts that elevate one to empowerment and success.

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