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10 Reasons Why Kyanite is an Essential Stone for Healing and Spiritual Growth

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Do you ever wish you had a magic wand? Personally, I’d like one that can poof away unpleasant things, such as bills, anxiety, and cellulite. My ideal magic wand would also bestow metaphysical superpowers and beam me onto friendly starships. Though I have yet to find a magic wand like in the storybooks, the crystal kingdom has a version that comes close–the Kyanite wand.

kyanite wand

Kyanite is a high vibration stone that has a striated structure, which means that it has parallel grooves or recesses down the length of the stone. These striations act as amplifying channels that transmit higher frequencies of light into the human auric field. Kyanite literally acts like a wand that can deliver refined, spiritual energy for clearing, healing, balance, activation, and upgrade. If you could only have one healing crystal in your collection, Kyanite would be an excellent, versatile choice. Here are ten reasons why:

  1. Kyanite clears blockages and corrects misalignments in all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. If you want to be healthy, vital, and spiritually connected, it all starts with your bio-energetic system. Blockages in the chakras and meridians can lead to health issues and stagnation on all levels. Luckily, Kyanite is versatile and can be used over any chakra or meridian point to clear it. Kyanite also moves the energy centers into proper alignment, as well as the different layers of the auric field. Working with it can ensure that your entire energy system is flowing and functioning properly.
  2. Kyanite seals and protects your auric field. Energetic protection is especially important right now, because a lot of negativity is coming up for humanity to face and heal. Kyanite seals your aura, mending any cracks and fissures. This ensures that you are not leaking energy or allowing in unwanted influences. Wearing Kyanite jewelry or keeping it nearby will establish a strong protective field around you.
  3. Kyanite can replenish your life-force energy or qi. A lot of people are feeling exhausted and drained lately, due to the powerful ascension energies that keep increasing. You can work with Kyanite over specific chakras that are depleted to quickly replenish the energy. You could also experiment with placing Kyanite blades at the thyroid and adrenal glands to give them a boost. Just keeping Kyanite in your energy field will help to restore your general energy levels and stamina.
  4. Kyanite helps you to release and heal deeply engrained emotional and mental patterns that keep you stuck. Do you find yourself in a repeating loop of negative thoughts, emotions, or beliefs? See if you can determine where they are located in your body, and work with Kyanite there to initiate a deep energetic purification. After the clearing is accomplished, Kyanite creates an energetic pathway to higher ways of thinking and feeling, so that you create a positive, lasting shift. It helps to rewire your subtle energetic circuitry so that you can maintain the new outlook and state of being.
  5. Kyanite is a mechanism for higher dimensional connection and spiritual upgrade. Kyanite is often described as a bridge to the higher realms. When you work with it above the head, it creates a channel or pathway for higher frequencies and light codes to be delivered into your bio-system. It is even known to expand your subtle energetic circuitry and to strengthen the nervous system so that you can receive and integrate increasing levels of light. Being able hold and process this light catalyzes an upgrade process for your psychic senses and spiritual gifts.
  6. Kyanite activates the third eye and crown chakras. It is perfect for awakening the higher chakras and bringing your psychic senses to a greater level of functioning. Regular work with Kyanite will increase your clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and telepathy. You will have an easier time connecting with your spirit team and soul to receive guidance.
  7. Kyanite is one of the best stones for meditation, because it activates the causal chakra. When I was studying at Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy for Advanced Healing Arts, we learned that Kyanite was the best stone for activating the causal chakra. The causal chakra is located right behind the crown chakra, at the place where your hair can create a spiral and where a baby’s soft spot is located. This is the area where you receive higher mental impressions from spiritual sources. When the causal chakra is fully activated, it is easier to move into higher meditative states and to hold onto the fleeting visions and information you receive.
  8. Kyanite has a calming and soothing effect on the emotions. Anxiety and stress are on the rise lately, as the planetary energy and pace of life continues to accelerate. Kyanite emits a peaceful energy that counteracts worry, panic, fear, and turbulent emotions. Stroking Kyanite’s striations can send a calming transmission through your being, helping to bring you back into a centered space.
  9. Kyanite enhances dreamwork. It is a wonderful practice to sleep with Kyanite under your pillow or on your bedside table. Not only will Kyanite help you fall asleep faster, it can also stimulate productive dreams that bring in solutions to your problems. It also assists you with lucid dreaming and astral travel. If you have problems remembering your dreams, Kyanite will help you to hold onto them upon awakening.
  10. Kyanite helps with channeling and communication. For those who channel spiritual messages and healing energy, Kyanite can take your abilities to the next level. It can turn up the volume on your radio to spirit so that you can hear, receive, and transmit more. Kyanite powerfully activates the throat chakra, your center of communication. It promotes heart-felt communication that helps to bridge different points of view.


As you can see, Kyanite is a multitasking stone that can help you on multiple levels of the being. It’s a beautiful channel for the light, helping you to clear, heal, and evolve yourself so that you can become the same–no magic wand required!


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