How To Ground Yourself With Hematite
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- Written by AndEl

Wondering how to ground yourself spiritually?
Like it or not, anxiety is something we all have to deal with at certain times in our lives. I don’t care how connected to the Universe you are, life happens.
Maybe you’ve recently started a new job and you want to make a good impression. Or you’ve entered a new relationship and you’re still uncertain about whether you really want to put yourself out there (or you’re wondering whether the other person is as into you as you are into them.) Or maybe you’re having some financial challenges and you’re trying to keep calm.
Recently I’ve been feeling a little anxious about a number of changes in my life. Most of them are good changes, but change can be scary whether it is welcome or not. Your mind just keeps judging the changes, trying to make sense of them and trying to anticipate what will happen next. But I know that life flows better when I am in the flow, and when I am not anxious, but rather I am grounded and willing to let the Universe take care of the details.
So what did I do? In addition to enjoying a little more wine than usual, I’ve turned to one of my favorite go-to metaphysical tools: spiritual jewelry. In this case, I turned to two hematite rings that give me a little extra grounding and courage to counter all of those anxious feelings.
If you’re wondering how to ground yourself spiritually, seriously consider working with crystals. Hematite is one of my favorite crystals. It is calming and inspires clear, logical thinking. When I have anxious thoughts, I find that hematite helps me to slow my roll. I feel stronger when I have hematite close, and if I’m feeling insecure, it gives me confidence. (Incidentally, hematite is also an excellent crystal for psychic protection, so I pull it out when someone I have to be around gives me bad vibes, or if I’m sensing negative energy around me.)
I particularly enjoy wearing crystal jewelry because I know the crystals are working their magic without me having to think about it. As I go about my day, I’m getting the metaphysical support of the Universe. They also allow me to express some of my personality for the world to see. Magickal living is important to me, and wearing crystal jewelry allows me to show up authentically to the world. If you want to give hematite rings a try, check out your nearest metaphysical shop or click here. A bracelet will do the trick too.
Learn More About Hematite By Clicking Here! Hematite

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