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How Art Galleries Play A Vital Role In The Present Age

How Art Galleries Plays A Vital Role In The Present Age

Museums or art galleries are the places where various forms of art are displayed for the audience to experience art. The various art forms presented here are sculptures, photographs, paintings, illustrations, handlooms, etc. However, the most common art form that holds a prominent place in art galleries is paintings.

Displaying the art of various renown and emerging artists in private art galleries with an intent of sale has been a common practice for decades. The advancement in technology and the internet has created a new digital ecosystem, a.k.a social media. Various artists, exhibitors, and art dealers have jumped on the bandwagon of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, etc., to display their art and sell it to the audience. That, in turn, also helps them build an audience around their work and cater to the marketing requirements as well. One of the main downsides of it is that people are getting used to viewing art online on the screens of their gadgets. Ask any art enthusiast, and they’ll tell you how essential it is to view art in person to clearly understand its intricacies, depth, colours, and true meaning. Let’s look at the significance of art galleries in the present age.

Building a community:

Building a community

Experiencing art in an art gallery is a collective experience that forms a community over time. Several art enthusiasts have conversations with like-minded individuals at art galleries, which turn into meaningful friendships and relationships that last forever. It allows people to express and exchange their notion and ideas about art during the process of buying it. It serves as a place where art enthusiasts, art dealers, and artists meet up for events, launches, whenever possible. It’s no different than catching a game of soccer at the nearest pub with old buddies. Speaking about artists, art galleries serve as the perfect platform to network and interact with the viewers to build a community in person, that beholds much more value than raking up followers on social media. Plus, it’s always fun to get out of the house and drive to the nearest art gallery during the weekend.

Promoting artists and art:

Art galleries promote art and artists, whether they are renowned artists or emerging talents with less expertise. The main objective of an art gallery is to display and promote various types and forms of art. Therefore, providing a platform for emerging artists to display their work to the public on a large scale. It’s not just the artists that benefit from the art galleries but every person that walks in to experience art. For instance, the public and the working staff of the art galleries get to experience that art in person, which instils new thoughts, ideas towards a cause and, in some cases, inspires them to create their artwork too.

Educating people:

Here’s another way how art galleries play a vital role in the present-day and age. The notion of knowledge and education has changed over the past decade. People fail to realize that art helps in understanding a particular era, geography, or time better than reading about the same in books. You can read about historical events and dates in the books, but experiencing art that either depicts those events or belongs to that particular era helps you retain the information better. It allows people of all ages to come together and learn something about the different parts of the world as art galleries not only exhibit art from the local artists but also feature international artists. Art galleries act as a bridge between cultural and linguistic barriers connecting and educating people all over the world.

Experiencing art online V/S in person:

Experiencing art online V/S in person

We live in an era where purchasing or acquiring something has become entirely online, from groceries to cars and even real estate. Everything is done by one click in the comfort of our home. While that is good and works for most of the things, it is not the case when it comes to viewing art online and making a purchase. There is a vast difference between viewing a picture of the art online and experiencing it first hand in person. For instance, you have ordered a piece of art that you saw online and found out that the colours do not match with the carpet or the drapes. Even viewing art from a certain distance in-person affects the way you perceive it. Experiencing a piece of art in an art gallery before purchasing also helps you analyze how a painting hangs on the wall and to get a clear picture of how it looks when placed near or beside other pieces of art. Most artworks are nonrefundable so it's essential to make the right choice.

Final Thoughts

Art galleries and museums play a vital role in appreciating both the art and artist by providing a beautiful presentation of art. It becomes easy for people to judge an artist’s expertise when presented alongside many great artist’s work. Art inspires people, and art galleries create a window to the past, allowing people to experience a particular time or era first hand through visual experience.

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Rebecca Smith is a writer for numerous health and fitness publications. She has been working with many challenged clients for some time now. She can be reached via email at .

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Rebecca Smith 

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