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The Healing Powers of Meditation

The Healing Powers of Meditation

To many, meditation seems like a silly waste of time. After all, what good can breathing and thinking do when your mind and body perform these tasks automatically?

But the truth about mediation is that it can be hugely beneficial whether you want to slow down or change your life for the better. And not just subjectively. Impressively enough, there's ample scientific evidence regarding the benefits of mindfully slowing down your thoughts.

Are you curious to try something new? Do you want to learn about the pros of setting aside some time to meditate? Here's everything you need to know about the healing powers of meditation.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Reduction

One of the most significant ways in which meditation can help you feel better is that it's a great way to minimize stress and anxiety.

In 2021, researchers set out to review all of the scientific data regarding meditation practices. By looking through 209 studies involving 12,145 participants, they found that this type of therapy works just as well as traditional psychological treatment. But more impressively, the results revealed that meditation effectively minimizes stress, anxiety, and depression.

Are you looking to heal your soul from a rocky past? Or do you need a way to handle your overwhelming everyday routine?

In that case, meditation could be an excellent way to do something kind for yourself.

Physical Benefits of Meditation

The Healing Powers of Meditation

In addition to being great for the psyche, meditation also offers physical benefits.

According to research data, meditation can help decrease blood pressure, helping you actively prevent (and treat) cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, some types of mindfulness practice can alleviate pain just as effectively as painkillers. Finally, some forms of meditation can even be excellent ways to improve sleep quality, which is crucial for maintaining good physical health.

It's also vital to mention forms of meditation that incorporate exercise and breathwork.

For example, yoga is just another type of self-reflection combined with movement. And it's an exceptional way to strengthen and stretch the body. Plus, it has been proven to boost heart health, improve balance, and even help manage blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, breathwork requires less control over various body parts and relies on regulating your breath. Specific breathwork techniques like SKY breathing have been proven to lower cortisol levels. So, regardless of whether you want to invest in your physical or emotional well-being, this type of meditation can be a great way to take care of yourself.

Cognitive and Creative Gains through Meditation

As you explore the healing powers of meditation, remember that taking a moment with your thoughts is more than a form of therapy. It can be an excellent method of preparing your mind, body, and soul for new challenges — especially if you need to perform well in terms of cognitive performance or creativity.

For example, because meditation helps lengthen your attention span (by training your mind to shut out distractions), it can be a crucial element in boosting productivity or improving your problem-solving skills.

Or, if you're trying to widen your horizons and give yourself the space to be more creative, practicing meditation could be the way to reach your goals.

Furthermore, some research suggests that meditation slows age-related memory loss, making it the perfect hobby for older adults wanting to stay sharp and active regardless of age.

Meditation Can Help with Addiction

The Healing Powers of Meditation

Lastly, if you're thinking about adopting meditative practices to invest in your health, keep in mind that this form of self-care acts as an effective aid to those battling addiction.

Essentially, the way the practice helps combat substance abuse is that this form of recovery helps maintain a sense of calm. Consequently, those who meditate are more successful at coping with their triggers and are more likely to avoid relapse.

Over to You

As you can see, meditation — in any of its multiple forms — can be a wonderful part of your self-care routine. If you want to train yourself to handle life's challenges, some form of mindfulness should be in your arsenal of emotional well-being tools.

Of course, how and why you start practicing meditation is entirely up to you. Whether you take up yoga, try a few breathwork techniques, or download an app to guide you through self-discovery is entirely up to you. All that matters is that you set aside some time to do it and keep an open mind. That way, you'll reap more benefits and set yourself up for success from the beginning.

Author Bio:

Sarah Kaminski is a life enjoyer, positivity seeker, and a curiosity enthusiast. She’s been a freelance writer for over a decade and loves researching health and wellness topics.
This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Sarah Kaminski
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