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Feeling Sad? If We Feel, We Feel All That Is

Feeling Sad? If We Feel, We Feel All That Is

If we feel at all, we are feeling the collective atmosphere. This is where it’s important to sort out what we’re feeling personally, what we’re picking up on others around us, and what we’re experiencing as part of a global sadness.

I’ve been feeling sad lately. Not for myself, but for the countless Beings who are suffering right now. Because of what’s happening in our world, a billion people or more are all feeling a more intensified uncertainty and even panic. Because there doesn’t seem to be any relief for what’s been going on and the death toll is rising in most nations, around the world there is despair and profound sadness at all that is dying.

All sadness comes from grief. Grief at what is gone, grief at what is passing, grief for all that could be different but isn’t. We cannot bluff our way out of grief, even if we try to bargain futilely hoping not to feel the sorrow of the grief in the atmosphere. The only way to deal with grief is to grieve. There is nothing wrong with grief, and if grieving is done in a healthy way, it can lift the heaviness and sadness we feel personally, and help us to understand our connectedness with others who grieve.

The sadness I feel is the sadness we all share. A way of life in this world is over. What we knew is not coming back any time soon. We are being forced by Nature Herself to be considerate of things we’ve never had to deal with before, at least in a century since the last global pandemic killed millions.

I wish we could gather safely. I wish we could hug each other safely. I wish we could freely interact with others. But we cannot, at least for now. We are at war with a virus which can kill us within a few dozen hours if we have a compromised immune system, and even if we don’t.

I still know people who insist this is no big deal, and that it’s no worse than a “normal” virus. Of course this view can kill you and me. And infect and possibly kill everyone we come into contact with. This is humanity’s dilemma.

We’ve based our world on people freely associating, working and playing and shopping and living with no thought that the person next to us could be a carrier of a virus which can kill us. Or vice versa. Which is why we will never go back to the old economy, the old socializing, or the old assumption that we can just get in a car or plane, go where we want, do what we want, and there’s always another opportunity just around the corner.

We are evolving, whether we want to or not. Millions will outlast and outlive this pandemic, but the world will never be the same. An exploitive economic system which throws millions into the streets because they cannot pay rent is the sign of a failed nation. A system which denies care to the many while opening the gates of wealth to the few is a failed nation. A system which gives the poor a pittance while giving billions to the wealthy is a failed system.

We’ve been told by numerous spiritual sources that humanity is on “the path of return,” where selfishness and separateness must end as we collectively awaken to our oneness as a species. It’s easy to see that selfish behavior at this time is no substitute for thoughtful consideration and compassion for others. While some resist the pull of evolution, millions of us are bearing witness to the division of humanity into those who care and those who don’t. And it is sad that so many don’t seem to care, either for themselves, each other, or humanity.

So if you’re feeling sad, you are in good company. It means you are still feeling what we’re all feeling, and haven’t shut down. I’ve been reading of people suffering various degrees of depression due to the quarantine. I would say they’re not “depressed,” but just feeling the overwhelming sadness of hundreds of millions of people suffering. The pain of billions is in the air. This is forcing us to feel how humanity is one life form, 8 billion Souls together rather than 8 billion Souls apart.

We are all one life together. We have become so separate from each other, ourselves, and the Earth and Life we share, that it was inevitable something would come to humanity to make us re-evaluate our oneness as a sentient Life on this beautiful Earth. This virus is forcing us to be mindful every day in every way of what we are doing and how we are doing it. The price for inattention is at best severe health problems the rest of our lives; at worst we die.

As I gave you when this first started 5 months ago, this is the time in our solitude to reconnect with ourselves, the Earth, and Source. As we go deeper into our oneness with ourselves, the Earth, and Source, we will inevitably feel more within the field we all are together. And by choosing to become the Light of living Loving Awareness, we radiate Light into the atmosphere, and make it a little less heavy, a little less grim, a little less sad.

While no one of us can overcome global sadness, each one of us can contribute to a loving remembrance of our Oneness together. If we want to connect, send a loving thought, make a loving call, do a loving chat with someone you love, or someone you feel you want to reach out to. Sometimes when we think of another, it’s a clear signal to connect with them, or a signal they want to connect with us.

So in this grim time of physical distancing and widespread collapse of the way of life we’ve known our entire lives, take a moment to remember you are an Eternal Consciousness, a loving wise intelligence beyond the sadness, suffering, and pain of worldly things. Your heart will give you the strength to outlast this virus, and your mind will give you the knowledge to outlive it if you do what you must to stay as safe as you can.

As I gave you 5 months ago, “Connecting with others, connecting with the Earth, connecting with myself. This is my care plan for outlasting this plague. I hope you will join me. We are Spirits learning how to deal with this mysterious strange thing we call “life on Earth.” This means remembering we are part of Nature Herself, and not separate from Life or each other for even a moment. This is a time to remember our Oneness and connect with others, connect with Earth, and connect with ourselves. I hope you will join us.”

Humanity is passing out of its selfish adolescence whether it wants to or not. Those who petulantly insist on their right to do as they please will suffer the consequences. We can no longer be “innocently ignorant” when so much is at risk. This is for the long haul. But since our Eternal Consciousness doesn’t much care about time, then step back from your 5 senses and your mind with its restlessness and the chaos of “not knowing,” take a deep breath, and remember you are Love.

Witness the love you are, be the love you send to others, be the love which will heal your fear and pain, and know that this too will pass. Aum and blessings. Be at peace in the Love you are.


© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert WilkinsonRobert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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