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Numerology for Name Changes - A Psychic’s Perspective

Numerology for Name Changes - A Psychic’s Perspective

Changing your name is a BIG DEAL.

The numerology of your name affects every aspect of your life.

Every time you change your name, you change your vibration. If you’re getting married or divorced, or even taking on a nickname or pen-name, it affects how you relate to the world, and the energy you bring forth throughout your day.

If you are considering changing your name, most likely you are at a crossroads in your life, and want major changes in your life.

Your name is your destiny.

In fact, the Destiny Number in numerology is derived from your name.

Your name carries a specific vibration that is in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

The ancients believed that your name activates your DNA. It carries your soul essence.

Naming ceremonies are one of the most important rites of passage in many cultures. In many tribal societies, the name of a newborn is chosen by the tribe as a collective, divining the baby’s talents and purpose that will be instilled in them for their entire lives.

Your Spirit Guides and Angels helped them divine the right name for you before you were born. You may wonder if your parents were aware of this.  Most likely not. Yet your celestial team was working behind the scenes to ensure the frequency of the name matched your soul purpose and personality traits.

You might not resonate with your birth name, yet it is in perfect alignment with your soul’s intentions.

Your full name at birth is the one that is always used as your Destiny Number,  Whether you are called any nicknames or not, your full name at birth is always used as your Destiny Number – and will never change.

Energy is everything.

Every letter in your name has a sacred geometry that carries a specific frequency. Your name has a specific essence, unique to you.  The vibration of your name carries you forth in the world with intention.

Every nickname you have has a specific frequency as well – representing an aspect of yourself that is resonant in the world.

If you feel your name doesn’t represent who you are, it might be suitable for you to change your name. If so, you want to make sure the name FEELS right for you. That’s more important that anything you can discern in a numerology chart.

Getting married or divorced?

Taking someone as your life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It’s a new chapter in your life. Changing your surname upon marriage is a rite of passage, representing your commitment and union with your partner.

If you choose to keep your last name and not take on your partner’s last name, that doesn’t mean you are less committed. It simply means you feel more comfortable with your name at birth, and it’s not appropriate for you to take on the traits and energy of the last name of your partner. You can still have a long and happy marriage if you keep your name.

If you decide to take on your partner’s last name, you are changing the frequency of your name, reflecting the energy shift within you for this new chapter of your life.

There’s no right or wrong, it’s whatever FEELS in alignment for you!

If you are getting divorced, or are divorced you might consider changing your name.

If you still have love for your ex-partner and the name still feels good to you, then go ahead and keep it! Yet so often I see people keep a surname of someone who brings up negative feelings in them for the sake of their children. Yet, this isn’t always the best idea.

Why carry around their name and frequency for the rest of your life, if your relationship stirs up negative feelings within you?

Your children will be fine with a different last name than you. Yet it’s more important that your name reflects who YOU are. If you are no longer resonating with your ex-partners last name, you might consider changing your name back to your birth name, or create a new name that reflects who you are now!

Changing your name for wealth or status

There are many numerologists who will tell you that changing your name will bring you more wealth and success. That can be true, yet there are many, many factors involved with that. Usually when that is the case, you are already on the path toward more abundance and success because you have changed your inner world – you have done the necessary healing of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs for you to create a more prosperous life for yourself. In those cases, you FEEL your birth name no longer reflects your energy, and you can divine a name that’s more in alignment with your higher frequency.

Yet, changing your name can not do this by itself. It can bring new energy in your life, yet you must be in alignment body, mind, and spirit for changes to be made in your external world as well.

Remember, love is the strongest vibration in the Universe and can change everything.

Bring love to your name, and love who you are!

Kari Samueals
My intention for you is that you stop​ playing small so you can dream big and live large. You can experience TRUE happiness. You can wake up every morning feeling excited because you are enjoying a life of freedom, sharing your God-given talents that only you can express.Yes, you can have an incredible life. I’d love to show you how. I can help you realize your dreams and live your soul’s purpose.
There’s so much more to you than you ever imagined. We’ve only just begun… 
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