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Master St. Germain: Implants Are Now Being Removed!

Master St. Germain: Implants Are Now Being Removed!

Interview with Master St. Germain

Existential fears, the fear of death or diffuse fears of an uncertain future decrease to the extent that you have been freed from the implants.

Actionism, resistance or struggle are sometimes inevitable, but these are not the tools that bring about the big change. Only the upheaval in you brings the upheaval in the world! The decisive factor is a person's basic vibration, is his average state of mind in everyday life. Despite all the efforts, in the end it depends on the day's consciousness and not on the spiritual flights of fancy in a meditation!

What are implants?

Implants and unconsciously running programs installed in your being of the old days are now deactivated, neutralized and removed. The event happens in the middle of your life, so you don't notice it at first. Imperceptibly, GOD intervenes in the lives of people who have given their consent to it at the soul level. The time for this healing, for this blessing and for this grace has truly arrived.

Traditional implants still have an effect on people's thoughts and feelings.

Implants are invisible subtle grids that create certain vibrational patterns and separate the human being from the luminous cosmic vibration.

These were installed in the human being eons ago to enable incarnated angels on earth to have this kind of experience.

Permitted intervention, unauthorized encroachment!

This intrusion into your DNA is due to extraterrestrial forces and their technology.

In this way, you did not have access to the immanent divine self-consciousness. For thousands of years, you were little more than a pawn of those who knew how to use their power. This intervention was originally planned and permitted in the same way.

This intrusion only became an encroachment when the dark entities decided to continue this manipulation far beyond the permitted time – and this state of affairs is now being cleaned, lifted and ended.

Is it possible to find your way out of a deeply manipulative world and into freedom? This was the challenge you faced. In this way, these implants were taken from life to life as a cellular inheritance and activated when they entered a new life.

Burdened in this way, it was difficult to see through things or to escape the matrix throughout one's life. Over the millennia, this has been reserved for only a few initiates, masters and adepts. To penetrate the thicket of deceptions and to find the true self in this all-encompassing illusion requires the nature of a CHRIST, KRISHNA or BUDDHA.

Today, this situation has changed fundamentally. Today, the time has come for this cosmic game to end on earth irrevocably.

Today, every human being can rise up and break all boundaries of consciousness. This is what our brother Jesus meant when he said, "As I do, you will do also, and much more!"

Even if this waymark of humanity is ignored by the powers that be who want to continue the old game at all costs, it is unchangeable: Your implants will now be removed!

This creates a completely new field of view of things and this leads to orientation within yourself.

3 signs of implant removal:

1.) The first signs of this freedom are that you no longer believe the tall tales of the storytellers of this matrix.

More and more people are turning away from politics, science and the media and are beginning to look for truth and clarity elsewhere.

2.) The second sign that man is coming to his senses is that his own life lies are becoming more and more unbearable, to the point where corrections are inevitable, that is, the inner need for clarity and for a true life is increasing. Compromises are no longer accepted. More and more people are willing to shed their false lives and throw their old concepts overboard.

3.) However, the third and decisive sign that you are now being freed from your implants and programs is the fact that you are beginning to lose your fears. Your fears are diminishing on all levels – even though more fears are being stirred up these days than ever before!

Existential fears, the fear of death or diffuse fears of an uncertain future decrease to the extent that you have been freed from the implants.

Actionism, resistance or struggle are sometimes inevitable, but these are not the tools that bring about the big change. Only the upheaval in you brings the upheaval in the world! The decisive factor is a person's basic vibration, is his average state of mind in everyday life.

Despite all the efforts, in the end it depends on the day's consciousness and not on the spiritual flights of fancy in a meditation!

This is exactly what the removal of implants has an effect on: inert basic energy is transformed into light-filled natural vibration. This is what is happening to you now – restructuring at all links and at all levels.

It doesn't matter if you are aware of this. It happens because your soul has entrusted it to the divine powers of light.

It happens by itself!

For this reason, diseases that previously had little chance of being cured can be cured.

True miracles are now possible, because your thinking and feeling are beginning to change fundamentally. This inner cleansing of thoughts and feelings is the key to freedom – and the greatest gift: it happens by itself!

Like a law of nature, people's blockages are being removed NOW.

Following the divine will, the wrong and restrictive programming is being rewritten, uninstalled or neutralized in people NOW. As a result, fewer and fewer people are impressed by the fear scenarios, as they can no longer be touched by this propaganda in their hearts.

You are on a different level of perception and are inaccessible to vibrational fields, which are seriously different from your natural vibration to ever-increasing extents.


Phenomena such as becoming invisible, the loss of a sense of time or a new perception of space are now becoming more and more noticeable. Often you feel lifted out of time and you can do less and less with the hustle and bustle around you.

This impression arises because you have no electrical resonance field to this level, the connection is cut and so you move in a – in YOUR – new reality and on a – on YOUR – completely different vibrational level.

With each new day you detach yourself a little more from this old, increasingly alien matrix and gradually you gain new perspectives and a completely different perception of – YOUR – life.

A fluid process

This can lead to irritation in the adaptation phase and cause certain insecurities. During this transition of a person from unconscious functioning to fully conscious action, insecurities are quite natural.

As soon as you feel solid spiritual ground beneath your feet, which means that you are sure of your thoughts and feelings, since the implants no longer work, this doubt also ends.

It is a fluid process in which the divine emerges within you – and it happens at your own pace in the way that serves and nurtures you.

The only important thing is to let the process of conversion happen. Your immortal soul has ordained it, and your omnipresent consciousness has decreed it.

That is why the victory of light on this earth is certain, and that is why dark entities have less and less power over humans. What happens invisibly to more and more people today will have a visible impact on the entire development of humanity tomorrow.

The only reality: The quantum leap of human consciousness! And the only thing that counts:

The claim of your divinity.

And this is vividly depicted in this message.

In this way, walk confidently and full of trust in God towards infinity, so that the Infinite One can receive you like a king who has regained his kingdom. MASTER ST. GERMAIN

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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