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Saint Germain: You Are Not A Machine!

Saint Germain: You Are Not A Machine!

Begin your transformational work by embracing your 'NO LONGER FUNCTIONING' and giving yourself the time you need. 

Put yourself in the center! If you are called an egoist, don't be offended, because for someone who cannot read inner processes, you too remain a mystery.

Energetic and electromagnetic loads

JJK: After going to a mall today, which I had to do, I'm totally exhausted now and have quite a headache. It will probably be the same for many people at the moment, that they are just being whirled around by the energetic influences?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: You are currently exposed to incredible energetic and electromagnetic loads. In addition, the pollution of the environment, in the air, in the earth and in the water affects you. Yes, you are and you will be challenged.

What can you do, how can you deal with it?

Be mindful of where you decide to be and when.

If, like Jahn today, you are afflicted by external influences, then go into a quiet healing session with the divine light, with the Ascended Masters and/or the Archangels, as soon as you are able. Ask for the alien energies to be removed and it will be done. You can also do this during sleep phases.

If you fall into bed tired, ask for the light and love of God - it can and will happen. Healing is always possible, there is no such thing as incurable.

JJK: It doesn't really want to work out for me today. I'm still a bit numb even though I've been meditating and "having a nap"?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Sometimes it takes time before certain energies say goodbye completely. This is the case for you today because you have gone through massive energetic processes in the past 48 hours and were still open to certain influences today. Wherever a needy human being looked at you today, you energetically extended an invitation. What you rarely do, you did today to a large extent and so many energies could reach you.

This is a natural process during the work of transformation and shifting of energies. It will take some time before the new status can be established.

JJK: What new status?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: A new level of compassion and love - the next level has been reached, it is expanding more and more within you.

Love you for that...

Beloved people,
all of you are currently in transformation processes. As the earth changes, so do you. Great upheavals are happening on all levels of your being and these very often lead to tiredness, powerlessness, depression - even to exhaustion. Accept these conditions and do not judge yourself for them! Self-love is the key here.

Especially the people who used to function like machines can feel worthless and useless because of this.

Question the relevant patterns and beliefs and get to the bottom of the blockages!

You don't have to prove anything to anyone, nobody asks anything of you, unless you educate yourself and convince yourself. The time has come to treat yourself with care and love.

The old can, will and must go so that the new can emerge.

Begin your transformational work by embracing your NO LONGER FUNCTIONING and giving yourself the time you need. Put yourself in the center! If you are called an egoist, don't be offended, because for someone who cannot read inner processes, you too remain a mystery.

Your transformation is happening now. Surrender to it and be aware: your old life on the hamster wheel, as a robot among robots, is over. Again you become what you are - a human being in his full bloom.

With infinite love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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